(n.) The work of framing, or the completed work; the frame or constructional part of anything; as, the framework of society.
(n.) Work done in, or by means of, a frame or loom.
Example Sentences:
(1) We have examined overlapping octapeptides from the kappa IIIb light chain variable region and show that some framework peptides have the ability to bind aggregated IgG.
(2) Neal’s evidence to the committee said Future Fund staff were not subject to the public service bargaining framework, which links any pay rise to productivity increases and caps rises at 1.5%.
(3) Nice (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) has also published new guidance on good patient experience that provides a strong framework on which to build good engagement practice.
(4) "We have determined that an unprecedented framework has been established, where an organisation that can make decisions at a national level ... will be at the forefront of the investigations," Abe said.
(5) Two different approaches were developed within the framework of Relational LABCOM to address both the intermediate and long-term storage of data.
(6) The paper develops a model as a framework for monitoring the course of the program through the policy cycle and recommends that the policy process be considered as dynamic, interactive, and evolutionary.
(7) We have operated within the policy and regulatory framework set out by the Commonwealth government.
(8) These findings provide a framework for future investigations of our congenital syphilis model.
(9) We interpreted these results within an attributional framework that emphasizes the salience of upsetting events within a social network.
(10) Given that patient preferences constitute a central concept within the framework of HRQL, further empirical evaluation of utility measures of preference is fundamental to improving the HRQL measurement tool-kit.
(11) Different techniques for attaching the gold cylinders to the frameworks were used.
(12) The interface between these nutritional factors and the normal regulation of vascular smooth muscle is discussed, providing a theoretical framework in which to assess the current information and to formulate the necessary future research.
(13) We found that in the patient's view an adequate result requires establishment of a proper lip sphincter--either by restoring muscular tone, or by creating an anatomical framework to which can be added either a motor unit or stabilization to aid the opposite intact muscle.
(14) Comparison of the main coding sequence of this gene to another member of this subgroup reveals germline sequence differences that occur not only in complementarity determining regions but also in framework regions.
(15) Designing and fabricating the metallic framework for a fixed partial denture requires planning and an understanding of what is desired in the final form.
(16) The primary myosymplasts serve as a framework along which the myoblasts move and participate in the myofibrilles formation.
(17) In stage I, a tympanoplasty is performed before transplantation of the carved cartilage framework.
(18) With the City's regulatory framework being tightened by the coalition government, which is disbanding the FSA and handing control of bank oversight to the Bank of England , there is concern in London that the US politicians are being opportunistic.
(19) Full integration of professional activities from training to education is accomplished within the framework of Emergency Medical Services.
(20) To overcome some of these problems it is suggested that an investigation of lay evaluation of health care should be carried out within a conceptual framework which incorporates the following elements.
(n.) The act of instructing, teaching, or furnishing with knowledge; information.
(n.) That which instructs, or with which one is instructed; the intelligence or information imparted
(n.) Precept; information; teachings.
(n.) Direction; order; command.
Example Sentences:
(1) He stressed the importance of the motivation to the mother for breast feeding and the independence between levels of instruction and frequency of breast feeding.
(2) The purposes of this study were to locate games and simulations available for nursing education, to categorize these materials to make them more accessible for nurse educators, and to determine how nursing's use of instructional games might be enhanced.
(3) and (4) Compared to the instruction provided by instructors from other medical and academic disciplines, do paediatric residents perceive differences in the teaching efficacy and clinical relevance of instruction provided by paediatricians?
(4) In Experiment II, identification training, consisting of instructions, praise, feedback, and practice was introduced after baseline.
(5) When we arrived, he would instruct us to spend the morning composing a song or a poem, or inventing a joke or a charade.
(6) This study examined the extent to which normal learners identified as cognitively rigid could use alternate strategies when instructed to do so.
(7) Two different mental stressors were used: a mental arithmetic task with low stimulus intensity and one with high stimulus intensity characterised by more challenging instructions, a more competitive situation, and exposure to affective noise.
(8) We conclude that the use of the multi-point calibration procedure presented in this article (based on calibration according to the instructions of the manufacturer and NCCLS EP-9P) greatly improves the intra-laboratory comparability and therefore should be part of multi-centre evaluations.
(9) The students were instructed to give up the discussion if they were convinced that the partner's position was a better solution.
(10) Patients should be carefully instructed in the optimal use of metered-dose inhalers, and some patients may benefit from use of tube-spacers.
(11) An investigation carried out over a period of two years demonstrated how these skills may be acquired using single sensory and bisensory modes of instruction.
(12) While the high sophistication subjects rated the interpretation as accurate across validity conditions, the low sophistication subjects rated the interpretation according to the validity instructions they received.
(13) We initiated a program of telephone CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) instruction provided by emergency dispatchers to increase the percentage of bystander-initiated CPR for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
(14) This study compared one particular interview question to a pill-count measure by studying 98 patients who visited their family physician, received medication instructions, and were interviewed in their homes ten days later.
(15) Five particular precedents stand out as instructive for informing contemporary policy responses in Europe and globally.
(16) A Rhesus monkey was trained to discriminate between 2 acoustic signals, preceded by visual cues, that instructed which of 2 movements to make.
(17) Results indicate that special instruction was responsible for improved understanding of the underlying disease and also improved compliance with physicians' prescriptions.
(18) To help overcome this problem, a stereoscopic slide-based auto-instructional program has been developed as a substitute for dissection.
(19) The management of painful, upper-limb disorders by 34 general practitioners (GPs) was examined 3 months before and 3 months after personal instruction of GPs by a consultant rheumatologist.
(20) Verbal feedback training consisted of instructing the patient to squeeze the vaginal muscles around the examiner's fingers and providing her with verbal performance feedback.