What's the difference between generalize and systemic?



  • (v. t.) To bring under a genus or under genera; to view in relation to a genus or to genera.
  • (v. t.) To apply to other genera or classes; to use with a more extensive application; to extend so as to include all special cases; to make universal in application, as a formula or rule.
  • (v. t.) To derive or deduce (a general conception, or a general principle) from particulars.
  • (v. i.) To form into a genus; to view objects in their relations to a genus or class; to take general or comprehensive views.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The generally accepted hypothesis is a coronary spasm but a direct cardiotoxicity of 5-FU cannot be.
  • (2) However, medicines have an important part to play, and it is now generally agreed that for the very poor populations medicines should be restricted to those on an 'essential drugs list' and should be made available as cheaply as possible.
  • (3) No differences between the two substances were observed with respect to side effects and general tolerability.
  • (4) It has been generally believed that the ligand-binding of steroid hormone receptors triggers an allosteric change in receptor structure, manifested by an increased affinity of the receptor for DNA in vitro and nuclear target elements in vivo, as monitored by nuclear translocation.
  • (5) The Cole-Moore effect, which was found here only under a specific set of conditions, thus may be a special case rather than the general property of the membrane.
  • (6) Neuroleptics (chlorpromazine, reserpine and haloperidol) had not such an influence, though they somewhat increased the general activity of the animals.
  • (7) Even though attempts to generalize the data from childbearing women to women of childbearing age have an inherent conservative bias, the results of our study suggest that 988 women (95% CI 713 to 1336) aged 15 to 44 years in Quebec had HIV infection in 1989.
  • (8) A subsample of patients scoring over the recommended threshold (five or above) on the general health questionnaire were interviewed by the psychiatrist to compare the case detection of the general practitioner, an independent psychiatric assessment and the 28-item general health questionnaire at two different cut-off scores.
  • (9) Size analysis of the solubilized IgA IP employing sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation, indicated that these were heterogeneous, with a size generally larger than 19 S.
  • (10) In general, the concentrations measured by bioassay were higher than those by HPLC.
  • (11) Issues such as healthcare and the NHS, food banks, energy and the general cost of living were conspicuous by their absence.
  • (12) These findings suggest that clonidine transdermal disks lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients, but produce local skin lesions and general side effects.
  • (13) Augmentation of transformation response was generally not seen at 40 degrees C; incubation at that temperature was associated with decreased cellular viability.
  • (14) When compared with self-reported exposures, the sensitivity of both job-exposure matrices was low (on average, below 0.51), while the specificity was generally high (on average, above 0.90).
  • (15) 2009 Visits the US for first time to address the UN general assembly.
  • (16) UN internal investigators delivered a report to the then secretary general, Kofi Annan, but it was not published.
  • (17) Those without sperm, or with cloudy fluid, will require vasoepididymostomy under general or epidural anesthesia, which takes 4-6 hr.
  • (18) Ferrocene derivatives, in general, show a degree of versatility, coupling the electron-transfer reactions of many enzymes.
  • (19) Increased iron levels in basal ganglia were generally associated with normal or elevated levels of ferritin immunoreactivity, for example, the substantia nigra in PSP and possibly MSA, and in putamen in MSA.
  • (20) Other recommendations for immediate action included a review of the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the General Medical Council for doctors, with possible changes to their structures; the possible transfer of powers to launch criminal prosecutions for care scandals from the Health and Safety Executive to the Care Quality Council; and a new inspection regime, which would focus more closely on how clean, safe and caring hospitals were.



  • (a.) Of or relating to a system; common to a system; as, the systemic circulation of the blood.
  • (a.) Of or pertaining to the general system, or the body as a whole; as, systemic death, in distinction from local death; systemic circulation, in distinction from pulmonic circulation; systemic diseases.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This particular variant of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by the presence of subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules, scanty or absent systemic manifestations and a clinically benign course.
  • (2) These factors might account for the lower systemic bioavailability of these compounds.
  • (3) The most actively proliferating region of the excurrent duct system is zone 3 of the epididymis, whereas the least active region is the ductuli efferentes.
  • (4) In 49 cases undergoing systemic lymphadenectomy 32 were found to have glandular involvement, of which both aortic and pelvic nodes were positive in 17 cases (53.1%), aortic nodes positive but pelvic negative in six (18.8%), and pelvic nodes positive but aortic negative in nine (28.1%).
  • (5) An automated continuous flow sample cleanup system intended for rapid screening of foods for pesticide residues in fresh and processed vegetables has been developed.
  • (6) Spectral analysis of spontaneous heart rate fluctuations, a powerful noninvasive tool for quantifying autonomic nervous system activity, was assessed in Xenopus Laevis, intact or spinalized, at different temperatures and by use of pharmacological tools.
  • (7) Herpesviruses such as EBV, HSV, and human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6) have a marked tropism for cells of the immune system and therefore infection by these viruses may result in alterations of immune functions, leading at times to a state of immunosuppression.
  • (8) It is concluded that during exposure to simulated microgravity early signs of osteoporosis occur in the tibial spongiosa and that changes in the spongy matter of tubular bones and vertebrae are similar and systemic.
  • (9) The telencephalic proliferative response has been studied in adult newts after lesion on the central nervous system.
  • (10) In dogs, cibenzoline given i.v., had no effects on the slow response systems, probably because of sympathetic nervous system intervention since the class 4 effects of cibenzoline appeared after beta-adrenoceptor blockade.
  • (11) The various evocational changes appear to form sets of interconnected systems and this complex network seems to embody some plasticity since it has been possible to suppress experimentally some of the most universal evocational events or alter their temporal order without impairing evocation itself.
  • (12) The Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) is a dissecting system that removes tissue by vibration, irrigation and suction; fluid and particulate matter from tumors are aspirated and subsquently deposited in a canister.
  • (13) In cardiac tissue the adenylate system is not a good indicator of the energy state of the mitochondrion, even when the concentrations of AMP and free cytosolic ADP are calculated from the adenylate kinase and creatine kinase equilibria.
  • (14) These results suggest the presence of a new antigen-antibody system for another human type C retrovirus related antigens(s) and a participation of retrovirus in autoimmune diseases.
  • (15) The combined analysis of pathogenesis and genetics associated with the salmonella virulence plasmids may identify new systems of bacterial virulence and the genetic basis for this virulence.
  • (16) We determined whether serological investigations can assist to distinguish between chronic idiopathic autoimmune thrombocytopenia (cAITP) and immune-mediated thrombocytopenia in patients at risk to develop systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); 82 patients were seen in this institution for the evaluation of immune thrombocytopenia.
  • (17) The results demonstrated that K2PtCl4 was bound to a greater degree than CDDP in this system with 3-5 and 1-2 platinum atoms respectively, bound per transferrin molecule.
  • (18) IgE-mediated acute systemic reactions to penicillin continue to be an important clinical problem.
  • (19) The PSB dioxygenase system displayed a narrow substrate range: none of 18 sulphonated or non-sulphonated analogues of PSB showed significant substrate-dependent O2 uptake.
  • (20) Although solely nociresponsive neurons are clearly likely to fill a role in the processing and signalling of pain in the conscious central nervous system, the way in which such useful specificity could be conveyed by multireceptive neurons is difficult to appreciate.