(v. t.) To decorate with ornamental appendages; to set off; to adorn; to embellish.
(v. t.) To ornament, as a dish, with something laid about it; as, a dish garnished with parsley.
(v. t.) To furnish; to supply.
(v. t.) To fit with fetters.
(v. t.) To warn by garnishment; to give notice to; to garnishee. See Garnishee, v. t.
(n.) Something added for embellishment; decoration; ornament; also, dress; garments, especially such as are showy or decorated.
(n.) Something set round or upon a dish as an embellishment. See Garnish, v. t., 2.
(v. t.) Fetters.
(v. t.) A fee; specifically, in English jails, formerly an unauthorized fee demanded by the old prisoners of a newcomer.
Example Sentences:
(1) Up to 80% of inmates’ earnings, however, can be garnished to go toward room and board, victim restitution, child support and mandatory savings.
(2) Even where meat or fish appears it is not as the star of the show but, in a neat reversal, more as a garnish.
(3) Garnish the squares with the whipped cream and pecans, if you like.
(4) A kung pao chicken appetizer was made with chicken McNuggets doused in sweet and sour sauce and garnished with parsley.
(5) In January, the WA corrective services minister, Joe Francis, described serving jail time to pay down fines as the “soft option” and announced “tougher” penalties, including the option of garnishing welfare payments to pay off unpaid fines.
(6) The Heritage Assessment Tool, in combination with questions relating to health and illness beliefs and practices was helpful in helping informants remember events in their childhood and also in garnishing health and illness beliefs and practices.
(7) Looking at it, there was nothing special about this one – a plain roll in a plastic package, no salad or garnish, a little too much mayo.
(8) Sprinkle on top of your curry as garnish and serve with rice.
(9) Divide between plates and garnish with a little lick of extra virgin olive oil, if you like.
(10) He said the state government was also in talks with the federal government about “having the authority to garnish wages from welfare”, saying “that may be one way of trying to get money off people”.
(11) Whilst routinely described as tragic, Hoffman's death is insufficiently sad to be left un-supplemented in the mandatory posthumous scramble for salacious garnish; we will now be subjected to mourn-ography posing as analysis.
(12) Photograph: Zaytoun Roast parsnip and carrot salad with freekeh and a yoghurt dressing Recipe by Jane Baxter Serves 4-6 500g parsnips 500g carrots 30g butter melted 1 tbsp Zaytoun olive oil 100g smokey freekah Dressing: 200ml yoghurt juice and zest of 1 orange 1 clove garlic crushed pinch ground cumin and cardamom 75g pitted dates finely chopped 1 red chilli finely chopped 1 tsp honey 1 tbsp chopped mint Bunch of watercess Salt and pepper To garnish: pomegranate seeds , extra mint and za’atar Pre–heat oven 190C.
(13) Now Alex Iwobi made an auspicious first league start, garnished with a goal.
(14) 8 To serve, flood four plates with the sauce; put two red mullet fillets on each plate, skin-side uppermost, and garnish with sprigs of rosemary.
(15) Here are a few ideas to get you started sautéed courgette flowers chorizo with potatoes shredded chilli-smoked chicken slow-cooked pork confit of pork poached and shredded chicken, cooked in mouthwatering moles stuffed chillies beans gently cooked with spices and aromatics grilled fish Arrange the table with taco fillings, salsas and garnishes of your choice.
(16) It is a frequent outcome for site-specific work, which began in the late 1960s as a reaction to the growing commodification of art, but during the 80s and 90s was all too often a ready-made garnish for corporate lobbies and commercial piazzas – what American architect James Wines summed up as the "turd on the plaza".
(17) Top with the broad beans and garnish with the remaining chopped mint.
(18) Dishes are delicately garnished with flavour-packed herb snippets and bright pink or purple edible flowers.
(19) Everything else is garnish, and all of it leaves you feeling either one-dimensionally frenetic or complicatedly wretched.
(20) There is a batter base, an obligatory cabbage filling and quite strict garnishes – but otherwise, the rest of the ingredients come down to what's at hand.
(v. t.) To cover with coloring matter; to apply paint to; as, to paint a house, a signboard, etc.
(v. t.) Fig.: To color, stain, or tinge; to adorn or beautify with colors; to diversify with colors.
(v. t.) To form in colors a figure or likeness of on a flat surface, as upon canvas; to represent by means of colors or hues; to exhibit in a tinted image; to portray with paints; as, to paint a portrait or a landscape.
(v. t.) Fig.: To represent or exhibit to the mind; to describe vividly; to delineate; to image; to depict.
(v. t.) To practice the art of painting; as, the artist paints well.
(v. t.) To color one's face by way of beautifying it.
(n.) A pigment or coloring substance.
(n.) The same prepared with a vehicle, as oil, water with gum, or the like, for application to a surface.
(n.) A cosmetic; rouge.
Example Sentences:
(1) The standard varies from modest to lavish – choose carefully and you could be staying in an antique-filled room with your host's paintings on the walls, and breakfasting on the veranda of a tropical garden.
(2) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Also on display in the hallway is a painting of Carson with Jesus.
(3) Antoine Comte, a lawyer for the Schloss heirs, said all the family wanted was the return of the painting.
(4) Using an oil painting by G.F. Watts displayed in the National Portrait Gallery of London, we made an attempt to diagnose the dermatological alterations recognizable.
(5) 7 male and 39 female undergraduates were alternately assigned to rooms painted red or Baker-Miller Pink.
(6) The report paints a picture characterised too often by international indifference, even over the collection and distribution of the raw data on migrant deaths.
(7) These results indicate that, following a single painting of DNFB onto Langerhans cell-deficient skin, the numbers of Lyt2+ cells do not change significantly, but do change functionally.
(8) Case mothers were more likely to report occupational exposure to metals (odds ratio [OR] = 8.0, P = 0.01), petroleum products (OR = 3.7, P = 0.03), and paints or pigments (OR = 3.7, P = 0.05).
(9) PT painting resulted in rather higher sensitivity with Triton X-100 than with sodium lauryl sulphate.
(10) On the one hand, he has used it as an opportunity to paint Ukip as demonised by a media in hock to the politically correct establishment.
(11) A Landolt ring (diameter 43.5 cm; contrast 1:1.5) served as a test stimulus; it was painted on a disc 87 cm in diameter that could be rotated in steps of 45 degrees.
(12) The streets of Jiegu are now littered with concrete remnants of modern structures and the flattened mud and painted wood of traditional Tibetan buildings.
(13) She said it was hard to tell whether the paintings were stolen to order or would be offered on the black market, but added that they would be easy to transport out of Switzerland.
(14) Was Snare genuine, was the painting stolen, was he making it up?
(15) Injuries from paint require emergency surgical débridement and exploration because of the extreme tissue toxicity of the injected material.
(16) Some art experts have petitioned against Seracini drilling through the Vasari fresco, claiming any paint found behind might have been left by another artist.
(17) The Fed is also painting itself as one of the Good Guys in the Libor scandal, pointing out that it spotted the problems in 2008, and promptly tipped off the Brits.
(18) Trauma to the hand caused by injection of paint or grease solvents results in tissue destruction and later necrosis and fibrosis.
(19) "I want to talk about Curb Your Enthusiasm instead, and the paintings of Chagall, the music of Amy Winehouse and Woody Allen films."
(20) Following exposure to white spirit vapour, the effect of the expired solvent on evidential breath alcohol equipment was investigated under controlled exposure chamber conditions and in a simulated painting exercise.