(n.) Any article of clothing, as a coat, a gown, etc.
Example Sentences:
(1) The results of treatment with compression garments were assessed at 6 months and at 12 months, using a grading system based on colour, consistency and thickness of the scar.
(2) After standardizing for the other variables there was a statistically significant excess of varicose veins in women wearing corsets and roll-ons compared with those wearing less-constrictive garments.
(3) A prospective randomized study was undertaken to compare compliance efficacy and cost of the elastic nylon pressure garment (Jobst Institute, Inc., Toledo, Ohio) with the cotton elastic pressure garment (Tubigrip, SePro Healthcare Inc., Montgomeryville, Penn.).
(4) Aerosol resuspension from garments is an important consideration in assessing inhalation exposure to toxic dusts.
(5) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Women at work in a Bangladeshi garment factory.
(6) Scientists are looking at making fabrics that can absorb poisonous gases or harmful bacteria, or conduct electricity, and be used to make stylish garments.
(7) Nonporous Tyvek was permeable to all seven drugs, and the Kaycel garment was permeable to all of the drugs except etoposide.
(8) The 1,127 killed at Rana Plaza in the Dhaka suburb of Savar are among at least 1,800 Bangladesh garment-industry workers killed in fires or building collapses since 2005.
(9) During all trials with chemical protective garments, plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone levels (PA) were significantly (p less than 0.05) elevated following the exercise protocol while neither was affected during exercise in fatigues only.
(10) The disaster brought Bangladesh’s entire garment industry under intense scrutiny but did not slow its strong growth, from $21.5bn that year to $28bn in 2015-16.
(11) Last year retailers sourcing garments from Bangladesh faced similar calls to quit the country following the collapse of the Rana Plaza building.
(12) However it is clear that Mauritius is now using many more migrant workers in its 50,000 strong garment industry, many from Bangladesh.
(13) With a standard deviation of the approximately log-normal distribution of the experimental values as high as about 2 times the mean, it is necessary to carry out as many as 20 replicate experiments in order to differentiate with certainty between garments with a two-fold difference in penetration.
(14) They hang pretty strangely, these garments of Britannia: if our decline is down to the loss of empire, how can we call that a coarsening?
(15) It is probable that the single factor most important to the decline, in our experience with these injuries, is lower fabric flammability but, because our data may not be representative, corroboration is needed before one can exclude factors such as altered garment design, fire safety-related practices at home, or changing patterns of hospital referral.
(16) Saranex-laminated Tyvek was the most protective of the barrier garments, followed closely in effectiveness by the polyethylene-coated Tyvek.
(17) Textiles, if not garments, have always been a key element of global commerce.
(18) As a charity that campaigns on issues of women’s economic equality, we take these allegations extremely seriously and will do our utmost to investigate them … we remain confident that we took every practicable and reasonable step to ensure that the range would be ethically produced and await a fuller understanding of the circumstances under which the garments were produced.” When the Fawcett Society sought reassurance about standards at the factory, Whistles emailed back to say CMT is “a fully audited, socially and ethical compliant factory” and cited accreditations relating to the provenance and content of materials.
(19) For the next two, three years I moved from zero to hero: I was running the largest business owned by a woman in Malawi, in industrial garment manufacturing.
(20) Those in Bangladesh who demanded government intervention in one of the country's few economic success stories made little headway when dozens of garment factory owners sat in parliament and powerful industry bodies had the ear of policymakers.
(n.) A garment; clothing; especially, an upper or outer garment.
(n.) An article of dress worn in token of grief; a mourning garment or badge; as, he wore a weed on his hat; especially, in the plural, mourning garb, as of a woman; as, a widow's weeds.
(n.) A sudden illness or relapse, often attended with fever, which attacks women in childbed.
(n.) Underbrush; low shrubs.
(n.) Any plant growing in cultivated ground to the injury of the crop or desired vegetation, or to the disfigurement of the place; an unsightly, useless, or injurious plant.
(n.) Fig.: Something unprofitable or troublesome; anything useless.
(n.) An animal unfit to breed from.
(n.) Tobacco, or a cigar.
(v. t.) To free from noxious plants; to clear of weeds; as, to weed corn or onions; to weed a garden.
(v. t.) To take away, as noxious plants; to remove, as something hurtful; to extirpate.
(v. t.) To free from anything hurtful or offensive.
(v. t.) To reject as unfit for breeding purposes.
Example Sentences:
(1) Careless Herbicidal aerial spray of a field for weed control and defoliation of cotton before machine picking, resulted in the contamination of an adjoining reservoir, killing large volume of fish.
(2) In lieu of crop rotation and biodiversity (the non-toxic way to control weeds), the MSU extension service promotes what the article calls a "diversified herbicide program".
(3) The condition has occurred for many years and has been thought to have been associated with ingestion of Crofton weed (Eupatorium adenophorum).
(4) There is, of course, a place for regulatory vigilance, for forcing entire institutions to clean up after themselves by paying hefty fines, and weeding out bad practices.
(5) In allergologic out-patient departments of Dubrovnik, Split, Sibenik, Zadar, Pula and Rijeka, 300 patients with pollinosis have been tested by the application of the prick method of group allergens of grass, tree and weed pollen, particularly of Parietariae (pellitory) pollen.
(6) The coalition claims that authorities were forcing teachers, businessmen and students to weed the fields or pick cotton or face fines of up to 1 million soum (about £210) for university students.
(7) Bob McCulloch, the St Louis County prosecutor who oversaw the state grand jury inquiry that looked into Brown’s death, insisted that discrimination by law enforcement was a rarity but said authorities must “weed it out”.
(8) Unions blame 70% fall in employment tribunal cases on fees Read more “The government originally said making people pay would weed out vexatious claims.
(9) He also promised Thatcher a new crackdown on immigrant male fiances, saying that he was thinking of "a kind of steeplechase designed to weed out south Asians in particular".
(10) The substances studied generally proved very active against the weeds tested and showed marked specificity of action towards Setaria and Echinochloa.
(11) We haven’t ascertained how much of the forests it has taken over, but a significant portion may in reality be unpalatable weeds and effectively unusable from an elephant’s perspective.
(12) In a statement on Wednesday , he said that he will criticise the Met for "the routine gathering and retention of information that was collateral, not linked to an operation or the prevention of crime and it should have been disposed of as part of a weeding process."
(13) But the matriarch of women who toke is Nancy Botwin ( Mary-Louise Parker ) in the long-running TV series Weeds .
(14) One of their number, James Howard Kunstler, blasted the High Line as "decadent" , "a weed-filled 1.5 mile-long stretch of abandoned elevated railroad", where "mistakes are artfully multiplied and layered", such as "the notion that buildings don't have to relate to the street-and-block grid ... instead of repairing the discontinuities of recent decades, we just celebrate them and make them worse".
(15) We have the know-how to track organisations that achieve the best results for patients, and weed out those that don't come up to scratch."
(16) After weeding, planting or harvesting, people attempt to make money.
(17) Animal Practice is a Universal Television production based on an irreverent New York veterinarian, played by Justin Kirk of Weeds and Angels in America.
(18) Some physicochemical properties of the mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNA) from plants of flax, broad bean and mung bean, and from tissue culture cells of jimson weed, soybean, petunia and tobacco were determined.
(19) Weed and water samples collected from river water abstraction points, reservoirs, tap water supplies, and animal water troughs fed from this supply all contained low levels of iodine-125.
(20) There has been a troubling several decade-long pattern of denial on the part of the seed patent holders over the likelihood of resistance emerging - for example Monsanto authors of a 1997 paper asserted weed resistance would never happen.