What's the difference between genital and genus?



  • (a.) Pertaining to generation, or to the generative organs.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In the past, the interpretation of the medical findings was hampered by a lack of knowledge of normal anatomy and genital flora in the nonabused prepubertal child.
  • (2) There were 101 unwanted pregnancies, and 1 child was born with intersexual genitals.
  • (3) Groups of inbred female mice of strains CBA or C3H were infected genitally with a pathogenic human strain of Chlamydia trachomatis (N.I.1, serovar F) known to produce salpingitis and infertility in mice.
  • (4) By using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we have developed a system for type-specific as well as universal detection of genital human papillomaviruses (HPVs).
  • (5) IgM antibody titres were not elevated in patients with non-genital herpes simplex, but in patients with herpes genitalis IgM antibodies to HSV type 2 increased to 4 times the normal values 2-4 weeks after infection.
  • (6) A very important point to consider in this context is the immunological situation in the female genital tract which is a target organ for sex hormones.
  • (7) We come to see that some traditions keep us grounded, but that, in our modern world, other traditions set us back.” Female genital mutilation (FGM) affects more than 130 million girls and women around the world.
  • (8) Patients suffering from genital disorders possess HSV type 2 antibodies at a rate significantly higher (p less than 0.001) than in the control group.
  • (9) Acyclovir is commonly used for suppression and treatment of recurrent genital herpes simplex virus and may be indicated for pregnant women with disseminated herpes.
  • (10) Tuberculosis of the cervix of the uterus is a rare form of genital tuberculosis.
  • (11) The IUD is contraindicated for women at increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases; sexual habits and especially occasional multiple partners are the single most important risk in the increased frequency of upper genital tract infections in IUD users.
  • (12) We present a patient whose genital warts were recalcitrant to treatment.
  • (13) The uterine osteosarcoma is the seventh case reported in the world, while it is the second case of synchronous triple primary tumors of the upper female genital tract.
  • (14) A total of 161 samples from genital sources were evaluated using two different methods for genital Mycoplasma isolation: inoculation to urea broth, arginine broth and A7 solid media (standard method) and a new enzymatic method (Mycoscreen Oxoid).
  • (15) The syndrome initially described by Behçet in 1937 comprised the triad of ocular inflammation, oral and genital ulcers.
  • (16) In 240 cases of genital ulcer disease among mineworkers in Carletonville, South Africa, this study endeavored to correlate the clinical diagnosis with laboratory findings.
  • (17) However, after the exclusion of cases with congenital abnormality association of low birth weight newborn infants and with genital anomalies of the male, the twin birth rate was 1.8 per cent.
  • (18) This paper has outlined the etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of genital herpes.
  • (19) Seven pregnant patients with genital carcinoma were treated with high voltage irradiation in combination with operation.
  • (20) UK Border Force officers have warned of an emerging trend of "cutters" flying into Britain to practise female genital mutilation (FGM).



  • (n.) A class of objects divided into several subordinate species; a class more extensive than a species; a precisely defined and exactly divided class; one of the five predicable conceptions, or sorts of terms.
  • (n.) An assemblage of species, having so many fundamental points of structure in common, that in the judgment of competent scientists, they may receive a common substantive name. A genus is not necessarily the lowest definable group of species, for it may often be divided into several subgenera. In proportion as its definition is exact, it is natural genus; if its definition can not be made clear, it is more or less an artificial genus.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The genome characterization of the typing strains for all 13 species of the genus Staphylococcus, included into the Approval List of the Names of Bacterial (1980), is presented.
  • (2) The genus Streptomyces was dominant in the two studied localities.
  • (3) The compounds favored the development of bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas and inhibited the growth of all other gram-negative bacteria.
  • (4) Organisms of the genus Bacteroides represent the major group of obligate anaerobes involved in human infections.
  • (5) The 212 strains of this proposed subserovar examined to date display biochemical and serological properties typical of the species, are sensitive to the genus-specific bacteriophage, and cause keratoconjunctivitis in the Sereny test.
  • (6) The new species has been placed in a new genus and the name Tricornia muhezae proposed.
  • (7) Although differing somewhat in their responses to various biochemical and biophysical tests, all strains were assigned to the genus Flavobacterium.
  • (8) Ten TBT-resistant isolates from estuarine sediments and 19 from freshwater sediments were identified to the genus level.
  • (9) A new genus of actinomycetes, Excellospora Agre a. Guzeva gen. nov., is suggested on the basis of this study.
  • (10) A new genus of spirochaetes, Hollandina, is also described.
  • (11) The first group consisted of all strains belonging to L. interrogans and serovar andamana of L. biflexa; the second group consisted of the remaining 5 serovars of L. biflexa; the third group consisted of the genus Leptonema; and the fourth group consisted of only L. parva.
  • (12) The reservosomes of Trypanosoma spp., sub-genus Schizotrypanum, could be differentiated from the multivesicular bodies of other trypanosomatids, since they lack true vesicles.
  • (13) Statistical analysis of 251 phylogenetically informative nucleotide positions rejects the "volvocine lineage" hypothesis, which postulates a monophyletic evolutionary progression from unicellular organisms (such as Chlamydomonas), through colonial organisms (e.g., Gonium, Pandorina, Eudorina, and Pleodorina) demonstrating increasing size, cell number, and tendency toward cellular differentiation, to multicellular organisms having fully differentiated somatic and reproductive cells (in the genus Volvox).
  • (14) In all cases, the determinants of the killer trait are carried by obligate bacterial endosymbionts belonging to the genus Caedibacter.
  • (15) Lastly, the CVA indicated major differences across the genus to be located in the teeth and jaws, suggesting diet might be an important distinguishing feature in Colobus.
  • (16) Another pigment 7 was specifically present in the skin of genus Rhacophorus and was deduced to be a pteridine derivative composed of five molecules of pterin-6-carboxylic acid [1].
  • (17) Bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus can obtain energy from the chemolithotrophic oxidation of inorganic sulphur and its compounds (sulphide, thiosulphate and polythionates) and use this energy to support autotrophic growth on carbon dioxide.
  • (18) A platelet-aggregating activity was found in many snake venoms, predominantly those of the genus Bothrops, that is apparent only in the presence of the platelet-aggregating von Willebrand factor of plasma.
  • (19) Sporobolomyces yuccicola is the sixth species of the intermedius group, a group of atypical species of the genus Sporobolomyces equipped with Q-9.
  • (20) This reduction was confined to strict anaerobes, mainly the genus Eubacterium and Bifidobacterium.