(a.) A long and narrow corridor, or place for walking; a connecting passageway, as between one room and another; also, a long hole or passage excavated by a boring or burrowing animal.
(a.) A room for the exhibition of works of art; as, a picture gallery; hence, also, a large or important collection of paintings, sculptures, etc.
(a.) A long and narrow platform attached to one or more sides of public hall or the interior of a church, and supported by brackets or columns; -- sometimes intended to be occupied by musicians or spectators, sometimes designed merely to increase the capacity of the hall.
(a.) A frame, like a balcony, projecting from the stern or quarter of a ship, and hence called stern gallery or quarter gallery, -- seldom found in vessels built since 1850.
(a.) Any communication which is covered overhead as well as at the sides. When prepared for defense, it is a defensive gallery.
(a.) A working drift or level.
Example Sentences:
(1) His son, Karim Makarius, opened the gallery to display some of the legacy bequeathed to him by his father in 2009, as well as the work of other Argentine photographers and artists – currently images by contemporary photographer Facundo de Zuviria are also on show.
(2) At its vanguard is the historic quarter of Barriera di Milano, which is being transformed by an influx of artists and galleries.
(3) Using an oil painting by G.F. Watts displayed in the National Portrait Gallery of London, we made an attempt to diagnose the dermatological alterations recognizable.
(4) But when the city's Gallery of Modern Art opened in 1998, it totally – and scandalously – ignored the new wave of Glasgow artists.
(5) Koons provoked a bigger stir with the news that he would be showing with gallery owner David Zwirner next year in an apparent defection from Zwirner's arch-rival Larry Gagosian, the world's most powerful art dealer.
(6) It was amusing: he's still working away and this picture of him is hanging in a gallery somewhere.
(7) When the vote came, she and the other gun law advocates who crowded into the public gallery had been told not to talk, stand or take notes.
(8) The National Heritage Memorial Fund found a further £10m and the National Galleries of Scotland £4.6m, with £2m from the Monument Trust and £1m from the Art Fund, while members of the public and private donors gave another £7.4m.
(9) Dr Bhambra sustained the most dreadful life-changing injuries during a sustained racist attack on an innocent man, a member of a caring profession.” There was applause from the public gallery as the verdict was returned.
(10) Thanks to the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Art Fund and countless donations from individuals and groups, this wonderful picture – a masterpiece by any standards – will be enjoyed, free of charge, in the National Portrait Gallery for many generations to come."
(11) Murray said through the gallery that he would have no comment on the ANC's response.
(12) He said ANC lawyers would go to court to force the Goodman gallery in Johannesburg to remove a painting of the president, Jacob Zuma, from the exhibition and from its website .
(13) Inside the building, the gallery spaces are curiously straightforward.
(14) In 1850 you could see Benjamin West’s ever popular vision of the apocalypse, Death on a Pale Horse , riding melodramatically back into view on Broadway for the fourth time in as many years; and a gallery of Rembrandts at Niblo’s theatre, where Charles Blondin once walked a tightrope.
(15) But in the Round Room of the Mansion House there must have been at least two thousand others in an improvised Strangers' Gallery.
(16) And what's to stop it happening to a national museum or gallery?
(17) As a nod to the me-centred world we live in, the exhibition will also feature the responses to an altogether more contemporary Mass Observation directive from 2012, intriguingly entitled Photography and You , which was specially commissioned for the Photographers' Gallery show.
(18) And those of us who will go on watching men play are happy that it now offers a gallery of negative role models – Evans, Mackay, Whelan and Terry among them – from which those who follow them into the game can learn behaviours to avoid.
(19) There are smart restaurants, art galleries and designer clothes shops, among them Moschino and Dolce & Gabbana.
(20) The Web Gallery of Art, a database of European fine art, said Flowers was the only Porpora work that is signed and was painted in about 1660.
(a.) Of or pertaining to pictures; illustrated by pictures; forming pictures; representing with the clearness of a picture; as, a pictorial dictionary; a pictorial imagination.
Example Sentences:
(1) This pictorial essay should assist the radiologist in recognizing esophageal abnormalities on chest films and in recognizing their place in the spectrum of chest film abnormalities.
(2) The data revealed that (a) adequate verbal instruction had a modest but significant effect on the subjects' blending performance (Experiment 1), and (b) training without pictorial prompts resulted in better blending of trained and untrained C-VC items than training with pictorial prompts (Experiment 2).
(3) The earlier N300 effects, which do not appear to occur when ERPs are evoked by semantically primed and unprimed words, could suggest that the semantic processing of pictorial stimuli involves neural systems different from those associated with the semantic processing of words.
(4) One tool prepares publication-quality pictorial representations of alignments, while another facilitates interactive browsing of pairwise alignment data.
(5) We described a patient with a dramatic deficit of both word comprehension and naming but with good preservation of visual pictorial semantics.
(6) To determine whether this is due to a decrease with age in the speed with which verbal stimuli are recoded into pictorial representations, the reaction time of 12 old (63-78) and 12 young (17-25) subjects for matching verbal description to geometric shapes was measured.
(7) It is suggested that there are seven distinct types of information that we derive from seen faces; these are labelled pictorial, structural, visually derived semantic, identity-specific semantic, name, expression and facial speech codes.
(8) Using a structured thematic apperception technique (the Tell-Me-A-Story [TEMAS] test) to measure attention to pictorial stimuli depicting characters, events, settings, and covert psychological conflicts, a study was conducted with 152 normal and 95 clinical Hispanic, Black, and White school-age children.
(9) Analysis indicated firstly a superiority of the left hemisphere for the naming of compound nouns in mixed print and pictorial representation.
(10) Three explanations of these results are considered: integration of the sentence with the picture, formation of a semantic representation in addition to the pictorial one, and elaboration of the pictorial representation initiated by the sentence.
(11) A November Picture Test consisting of 120 pictorial items was utilized as the dependent variable.
(12) When the children were required to follow a meaningless target or to solve pictorial tasks, the two age-matched groups could not be differentiated.
(13) In a multiple choice recognition task, left hemisphere-damaged patients with aphasia and left and right hemisphere-damaged patients without aphasia were shown complex random shapes together with either a pictorial cue (experiment I and II) or a dotted drawing of its outline on which more or less outstanding parts were specially marked (experiment I).
(14) The pictorial evidence of his double life, revealed online by a fellow conference speaker, will pile pressure on Shapps to explain his links to a network of websites which have been blocked by Google for breaching its rules on copyright infringement and encouraging customers to plagiarise content.
(15) Unilateral scores of two commissurotomy and three (one left and two right) hemispherectomy patients were obtained on standardized auditory language comprehension tests which use pointing responses to a pictorial array.
(16) This pictorial essay demonstrates various reconstructions of the cruciate and the collateral ligaments, as well as several abnormalities of these ligaments.
(17) Standard morphanalytic techniques were used to produce objective and accurate pictorial representations of the mean nasal deformities in three dimensions.
(18) A modified version of the guilty knowledge technique was employed, with compound pictorial and verbal stimuli (schematic faces and verbal descriptions of people) as the relevant items memorized by the subjects.
(19) Pictorial depictions of a 22- and a 17-year-old man, as also of a 15-year-old girl, who are polytoxicomane, and who were in the detachment phase, are demonstrated.
(20) Results of the in vitro examinations, when compared to the clinical tests, lead to the conclusion that both, gastric mucous and contrast medium additives, may exert considerable influence on the pictorial quality of the above defined criteria.