(n.) A polyphonic composition, developed from a given theme or themes, according to strict contrapuntal rules. The theme is first given out by one voice or part, and then, while that pursues its way, it is repeated by another at the interval of a fifth or fourth, and so on, until all the parts have answered one by one, continuing their several melodies and interweaving them in one complex progressive whole, in which the theme is often lost and reappears.
Example Sentences:
(1) Sometimes it's because of a personal connection - the Shostakovich Preludes and Fugues my grandfather loved the most, which we listened to together, or the Bruckner symphony I associate with our family home in the highlands of Scotland - but the welling-up can also come completely out of the blue.
(2) This finding was incompatible with our case having a neurologically based global memory disorder during the fugue state.
(3) There were 54 cases of somaticised anxiety (brain fag); 22 cases of depressive neurosis characterised by hypochondriasis, cognitive complaints, and culturally determined paranoid ideation; 23 cases of 'hysteria' in the form of dissociative states, pseudoseizures and fugues; and 39 cases of brief reactive psychosis which differed from the dissociative states more in duration and intensity than in form.
(4) The literature on hysterical fugues and corticosteroid-induced mental disturbance is reviewed.
(5) In a group of 39 consecutive patients attending neurological clinics with transient amnesia patients with transient global amnesia formed the largest group; others suffered from epilepsy, migraine, temporal lobe encephalitis, or psychogenic fugues.
(6) I've got Andras Schiff and Glenn Gould in the same playlist: why, of course, because both played all of Bach Preludes and Fugues, and the Goldberg Variations.
(7) The principles were illustrated and extended using Rorschach and Hand Test data from a fugue state.
(8) This report describes an acute organic brain syndrome with a fugue-like state in association with antimigraine pharmacotherapy.
(9) Those who encountered Refn through his hyper-stylised LA thriller Drive might bridle at Only God Forgives, whose fugue-state narrative style, amnesiac and futureless, has more in common with Valhalla Rising, the hallucinatory but only intermittently engaging Viking movie he made before Drive (though parts of it were magnificent, including Gary Lewis's Scottish pagan talking of the barbaric Christians: "They eat their own god; eat his flesh, drink his blood.
(10) Melissa now observed that our beautiful surroundings, you've all seen them on the telly (you could go and have a look, a security man downstairs said anyone can come, "it's surprising people don't bother") – the green, leather benches, the relentless oak panelling, the Hogwarts fugue all look the same as the halls and chambers of Oxford University.
(11) Of 19 adolescents with diagnosed psychogenic seizures, 13 had hysterical convulsions and 4 had amnesiac fugues.
(12) The case is unusual in that the amnesia lasted as long as six weeks without any pseudodementia or fugue.
(13) The only thing that could have happened is that, at some point during the night, I woke up in a fugue state and set the clock forward 21 hours, so I would miss her funeral… I must have set it forward 21 hours, because something in my subconscious said that was the only legitimate and expedient way to miss the funeral.” I ask him how he feels about that now, and his eyes mist up a tiny bit.
(14) 78% of them were sent to the maximum security settings from psychiatric centres: of whom 8% from other security settings and 70% from ordinary psychiatric centres [50% of whom because they had run away (fugues) and 50% of whom as a result of aggressive behaviour which was, in certain case, accompanied by threats of murder]...
(15) Those with multiple personality also differ from the other groups on DSM-III criteria for multiple personality, psychogenic amnesia, and psychogenic fugue.
(16) I always imagine Clarkson to be in a fugue state of midlife crisis: scrabbling forever in a heart-palpitating search for flashier cars to drive, younger women to hang out with, weaker people to bully, just because he doesn't want to admit that he's not only over 25, but over 50.
(17) Bacteria isolated from the skin of the pufferfish Fugu poecilonotus were screened for tetrodotoxin production.
(18) Glycolipids were purified from the total lipid extract of the testis or milt of a kind of puffer (Fugu rubripes rubripes) by adsorption column chromatography using silicic acid and magnesium silicate and by preparative silica gel TLC.
(19) The following disorders can be distinguished: --psychogenic amnesia: partial or complete loss of memory --psychogenic trance: temporary loss of habitual identity with more or less full awareness of surroundings --psychogenic fugue: apparently purposeful journey away from home with psychogenic amnesia --psychogenic stupor: profound diminuation or absence of voluntary movement and no responsiveness to external stimuli.
(20) It should be obvious that a steak is not like a symphony, a pie not like a passaglia, foie gras not like a fugue; that the "composition" of a menu is not like the composition of a requiem; that the cook heating things in the kitchen and arranging them on a plate is not the artistic equal of Charlie Parker.
(n.) A sweet or agreeable succession of sounds.
(n.) A rhythmical succession of single tones, ranging for the most part within a given key, and so related together as to form a musical whole, having the unity of what is technically called a musical thought, at once pleasing to the ear and characteristic in expression.
(n.) The air or tune of a musical piece.
Example Sentences:
(1) Moments later, Strauss introduces the bold human character with an energetic, upwards melody which he titles "the climb" in the score.
(2) There’s an interesting thing with music like this, how the beat falls with the melody; they often say music is mathematical in construction and this is a very good example.
(3) A psychophysical scaling procedure confirmed that the constraints generated tone sequences bearing degrees of perceptual similarity to "real" melodies.
(4) A model of how people use this information to infer the metre of unaccompanied melodies is described here.
(5) Young children also are sensitive to melodic contour over transformations that preserve it (Study 5), yet they distinguish spontaneously between melodies with the same contour and different intervals (Study 4).
(6) We also know little about the relative aptitude for different musical components, especially melody and harmony.
(7) He presented a right-ear extinction in dichotic tasks, as well as difficulties in understanding and repeating verbal material and impaired identification of melodies.
(8) But the album for which she is being rightly acclaimed, 50 Words for Snow, as well as cleverly weaving together some hauntingly beautiful melodies with a characteristically surrealist narrative, also perpetuates a widely held myth about the semantic capaciousness of the Inuit language.
(9) The fact that "different" responses were both faster than "same" ones and quicker than melody offset indicates the use of a self-terminating search process.
(10) Particular tones were shifted in sequence such that a melody was heard which was undetectable by either ear alone.
(11) Children 4 to 6 years of age were exposed to repetitions of a six-tone melody, then tested for their detection of transformations that either preserved or changed the contour of the standard melody.
(12) The key distance effect reported in the literature did not occur in the tasks of this investigation (Studies 1 and 3), and it may be apparent only for melodies shorter or more impoverished than those used here.
(13) All subjects had high DAF indices on the complex melody, middle on the medium and low on the simple.
(14) Other melody variables are either fixed, randomized, or controlled.
(15) Another one is Melodies From Mars, which I redid about three years ago.
(16) Melody processing in unilaterally brain-damaged patients was investigated by manipulating the availability of contour and metre for discrimination in melodies varying, respectively, on the pitch dimension and the temporal dimension.
(17) In the first experiment, two opposite hypotheses were tested: The slow shifts might express subjects' acquaintance with the melodies or, on the contrary, the effort invested to identify them.
(18) Melodic themes of target melodies were defined by correlating contour-related pitch accents with temporal accents (accent coupling) during an initial familiarization phase.
(19) The present findings indicate that interpretation of a melody depends, in large part, on the characteristics of the "tonal" rules.
(20) In Experiment 1, all to-be-recognized melodies occurred both in an original rhythm, which preserved accent coupling, and in a new rhythm, which did not.