What's the difference between gaseous and pneumatocele?
(a.) In the form, or of the nature, of gas, or of an aeriform fluid.
(a.) Lacking substance or solidity; tenuous.
Example Sentences:
(1) The use of gaseous insecticides in the chemical control of T. infestans is discussed.
(2) The DCM sampler is expected to contribute to public health impact assessments by facilitating detailed determinations of the identities, compositions, concentrations, sources, formation mechanisms, and biological activity of environmental toxicants in gaseous atmospheres.
(3) The causes were: restricted respiratory movements due to pain, compression of the lungs or pathological changes in the injured lung, and they affected the normal gaseous exchange in a variety of ways.
(4) Blood gaseous composition, mechanisms controlling hemoglobin affinity to oxygen and hemoglobin effects of a single captopril dose were assessed in 124 patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).
(5) In case of B. cinerea, the effect of the volatile and gaseous exudates of the germinating seeds of all plants used on the fungal spore germination differed according to both the sugar and nitrogen source absorbed.
(6) The physiological measurements were arterial oxygen saturation, heart rate, ventilatory frequency, and gaseous analysis in the mask.
(7) This method offers the possibility of a new approach to study of the mode of action of gaseous aerocontaminants on the respiratory tract and particularly upon phagocytic defences.
(8) This research deals with the gaseous and biochemical changes in the cerebrospinal fluid and their effects on the cerebral blood flow and metabolic rates in the acute stage of brain injury.
(9) About 136 gaseous compounds are analysed in animal house air of which 22 are quantified, only.
(10) These observations indicate that, despite the great variation in the fecal flora among individual mice, it is possible to discover the effects induced by altered gaseous environments.
(11) Different variants of the method are estimated and the optimal conditions of cultivation are described (nutrient medium, gaseous phase, depth of explants' immersion, rate of medium flow, etc).
(12) Suspensions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus cereus were continuously sparged with nitrogen to remove gaseous products of nitrate reduction.
(13) These include: (1) atmospheric HCl will most commonly exist in the gaseous form; (2) long-range transport of HCl is probably of limited importance; (3) ambient HCI levels are in the low parts per billion range; (4) irritation of the upper airways appears to be the most sensitive indicator of exposure; (5) such effects are likely to occur only at exposure levels much greater than those measured in ambient air; and (6) future health research should focus on occupationally exposed populations and potentially sensitive subgroups, e.g., asthmatics.
(14) It was established that mildronate produced a positive effect on the hemodynamics and gaseous composition of the blood.
(15) Tests based on the analysis of the gaseous components of expired air have been developed to study intestinal absorption and intermediary metabolism of various nutrients.
(16) The oral strains were able to utilize gaseous hydrogen and to grow in a mineral medium with either nitrate of fumarate as hydrogen acceptor.
(17) Significant variations (p less than .005) were observed for the particleboard mass and gaseous formaldehyde collected between sample runs.
(18) Cultures of the sublines were also maintained with either a gaseous phase of 0-1% oxygen or atmospheric (18%) oxygen.
(19) These observations suggested that animals effectively inhaled both gaseous and particulate phase constituents of cigarette smoke.
(20) The concentration of gaseous sulfur showed always a larger variation coefficient than that of particulate sulfur.
(n.) A distention of the scrotum by air; also, hernia of the lungs.
Example Sentences:
(1) Computed tomography can clearly demonstrate the extent of the pneumatocele, and can show the maxillary pathology and the causative bony defect in the sinus.
(2) The pneumatoceles which appeared early in the course of the pneumonia resolved completely without complications.
(3) With respect to distribution of gas, 53% of patients presented pneumatocele, 38% of patients had pneumoencephalos, and 15% presented a laminar distribution of the gas.
(4) Radiological changes in the chest are prominent and include rapidly developing empyema, pneumonic consolidation, cavitation and pneumatocele formation.
(5) Two infants had pneumococcal pneumonia and bacteremia, complicated by pneumatocele formation.
(6) During the operation, we found that the intracerebral pneumatocele in the right frontal lobe communicated with the ipsilateral ethmoidal sinus, through which extracranial air ingressed and CSF egressed.
(7) A history of previous pneumonia should also be considered evidence to question the diagnosis of congenital respiratory cyst and suggest the possibility of a pneumatocele.
(8) The possible etiology of such a large spontaneous pneumatocele is discussed in the context of a review of the pertinent literature.
(9) In most of the remainder, chronic inflammation and fibrosis precluded differentiation from postinflammatory pneumatocele.
(10) The authors present a case of intracerebral expansive pneumatocele following a ethmoido-sphenoidal fracture by a bullet.
(11) This pneumatocele was unroofed and the fistula was temponaded by pericranial muscles and the Gelfomas sealed by tissue glue.
(12) His medical history also included two episodes of pneumonia complicated by a pneumatocele and empyema, purulent staphylococcal lymphadenitis, recurrent otitis media, and pneumococcal bacteremia.
(13) Scan are good prognostic factors (p less than 0.02 and p less than 0.04 respectively); on the other hand chronic alcoholism (p less than 0.03) and even more postoperative pneumatocele (p less than 0.007) are correlated with a poor result.
(14) Three patients with leucocyte related immune deficiency developed pneumatoceles during acute bacterial pneumonia.
(15) In spite of a chronically infected middle ear, there was no infection of the pneumatocele.
(16) The existence of a fluid level suggests the presence of blood (haemato-pneumatocele).
(17) Differentiation from atopic dermatitis should be made, because a long-term antistaphylococcal regime not only improves skin lesions but hinders the occurrence of lung abscesses and pneumatoceles.
(18) A case of a large intracranial pneumatocele arising from mastoid air cells is reported.
(19) A rare pulmonary manifestation of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or intravenous (IV) drug abuse is upper lobe cystic disease--pneumatoceles in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) and bullous emphysema in IV drug abuse.
(20) A case of community acquired staphylococcal pneumonia is reported with the unusual complication, in an adult, of multiple pneumatoceles.