What's the difference between forward and swifter?



  • (n.) An agreement; a covenant; a promise.
  • (adv.) Alt. of Forwards
  • (a.) Near, or at the fore part; in advance of something else; as, the forward gun in a ship, or the forward ship in a fleet.
  • (a.) Ready; prompt; strongly inclined; in an ill sense, overready; to hasty.
  • (a.) Ardent; eager; earnest; in an ill sense, less reserved or modest than is proper; bold; confident; as, the boy is too forward for his years.
  • (a.) Advanced beyond the usual degree; advanced for season; as, the grass is forward, or forward for the season; we have a forward spring.
  • (v. t.) To help onward; to advance; to promote; to accelerate; to quicken; to hasten; as, to forward the growth of a plant; to forward one in improvement.
  • (v. t.) To send forward; to send toward the place of destination; to transmit; as, to forward a letter.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Nucleotide, which is essential for catalysis, greatly enhances the binding of IpOHA by the reductoisomerase, with NADPH (normally present during the enzyme's rearrangement step, i.e., conversion of a beta-keto acid into an alpha-keto acid, in either the forward or reverse physiological reactions) being more effective than NADP.
  • (2) Video games specialist Game was teetering on the brink of collapse on Friday after a rescue deal put forward by private equity firm OpCapita appeared to have been given the cold shoulder by lenders who are owed more than £100m.
  • (3) Robben said: "We've got that match, the Fifa Club World Cup, all those games to look forward to.
  • (4) Of the five committees asked to develop bills, four have completed their work, and the Senate Finance Committee announced today that it will move forward next week.
  • (5) The aim of the present study was to bring forward data of acceptance of dental treatment for 3-16-yr-old children in a population with good dental health and annual dental care, and to evaluate the influence on acceptance of age, sex, residential area, and previous experience and present need of dental treatment.
  • (6) Furthermore, experiments with the fluorescence-activated cell sorter revealed increased forward light scatter from resting exudate PMN compared to blood PMN.
  • (7) We are pleased to see the process moving forward and look forward to its resolution,” a Target spokeswoman, Molly Snyder, said in an emailed statement.
  • (8) The conus was found to contribute little to forward flow under ordinary circumstances, but its contribution increased greatly during bleeding or partial occlusion of the truncus.
  • (9) Genetical analysis revealed that resistance to trimethoprim resulted from forward mutations at separate loci rather than back mutations of rad 6 or rad 18 alleles.
  • (10) We put forward the hypothesis that the agglutinability in acriflavine, together with the PAGE profile type II, may be associated with particular structures responsible for virulence.
  • (11) While there has been almost no political reform during their terms of office, there have been several ambitious steps forward in terms of environmental policy: anti-desertification campaigns; tree planting; an environmental transparency law; adoption of carbon targets; eco-services compensation; eco accounting; caps on water; lower economic growth targets; the 12th Five-Year Plan; debate and increased monitoring of PM2.5 [fine particulate matter] and huge investments in eco-cities, "clean car" manufacturing, public transport, energy-saving devices and renewable technology.
  • (12) We now look forward to a judicial process which will apply impartial analysis and clear legal standards."
  • (13) Now he can look forward to a rookie contract worth millions.
  • (14) The M(r) values for all fractions and the relative electrophoretic mobility in the forward direction were determined.
  • (15) Enright said: “We call on the home secretary and chair of IICSA [the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse] to engage actively and urgently to find a way forward that secures the confidence of survivors and provides the inquiry’s legal team with the resources and support they need to deliver justice and truth that survivors deserve.” Stein said his clients were “deeply disatisfied” with aspects of how the inquiry had been conducted but called for Emmerson to stay, adding: “I urge the home secretary to seek to find a way in which his valuable contribution can be maintained”.
  • (16) This movement generates forward and backward shearing force in the stagnation region as the separated flow migrates back and forth.
  • (17) The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the effects of the leg during swing and stance phases of forward propulsion of the body for both men and women.
  • (18) By using increased feed-forward gain in a sampled-data control model we simulated the pattern of macrosaccadic oscillation.
  • (19) Rather than being deterred, the Serbs drove forward with tanks, infantry and heavy artillery.
  • (20) This workshop highlighted the progress that has been made since 1909, the year that Ignatowski put forward that animal proteins in the diet can induce atherosclerosis in rabbits.



