What's the difference between frequency and incidence?



  • (n.) The condition of returning frequently; occurrence often repeated; common occurence; as, the frequency of crimes; the frequency of miracles.
  • (n.) A crowd; a throng.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The typical findings have been related to their anatomical localisation and frequency.
  • (2) It was shown that delta F508 frequency of CF-patients was 59.2%, the frequencies of S5491, G551D and K533X were about 1%.
  • (3) Neutrons induced a dose-dependent cytotoxicity and mutation frequency in the AL cells.
  • (4) The frequency of rare fragile sites was studied among 240 children in special schools for subnormal intelligence (IQ 52-85).
  • (5) Increased infusion flow rate did not increase the limiting frequency.
  • (6) Large gender differences were found in the correlations between the RAS, CR, run frequency, and run duration with the personality, mood, and locus of control scores.
  • (7) As prolongation of the action potential by TEA facilitates preferentially the hormone release evoked by low (ineffective) frequencies, it is suggested that a frequency-dependent broadening of action potentials which reportedly occurs on neurosecretory neurones may play an important role in the frequency-dependent facilitation of hormone release from the rat neurohypophysis.
  • (8) The main result of the correspondence analysis is a geometric map of this relationship showing how the relative frequencies of headache types change with age.
  • (9) This exploratory survey of 100 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was conducted (1) to learn about the types and frequencies of disability law-related problems encountered as a result of having RA, and (2) to assess the respective relationships between the number of disability law-related problems reported and the patients' sociodemographic and RA disease characteristics.
  • (10) The frequency of gastric malignancies in the families of the women with gastric polyps was higher than in the controls and in men, 6.2, 3.1 and 2.4 percent, respectively (p less than 0.05, and p less than 0.025).
  • (11) There was no important difference in the frequency of HLA-A,B,C, and DR antigens between patients and controls.
  • (12) The high frequency of increased PCV number in San, S.A. Negroes and American Negroes is in keeping with the view that the Khoisan peoples (here represented by the San), the Southern African Negroes and the African ancestors of American Blacks sprang from a common proto-negriform stock.
  • (13) The decline in the frequency of serious complications was primarily due to a decrease in the proportion of patients with open fractures treated with plate osteosynthesis from nearly 50% to 19%.
  • (14) Thus, successful thrombolysis decreases the frequency of ventricular ectopic activity and late potentials in the early postinfarction phase.
  • (15) Such a need has occurred in New York City, where schistosomiasis, with its protean manifestations has been seen with increasing frequency.
  • (16) The types, frequency, and clinical features of neoplasms encountered in the perinatal period are markedly different from those observed in older children and adolescents.
  • (17) This transient paresis was accompanied by a dramatic fall in the MFCV concomitant with a shift of the power spectrum to the lower frequencies.
  • (18) Their receptive fields comprise a temporally and spatially linear mechanism (center plus antagonistic surround) that responds to relatively low spatial frequency stimuli, and a temporally nonlinear mechanism, coextensive with the linear mechanism, that--though broad in extent--responds best to high spatial-frequency stimuli.
  • (19) Each test was examined by the frequency with which it was ordered, the frequency with which it was abnormal, and the frequency with which the abnormal result affected preoperative care.
  • (20) Right hemisphere inactivation caused a decrease in the frequency of lateral hypothalamus self-stimulation, whereas with left hemisphere inactivation it increased, which testifies to right hemisphere dominance in self-stimulation reaction.



  • (n.) A falling on or upon; an incident; an event.
  • (n.) The direction in which a body, or a ray of light or heat, falls on any surface.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) By 1978, the reduction in incidence of measles will exceed 90%.
  • (2) The cumulative incidence of grade II and III acute GVHD in the 'low dose' cyclosporin group was 42% compared to 51% in the 'standard dose' group (P = 0.60).
  • (3) Children of smoking mothers had an 18.0 per cent cumulative incidence of post-infancy wheezing through 10 years of age, compared with 16.2 per cent among children of nonsmoking mothers (risk ratio 1.11, 95% CI: 1.02, 1.21).
  • (4) In X-irradiated litters, almost invariably, the incidence of anophthalmia was higher in exencephalic than in nonexencephalic embryos and the ratio of these incidences (relative risk) decreased toward 1 with increasing dose.
  • (5) A commensurate rise in both smoking and adenocarcinoma has occurred in the Far East where the incidence rate (40%) is twice that of North America or Europe.
  • (6) Side effect incidence in patients treated with the paracetamol-sobrerol combination (3.7%) was significantly lower than that observed in subjects treated with paracetamol (6.1% - P less than 0.01), salicylics (25.1% - P less than 0.001), pyrazolics (12.6% - P less than 0.001), propionics (20.3%, P less than 0.001) or other antipyretics (17.9% - P less than 0.001).
  • (7) Time-series analysis and multiple-regression modeling procedures were used to characterize changes in the overall incidence rate over the study period and to describe the contribution of additional measures to the dynamics of the incidence rates.
  • (8) Factors associated with higher incidence of rejection included loose sutures, traumatic wound dehiscence, and grafts larger than 8.5 mm.
  • (9) In a random sample of 1,000 neonates from a Delhi Hospital the incidence of jaundice was 53% and of hyperbilirubinaemia (HB) 6%.
  • (10) Peak incidence is found among 40 to 49-year-old and 60 to 64-year-old women.
  • (11) The high incidence of infant astigmatism has implications for critical periods in human visual development and for infant acuity.
  • (12) In all, 207 cases of liver cancer were seen during this period, giving an incidence of rupture of 14.5%.
  • (13) Serial observations of blood pressure after unilateral adrenalectomy for aldosterone-producing adenoma revealed an incidence of hypotension (systolic BP less than fifth percentile for age- and sex-matched normal population) of 27% at 2 years, more than 5 times that predicted.
  • (14) He also deals with the incidence, conservative and surgical treatment of osteo-arthrosis in old age and with the possibilities of its prevention.
  • (15) We have not had another incidence of fetal scalp infection associated with intrapartum monitoring.
  • (16) The most important conclusion of both conferences was that oestrogen substitution can significantly reduce the incidence of fractures in postmenopausal women.
  • (17) We investigated the incidence of skin cancer among patients who received high doses of PUVA to see whether such incidence increased.
  • (18) In addition, recent increase of the annual incidence of the above both groups was clarified.
  • (19) We found that, although controlled release delivery of ddC inhibited de novo FeLV-FAIDS replication and delayed onset of viremia when therapy was discontinued (after 3 weeks), an equivalent incidence and level of viremia were established rapidly in both ddC-treated and control cats.
  • (20) We studied the effect of low-dose intrathecal morphine (0.00-0.20 mg) on pain relief and the incidence of side effects after cholecystectomy in 139 patients divided into eight groups according to intrathecal morphine dose: groups 1 (0.00 mg), 2 (0.04 mg), 3 (0.06 mg), 4 (0.08 mg), 5 (0.10 mg), 6 (0.12 mg), 7 (0.15 mg), and 8 (0.20 mg).