What's the difference between forewit and precaution?



  • (n.) A leader, or would-be leader, in matters of knowledge or taste.
  • (n.) Foresight; prudence.

Example Sentences:



  • (n.) Previous caution or care; caution previously employed to prevent mischief or secure good; as, his life was saved by precaution.
  • (n.) A measure taken beforehand to ward off evil or secure good or success; a precautionary act; as, to take precautions against accident.
  • (v. t.) To warn or caution beforehand.
  • (v. t.) To take precaution against.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This paper details the circumstances of some of the cases and cites precautions to be taken in the use of this therapeutic mode.
  • (2) Both methods appear useful at routine neurological examination if certain measuring precautions are taken.
  • (3) Strict precautions are necessary to prevent the catastrophic events resulting from inadvertent gentamicin injection; such precautions should include precise labeling of all injectable solutions on the surgical field, waiting to draw up injectable antibiotics until the time they are needed, and drawing up injectable antibiotics under direct physician observation.
  • (4) Indications of precautions to be taken are defined and suggestions are drawn up whereby residual laxity in extension may be limited.
  • (5) An anonymous survey was conducted in order to examine compliance with universal precautions in the Department of Pediatrics at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois.
  • (6) Because flow and velocity are related, it is possible to estimate flow from velocity measurements with careful calibration and proper precautions.
  • (7) The precautions in the interpretation, the interest and the sensitiveness of the electroimmunodiffusion techniques are exposed.
  • (8) When the identification of these categories of patient would be particularly difficult, the precautions should be applied to all patients, in situations of high risk for inoculation incidents.
  • (9) In this paper, these and related facts were summarized and some precautions were suggested to lessen the increase of resistant strains in this country.
  • (10) Careful review of the indications for examination, previous radiographs, and clinical history will identify many of the patients at greater risk for complications so that appropriate precautions may be observed.
  • (11) It allows pieces of bone from cadavers to be harvested several hours after death, without special aseptic precautions.
  • (12) It is emphasized that the effective use of protective equipment must go hand in hand with safe handling precautions and the adoption of good personal hygiene.
  • (13) The notable fact was that this complication occurred in three patients hospitalized before treatment began, with whom particularly strict therapeutic precautions were taken, i.e., initial dose less than 10 mg of DEC, very gradual dose increases, and associated anti-allergic treatment.
  • (14) The recent wave of attacks has put the city in the grip of a toxic anxiety, with parents keeping children away from school, restaurants and public places empty and residents taking a variety of precautions not seen since the height of the second intifada.
  • (15) Precautions such as avoidance and the possession (and use) of epinephrine can decrease the incidence and severity of such reactions.
  • (16) lymphnodes and even eyes of patients with HIV-Infection, but requires precaution and control with respect to contamination.
  • (17) The recommended breach of confidentiality applies only to cases that meet all of the following criteria: (1) A patient knows that he or she has a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive blood test and has been informed of AIDS-related safety precautions, (2) the HIV-positive patient has a mental disorder, and (3) it is reasonable to believe that the mental disorder has significantly impaired or may significantly impair the patient's ability and behavior to follow AIDS-related safety precautions.
  • (18) The following article details the established control measures, and emphasizes the importance of implementing a permanent program which includes serological screening, policies for disinfection of machines, dialyzers, and environmental surfaces inside the unit, as well as general precautions for blood and other body fluids.
  • (19) The state of immunity against tetanus of these patients was found to be extremely low, only 9% being fully immunized, and 56% having never received a course of prophylactic adsorbed tetanus toxoid.While prevention is obviously the only real solution to accidents of any nature, legislation is not enough to achieve this, and the final responsibility lies with the farmworker to ensure that all safety precautions are followed.
  • (20) An asymmetrical approach had to be adopted in almost any case to accomodate to the precautions required in the surgical treatment of the anomaly as well as to the demands on fracture management.

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