What's the difference between fucoid and mucoid?



  • (a.) Properly, belonging to an order of alga: (Fucoideae) which are blackish in color, and produce oospores which are not fertilized until they have escaped from the conceptacle. The common rockweeds and the gulfweed (Sargassum) are fucoid in character.
  • (a.) In a vague sense, resembling seaweeds, or of the nature of seaweeds.
  • (n.) A plant, whether recent or fossil, which resembles a seaweed. See Fucoid, a.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Our experience with the fucoid egg and the fungal hypha of Achlya suggest that it is the change in the intracellular ion concentration resulting from the ionic current that is critical for morphogenesis.
  • (2) It has been first used to reveal and study 100-s long current pulses which developing fucoid embryos drive through themselves.
  • (3) By far the strongest cases for a direct role of ionic currents in morphogenesis is the polarizing fucoid egg where the current is carried in part by Ca2+ and generates an intracellular concentration gradient of this ion that orients the outgrowth, and the insect follicle in which an intracellular voltage gradient is responsible for the polarized transport from nurse cell to oocyte.
  • (4) A calcium current appears to be important during cell polarization in fucoid zygotes (K.R.
  • (5) Experiments on polarizing fucoid eggs indicate that they drive a steady calcium ion current through themselves as they establish a developmental axis.
  • (6) In exploratory studies, we have used this device to map and measure the patterns of calcium currents that cross the surface of growing fucoid eggs and tobacco pollen, moving amebae and Dictyostelium slugs, recently fertilized ascidian eggs, as well as nurse cells of Sarcophaga follicles.
  • (7) Fertilization in the brown marine algae known as fucoids, is oogamous.
  • (8) Thus, fucoid eggs have an electrical fast block against polyspermy.
  • (9) We determined the distribution of F-actin in fucoid (Pelvetia, Fucus) embryos with nitrobenzoxadiazole-phallacidin, and studied the effect of cytochalasin upon the endogenous currents associated with cell polarization by using the vibrating probe.
  • (10) Fertilization potentials in Pelvetia fastigiata, Fucus vesiculosus, and Fucus ceranoides were studied to examine whether eggs of fucoid algae have an electrical block against polyspermy.
  • (11) Nonfertilizing fucoid sperm swim away from the egg surface by 1-3 min after rise of the fertilization potential.
  • (12) By using a sensitive 45Ca2+ overlay method designed to detect high-affinity calcium-binding proteins, at least 9-11 polypeptides were detected in extracts of fucoid gametes and zygotes.
  • (13) The diversity of vectorial physiology and of the forms it generates is illustrated by examples: apical growth of fungal hyphae, bud formation in yeasts, germination of fucoid zygotes, and development of cells of Nitella, Closterium, and other unicellular algae.
  • (14) Zygotes of fucoid algae have long been studied as a paradigm for cell polarity.
  • (15) The polarity of fucoid eggs is fixed either when tip growth starts or a bit earlier.



  • (a.) Resembling mucus.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Earlier recognition of foul-smelling mucoid discharge on the IUD tail, or abnormal bleeding, or both, as a sign of early pelvic infection, followed by removal of the IUD and institution of appropriate antibiotic therapy, might prevent the more serious sequelae of pelvic inflammation.
  • (2) The percentage of positive cases was highest in the serous MEE group (81.2%) and decreased in the purulent MEE group (57%), the mucoid MEE group (30%), and the hyperviscous MEE group (13.6%), in that order.
  • (3) Moreover, the mucoid substances of the sensillum lymph are probably involved in water conservation, since sensilla are prone to water loss, because the overlying cuticle must be permeable to the chemical stimuli.
  • (4) It leads to ganglia formation due to mucoid liquefaction.
  • (5) Five patients had mucoid degeneration of their mitral valves.
  • (6) Piperacillin-aminoglycoside combinations acted (partially) synergistically against 33-40% of the Enterobacteriaceae, 34-58% of non-mucoid strains of P. aeruginosa and 63-84% of the mucoid strains of P. aeruginosa (p less than 0.01).
  • (7) Animal antibody raised to this material is able to mediate opsonic killing of mucoid strains of P. aeruginosa.
  • (8) The null mutation of algR was generated in a mucoid derivative of the standard genetic strain PAO responsive to different environmental factors.
  • (9) Exceptionally, mucoid carcinomas showed weaker intensity for receptor expression.
  • (10) The combined action of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha caused a dose-related cellular exfoliation, leading to the formation of a mucoid cap made of mucus and cellular debris.
  • (11) Suspensions of cells from colons of F344 rats always contained copious mucoid gel that was partially eliminated by washing the cells three times in culture medium with 10% fetal calf serum.
  • (12) In view of the facts that uric acid is a common end-product of human and animal metabolism, it is abundantly present in the avian faecal matter and is capable of inducing mucoid growth and capsule formation in dry growing non-encapsulated strains or in an otherwise rough looking hypha forming isolate, its role in studying the phylogenesis of C. neoformans and its pathogenicity seems to be an important proposition.
  • (13) The glands can be of the following types: cystognic case forming, mucoid and glands of penetration.
  • (14) Nonmucoid isolates were derived from strain SA1 mucoid by Tn551 insertional mutagenesis.
  • (15) These included medullary, mucoid, tubular, cribriform and lobular invasive cancers, and non-invasive cancers.
  • (16) Then, eta' and G' of saliva, bronchorrhoea and mucoid sputum samples were measured between 2 to 4 hours after expectoration.
  • (17) These results indicate that both molecular size and dose are critical determinants for eliciting opsonic killing antibody to mucoid P. aeruginosa after immunizing with MEP.
  • (18) Analysis of the constituents of the effusions showed that glycoprotein and DNA but not protein nor lipid were significantly higher in the mucoid effusions compared to the serous effusions.
  • (19) Removal of the mucoid cap that formed after application of the NaCl did not cause a reduction of the protective effects.
  • (20) Uteri from hamsters treated postnatally with DES and derived from normal (CD) or DES-treated mothers (DD) show that accumulated mucoid secretion products are not expelled in the uterine lumen but are "stored" in cystic dilated glandular spaces of the fibrocellular stroma of polyps and papillae filling the uterine lumen.

Words possibly related to "fucoid"

Words possibly related to "mucoid"