What's the difference between foulmart and polecat?
Example Sentences:
(n.) A small European carnivore of the Weasel family (Putorius foetidus). Its scent glands secrete a substance of an exceedingly disagreeable odor. Called also fitchet, foulmart, and European ferret.
(n.) The zorilla. The name is also applied to other allied species.
Example Sentences:
(1) The results suggest that in male polecats, changes in absolute food intake induce seasonal changes in body weight.
(2) An ELISA was developed using staphylococcal protein A linked with horseradish peroxidase for detecting IgG antibody of rabies virus in human and carnivore sera (80 human, 270 fox, 40 cat, 35 marten, 5 badger and 4 polecat sera were tested in the present work).
(3) A review of the literature yielded reports of 83 other tumours in domestic ferrets, black-footed ferrets and European polecats.
(4) The main host of the hedgehog flea is the European hedgehog, but the flea was also found in different furry mammals, such as polecats, brown rats and foxes.
(5) Polecats which were subjected to the experimental photoperiods completed more molting cycles and underwent more photoperiod-induced changes in body weight than those in the control group.
(6) DNA reassociation kinetics were studied in the European mink (Mustela lutreola), the American mink (M. vison), the marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna).
(7) Vaginal cytology and vulva size were used to characterize the reproductive cycle of female black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes), Siberian polecats (M. eversmanni), and domestic ferrets (M. putorius furo).
(8) An analysis of seasonal changes in energy budget of the farmed polecat (Mustela putorius) was performed in subarctic climate.
(9) Vocalizations of African weasels (Poecilogale albinucha) and polecats (Ictonyx striatus) were tape recorded and analysed sonagraphically.
(10) Eight domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) and two Siberian polecats (M. eversmanni) were inoculated subcutaneously with 12 to 1.2 x 10(7) Yersinia pestis originally isolated during an epizootic of plague in white-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys leucurus) near Meeteetse, Park County, Wyoming (USA) in 1985.
(11) Vaginal cytology is extremely useful in the reproductive management of black-footed ferrets and Siberian polecats.
(12) Body weight of male polecats was highest in winter.
(13) Eight domestic ferrets readily accepted neonatal polecat kits and 5 successfully reared kits, although kit survival was quite poor.
(14) Ammonia concentrations were measured in the nests of farmed raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes-procyonoides Gray, 1834) and polecats (Mustela putorius) at weaning time.
(15) Liver weight of both male and female polecats was significantly higher in winter than in summer.
(16) No marked seasonal changes in body weight of female polecats, or raccoon dogs of both sexes were found.
(17) A total of 395 wild animals represented by 12 species have been studied over the 1972-1975 period for the presence of sarcosporidia--wild swine, does, hares, jackals, foxes, wild cats, polecats, rats, forest mice, and weasels killed in various regions of the district of Bourgas.
(18) Observations carried out on 106 polecat brains showed that the system of basilar arteries of the brain is similar to those in other cornivorous species.