What's the difference between gait and gat?



  • (n.) A going; a walk; a march; a way.
  • (n.) Manner of walking or stepping; bearing or carriage while moving.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Clinical signs of disease developed as early as 15 days after transition to the experimental diets and included impaired vision, decreased response to external stimuli, and abnormal gait.
  • (2) Gains in gait pattern, ease of bracing, and reduced pelvic obliquity were noted.
  • (3) In the improved group, the families reported that the gait abnormality preceded the dementia in 11 patients and occurred at the same time in five.
  • (4) Candidates for a counselor-training program (136 Ss; 86% women; average age 44 yr.) took the GAIT in 18 groups and completed written forms for staff screening.
  • (5) On admission, neurological examination revealed staggering gait and the right cerebellar ataxia showing dysmetria and dysdiadochokinesis.
  • (6) In the gait initiation protocol, the amplitude and synchronization of the TA burst were directly correlated with velocity of movement, while the relative delay between soleus inhibition and TA activation was inversely correlated.
  • (7) No significant improvements or losses were found in a large series of gait parameters.
  • (8) Asymmetrical gait pattern with mild gait disturbance was found more often in infants lying in supine than in prone.
  • (9) In this paper, the authors reported a case of 6-year-old girl who complained of the progressive gait disturbance.
  • (10) The data suggest that throughout most of the gait cycle and normal stair climbing, the passive structures contribute a small portion of the total moment, usually well less than 10%.
  • (11) The function of the prosthesis was assessed through clinical assessment and force plate gait analysis.
  • (12) A 52-year-old female was admitted with a chief complaint of progressive gait disturbance over the previous 16 months.
  • (13) Mean tandem gait speed improved 48% after training.
  • (14) Normal gait was associated with flexor contraction only when the foot was lifted and placed on the ground, whereas during ischaemic blockade flexor contraction continued during the interval between foot lifting and foot placement.The `freezing' or `blocking' gait in Parkinson's disease was found to be associated with coactivation of flexor and extensor muscles and this phenomenon occurred only in patients with features of flexion dystonia in the electromyographic recordings of their tonic stretch reflexes.
  • (15) Moreover in the symmetrical gaits spatial phase shifts between unilateral limbs were equal to zero, which means that hind and fore limbs were placed in the same point during successive steps.
  • (16) Also, the FES antigravity action obtained raises hopes for substantially improving FES induced reciprocal gait.
  • (17) Clinical gait analysis is a term that can be applied to numerous methods of evaluating a subject's walking pattern.
  • (18) Six children with low-level myelomeningocele underwent gait analysis.
  • (19) The functional recovery of the patients was assessed every week by using the Barthel Index and the Action Research Arm test, by registering walking velocity, and by performing gait analysis.
  • (20) These changes were considered to be the result of talipes equinus and waddling gait, which are commonly demonstrated in patients with DMD.



  • () imp. of Get.
  • () of Get

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A search for other mutations in N-RAS exon-1 in T-ALL revealed a codon 13 mutation substituting aspartic acid (GAT) for glycine (GGT) in one of 18 patients.
  • (2) Thus, these data physically verify the serological characteristics of GAT-TsF1 that were originally defined solely on the basis of biological activity.
  • (3) We found that the cell-associated form of a factor specific for L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT-TsF1) is a 66 kDa protein which exhibits a slightly acidic isoelectric point, but no carbohydrate as determined by enzymatic analysis and lectin-affinity chromatography.
  • (4) Thus, helper T cells can serve as the cellular target of antigen-specific, MHC-restricted GAT-TsF2, and cloned helper T cells can be used as a homogeneous target population for analysis of the molecular mechanisms of T cell suppression.
  • (5) The maternal defect was shown to be a frameshift mutation with the deletion of a single T in the aspartic acid codon at position 690 (GAT), 11 amino acids N-terminal to the beginning of the transmembrane domain.
  • (6) The small inequality tau re gat greater than tau off2 suggests that charges which have returned from immobilization are not immediately available for displacement.
  • (7) Simultaneous immunization in vivo with the various GAT-Mphi or GAT-MBSA plus soluble GAT modulated the response pattern of these F(1) spleen cells such that they developed secondary responses only to F(1) and parental responder GAT-Mphi regardless of the response pattern observed after immunization with the various GAT-Mphi or GAT-MBSA alone.
  • (8) Two clonal cell lines, Cl-3 and Cl-7, were cloned from the PC-1 cell line, and these cell lines also carried the GAT point mutation at codon 12.
  • (9) Body weight was affected by Ea-B, Ir-GAT, and the interaction between Ea-B and Ir-GAT, but not by interaction with RSV response.
  • (10) The Charity Commission, which has already opened a case against the GAT, has been told of footage obtained by ITV’s Exposure: Charities Behaving Badly documentary.
  • (11) These results showed that immunization of (responder X responder)F1 mice with parental GAT-M phi results in the development of antigen-specific helper and suppressor T cells.
  • (12) The Plowell allele was shown in one M3P heterozygous individual to be due to a GAT(Asp) to GTT(Val) change at codon 256, in agreement with a previous study based on hybridization with allele-specific oligonucleotides.
  • (13) T cell subsets from virgin and immunized mice, which are Ir gene controlled nonresponders to GAT, which regulate antibody responses to GAT have been characterized.
  • (14) When cultured in the presence of exogenous rIL-2 as a growth factor, GAT-specific Th cell lines secreted mainly IL-4, whereas bacillus Calmette Guérin-specific lines produced predominantly IL-2.
  • (15) Addition of GAT to cultures of spleen cells from nonresponder mice also prevents development of the GAT-specific PFC responses stimulated by GAT-MBSA.
  • (16) Anti-idiotypic antisera made against each of the 15 hybridoma anti-GAT antibodies preferentially bound homologous ligand and showed minimal binding activity to specifically purified serum anti-GAT antibodies.
  • (17) The inequality tau re gat greater than tau re Na was larger and statistically significant at -100 and -110 mV.
  • (18) Haplotypes with high antibody responses to GAT had significantly higher antibody titers to PM and MG vaccines than haplotypes with low antibody responses.
  • (19) In contrast, the Th cell line 52.3 used as control could be induced to express high levels of IL2R only after exposure to GAT; nevertheless, IL2 seems to play a critical role in the in vitro survival of the resting state of 52.3 T cells.
  • (20) These results suggest that posttranslational modification, including glycosylation, is not required for biological activity or for expression of the I-J epitope on the GAT-TsF2 molecule.

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