(1) This prediction was tested and confirmed using the GAW IV IDDM data set.
(2) Measurements of thoracic gas volume (TGV), airway resistance (Raw), and airway conductance (Gaw) were calculated in a group of 42 normal infants using a whole-body plethysmograph.
(3) In patients without such disease, a significant correlation between inspiratory airway conductance (Gaw) and AHI (r = -0.47; p less than 0.05) was also present, while percent predicted FRC and Gaw did not correlate with normalized weight.
(4) In each infant, Rn was subtracted from Raw (n) in order to assess resistance, and its reciprocal, conductance (Gaw), during mouth breathing.
(5) The Gaw-TGV curve was approximately linear around the resting lung volume.
(6) An independent series of 80 multiplex families (GAW 5) was also studied.
(7) In this study, Gaw-TGV curves were compared with sGaw in 30 healthy and 20 asthmatic subjects who were studied by body plethysmography.
(8) But looking at every level, there is fantastic work being done.” ‘Leadership is key to making any change a success’ Alistair Gaw, president, Social Work Scotland Facebook Twitter Pinterest Alistair Gaw On World Social Work Day last year, Scotland launched the Vision and Strategy for Scottish Social Services for “a socially just Scotland with excellent social services delivered by a skilled and valued workforce which works with others to empower, support and protect people, with a focus on prevention, early intervention and enablement”.
(9) Measurement of airway conductance (Gaw) in 6 subjects demonstrated prevention of acute reductions in Gaw at low lung volumes (25% VC) in 4 out of 6 subjects.
(10) An approximate correction for this volume dependence can be obtained by calculating specific airway conductance (sGaw = Gaw-TGV).
(11) Follow-up angiograms were carried out in six patients after palliative renal artery embolisation for hypernephromas using a GAW-spiral.
(12) Changes in thoracic gas volume (TGV) as an estimate of pulmonary hyperinflation and changes in airway conductance (Gaw) as an estimate of bronchial obstruction were assessed by whole-body plethysmography.
(13) Airway conductance and FEV1 were measured in 25 patients before and after bronchodilator: Following bronchodilator, the correlation coefficient, r, between Gaw and FEV1 increased from 0.58 to 0.70 while there was almost negligible correlation (r = 0.1) between the respective Gaw and FEV1 changes.
(14) Men with symptoms (chest tightness, coughing, and wheezing) after exposure showed decreases of forced expiratory volumes (FEV(1.0)), flow rates on maximum expiratory flow-volume (MEFV) curves, and of vital capacity (VC), while airway conductance (Gaw: TGV ratio) did not decrease significantly ("flow rate response").
(15) Gaw, TGV and sGaw were measured five times at three to five different lung volumes.
(16) A strong linear relationship was found to exist between Gaw (m) and TGV throughout the first year of life (r = 0.92), with no significant difference between Negro and Caucasian infants.
(17) We wondered if the inverse changes in airway conductance (Gaw) and functional residual capacity (FRC) during histamine (H) and acetylcholine (ACH) challenge are interrelated or occur at random.
(18) conductance (GAW), FEV1.0 and residual volume (RV) were also determined for comparison.
(19) A correlation could be established between MI and RV on the one hand and between FEV1.0 or GAW and RV on the other hand.
(20) We interpret the increased exp and insp Gaw to indicate isoproterenol deposition within and bronchodilatation of larger central airways (trachea, main stem, lobar, segmental).
(v. t.) To come into a country of which one is not a native, for the purpose of permanent residence. See Emigrate.
Example Sentences:
(1) However, as other patients who lived at the periphery of the Valserine valley do not appear to be related to any patients living in the valley, and because there has been considerable immigration into the valley, a number of hypotheses to explain the distribution of the disease in the region remain possible.
(2) Unfortunately, due to confidentiality clauses that have been imposed on us by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, we are unable to provide our full names and … titles … However, we believe the evidence that will be submitted will validate the statements that we are making in this submission.” The submission detailed specific allegations – including names and dates – of sexual abuse of child detainees, violence and bullying of children, suicide attempts by children and medical neglect.
(3) At the time, with a regular supply of British immigrants arriving in large numbers in Australia, Biggs was able to blend in well as "Terry Cook", a carpenter, so well in fact that his wife, Charmian, was able to join him with his three sons.
(4) Migrant voters are almost as numerous as current Ukip supporters but they are widely overlooked and risk being increasingly disaffected by mainstream politics and the fierce rhetoric around immigration caused partly by the rise of Ukip,” said Robert Ford from Manchester University, the report’s co-author.
(5) Lin Homer's CV Lin Homer left local for national government in 2005, giving up a £170,000 post as chief executive of Birmingham city council after just three years in post, to head the Immigration Service.
(6) The frequency of oesophageal cancer varies among the native and immigrant populations in different countries.
(7) This is a rare diagnosis but it should still be kept in mind, particularly in the immigrant population of the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia and particularly of the Saudis from the southern provinces.
(8) In view of its infrequent and vague presentation, care is required to avoid overlooking the diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis, particularly in the immigrant population.
(9) But when, less than two weeks out from the election, voters were asked to name the issues most important to them in the campaign, they nominated unemployment, inflation and economic management, rather than immigration and border control.
(10) In an anthropologic study of illness referral among Latin-American immigrants three phases were ascertained: First, there was extended use of self-treatment.
(11) Specifically, the study investigated the cross-cultural utility of the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) by examining scores of community and patient samples of Korean immigrants and comparing them with norms for Americans and for Koreans living in Korea.
(12) But Berlusconi and Sarkozy, seeking to curry favour with the strong far-right constituencies in both countries, sought to bury their differences by urging the rest of Europe to buy into their anti-immigration agenda.
(13) Thus, the dental health and dietary habits of the Greek immigrant and the Swedish children were generally very similar, while the Greek rural children showed a less favourable cariological status.
(14) America is made up of immigrants and to shut the doors to others is just ludicrous.
(15) O rdinary hard-working people have genuine concerns about immigration, and to ignore immigration is to undemocratically ignore their needs.” Other than the resurgent importance of jam , this is the clearest message we are supposed to take out of Brexit.
(16) The campaign has used mobile billboards warning illegal immigrants to "go home or face arrest".
(17) It would seem that Cameron's repeated high-profile speeches on immigration may have more to do with meeting the political challenge of Ukip than grappling with any alleged problem of benefit or health "tourism".
(18) Once installed, the alliance will become an awkward, obstructionist presence, committed, in the words of the Northern League's Matteo Salvini, to "a different Europe, based on work and peoples and not in the one based on servitude to the euro and banks, ready to let us die from immigration and unemployment".
(19) Respectable Europeans may damn the nationalist parties that have risen up against mass immigration as “far right”.
(20) Removing that economic incentive is the most powerful thing we can do to reduce levels of immigration back to what British people want to see,” he said.