(v. t.) A part broken off; a small, detached portion; an imperfect part; as, a fragment of an ancient writing.
Example Sentences:
(1) The nucleotide sequence of a 2.2-kb DNA fragment which contains the complete RAD7 gene was determined.
(2) In the second approach, attachment sites of DTPA groups were directed away from the active region of the molecule by having fragment E1,2 bound in complex, with its active sites protected during the derivatization.
(3) The Fc fragment of this protein reacted with and was solubilized by the staphylococcal A protein which also precipitated the intact immunoglobulin.
(4) In order to determine the extent of this similarity, I have developed a panel of probes for many of the Pacl restriction fragments and have shown that most of the Pacl and Notl fragments found in MBa are also present in MBb.
(5) Under milder trypsin digestion conditions three resistant fragments were produced from the free protein.
(6) Five of them had a fast-moving Eco RI fragment 5.6 kb long that hybridized with zeta-specific probe but not with alpha-specific probe.
(7) Comparative data for the fragments from RNAs 1, 2, and 3 show that they have nearly the same sequence as the RNA 4 fragment.
(8) A sperm whale myoglobin gene containing multiple unique restriction sites has been constructed in pUC 18 by sequential assembly of chemically synthesized oligonucleotide fragments.
(9) Urine specimens from patient REE also contained a light chain fragment that lacked the first (amino-terminal) 85 residues of the native light chain but otherwise was identical in sequence to the light chain REE.
(10) Northern hybridization analysis of R. toruloides RNA with a restriction fragment encoding part of the PAL gene indicates that PAL mRNA is 2.5 kilobases in length.
(11) The method of sonicating L3 and Mf fragment antigens used in this study is simple, and its results are easy to observe.
(12) Benzyloxycarbonylarginine p-nitrophenyl ester and other activated esters of N-a-sustituted arginine salts may be useful reagents for introduction of trypsin-labile protecting groups into peptide fragments for purpose of polypeptide semi-synthesis.
(13) The 6.6-kb DNA Bam HI fragment containing the resistance gene was cloned with the plasmid vector pIJ699.
(14) It was found that these Hageman factor fragments promoted rapid proteolysis of one-chain factor VII to a more active two-chain form.
(15) Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were studied in a large Algerian family which includes 6 haemophiliacs and a previously described case of female haemophilia A.
(16) A 2.7-kilobase DNA fragment carrying the entire exotoxin A (ETA) structural gene was divided into three nonoverlapping probes.
(17) A 6.4 kilobase C4B-5'-specific Taq I fragment usually provided a reliable guide to the presence of a C4A deletion but unusually in one instance this fragment was found to be a marker of a functioning C4A gene.
(18) The method involves the use of a monoclonal antibody fragment mixture that binds to platelets.
(19) Three distinct antigenic regions of bovine somatotropin (bST) were identified on the basis of the ability of a set of monoclonal antibodies to bind to proteolytic fragments and deletion variants of recombinant bST (rbST) in Western blot analyses.
(20) The coding sequence for Spirulina platensis acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS, EC is shown to be contained within a 4.2 Kb ClaI fragment (ilvX) that has been cloned from a recombinant lambda library.
(n.) To split or rend into long, thin pieces; to shiver; as, the lightning splinters a tree.
(n.) To fasten or confine with splinters, or splints, as a broken limb.
(v. i.) To become split into long pieces.
(n.) A thin piece split or rent off lengthwise, as from wood, bone, or other solid substance; a thin piece; a sliver; as, splinters of a ship's mast rent off by a shot.
Example Sentences:
(1) As the Democrats have often found in the US, when they have tried to construct rainbow coalitions out of class- and colour-defined blocs of the population, groups that can be counted on wholesale in theory often splinter into individuals that it may not be possible to count on at all.
(2) A splinter group of the nationalist National Liberation Front of Corsica had made a statement warning extremists that any attack on the island would trigger “a determined response, without any qualms”.
(3) Oleg Konstantinov, editor of local news site dumskaya.net, who was in hospital with gunshot wounds to his back and leg, and splinter wounds in his arm, said he had sent most of his reporters home for the two-day holiday.
(4) His National Congress party (NCP) feels sufficiently confident that it is not contesting 30% of the parliamentary seats, as an inducement to the splinter parties and smaller movements it has convinced to run in these elections.
(5) A patient with acute Leber's optic neuropathy had a large splinter retinal hemorrhage noted after he had strained to install fire hydrants.
(6) An elevated RP accumulation at the ends of the bone splinters was found from the 1st day after fracture.
(7) Splinter haemorrhages, hypocalcaemia and evidence of renal dysfunction were absent.
(8) The conclusion was drawn that the sciatic nerve is angulated at the osteotomy and further endangered by the risk of bone splintering at the sciatic notch.
(9) His power only grew after La Familia splintered, giving rise to the Knights Templar in 2011.
(10) In either case the chip waste also contains plenty of fine and finest compact chips which are broken off and splinter during the removal or knocking-off of the chips from solid bone.
(11) The various types of corticotomy, each with its own special purpose, include transverse or oblique, longitudinal, "splinter," and partial.
(12) Less than 24 hours after the murder, which many in Derry are blaming on the New IRA – an alliance of dissident republican splinter groups – the PSNI issued a description of Kieran McLaughlin.
(13) Extracts of Fernambouc splinters were made for serological testing.
(14) Last week a Taliban splinter group calling itself Asian Tigers executed Khalid Khawaja , a jihadi sympathiser it was holding hostage and accused of spying for the US and the Pakistani military.
(15) Iraq's "very future" will be determined in the coming days, the most senior US diplomat, John Kerry , said on Monday as he urged the country's feuding leaders to form a government and confront the jihadist surge currently splintering the country.
(16) Police inspector Mozammel Hoque said most of the injured were hit by bomb splinters but none was in critical condition.
(17) He wanted to check whether the abrasions and secondary wounds found on Steenkamp's body could have bee caused by wood splinters from the door.
(18) The duration of splinter hemorrhages ranged between six and 30 years.
(19) It can be shown that stone splinters do not injure the kidney tissue, but liquid jets generated by oscillating cavitation bubbles lead to tissue damage.
(20) Both excised lesions were abscesses, with associated granulomatous inflammation, fibrosis, and plant splinters.