  • (n.) A rope used to retain the bars of the capstan in their sockets while men are turning it.
  • (n.) A rope used to encircle a boat longitudinally, to strengthen and defend her sides.
  • (n.) The forward shroud of a lower mast.
  • (v. t.) To tighten, as slack standing rigging, by bringing the opposite shrouds nearer.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But the vulnerability of payday loan clients cries out for something swifter and clearer.
  • (2) These results show that 90Y pituitary implants have a cumulative effect over the years in inducing remission and hypopituitarism in acromegalic patients, the early decline in GH levels being swifter than from other forms of irradiation.
  • (3) Greenhalgh said London had experienced a fall in crime, but was suffering greater delays in the courts: “With fewer defendants, we should be seeing swifter justice, but we are not.” Greenhalgh said one powerful person driving the three key arms of the justice system would help on issues such as tackling the 5,000 persistent offenders who cause the most harm in London: “For the victim its not three separate agencies,”, said Greenhalgh, who also wants devolution of the youth justice system and, eventually, the probation service.
  • (4) Instead, her government announced that it would establish up to five “reception centres” inside Germany for the swifter processing of asylum claims and the prompt deportation of those with little chance of obtaining refugee status, mainly people from the Balkans.
  • (5) We have the tools and the technology to cut unnecessary paperwork, to deliver swifter justice and to make the experience more straightforward.
  • (6) A single injection of diaminopropane produced an extremely rapid decay of liver ornithine decarboxylase activity (half-life about 12min), which was comparable with, or swifter than, that induced by cycloheximide.
  • (7) The advantages of this alternate technique are that it requires only one insertion, it is a swifter procedure, it does not require the injection of dye, and it offers positive proof of tapping the two gestational sacs.
  • (8) This risks demonstrating to all nations that force is a swifter way to achieve your objectives than dialogue and rule of law.
  • (9) Police and health experts also want more accurate and swifter data from sources such as hospitals and medical examiners’ offices about non-fatal and fatal overdoses involving heroin, to identify acute drug problems or how emergency responders are dealing with the public, he said.
  • (10) Triazolam and zopiclone had similar effects, but zopiclone seemed to have a faster onset of action, probably indicating swifter absorption in supine subjects.
  • (11) That position is backed by many Seattle business owners, although some favour a swifter introduction on the grounds that it will stimulate the local economy while others are opposed to any increase.
  • (12) Internally it will allow swifter decision-making and better cross-platform working.
  • (13) Also, the replacement of PCs will be swifter than the rate of their penetration."
  • (14) We have one of the best legal systems in the world and are investing over £700m to reform and digitise our courts to deliver swifter justice.
  • (15) Questions of methodology are addressed which apply to all studies of E use and EC; these include suspicions that women under treatment with E receive swifter diagnoses of carcinoma, the misclassification of E-related hyperplasia, and the treatment of early symptoms of the tumor with E.
  • (16) Addressing Congressional leaders who are demanding swifter progress against Isis, Carter said on Tuesday that the troops would be based in Iraq but will have the capability to carry out raids across the border.
  • (17) Abbott said: "Under those assessment bilaterals the states will do all the assessment work and we hope that in the not-too-distant future we will have approvals bilaterals in place which will mean the states will not only do the assessment but will also do the approvals.” The prime minister said the new regime will mean “the same high standard of environmental approval but much less red and green tape, much less paperwork for the applicant and a much swifter outcome we hope, which means more investment and more jobs."
  • (18) The stapler, compared with conventional manual sutures, allows a simpler and swifter suture of the bronchial stump, reduces the contamination of the operative field, achieves uniform and tighter closure of the bronchus, leaves a better preserved terminal blood perfusion of the stump and utilizes a more tolerated sewing material with less resultant tissue inflammation.
  • (19) The UK’s ambassador to Washington, Kim Darroch, has previously argued that a UK-US free trade agreement would be swifter to achieve than TTIP, which has not yet been completed after three and a half years of negotiations, because agricultural policy is less of a hurdle in the UK.
  • (20) And while it is true that it all feels shinier and swifter than in the days before privatisation, that was after years of under investment.

Words possibly related to "swifter"