What's the difference between genu and gnu?



  • (n.) The knee.
  • (n.) The kneelike bend, in the anterior part of the callosum of the brain.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Partial duplication of the proximal part of the long arm of chromosome 5, on the other hand, is associated mainly with musculoskeletal abnormalities including muscle hypotrophy and hypotonia, scoliosis, lordosis, pectus carinatum, cubitus valgus, and genu valgum, in addition to psychomotor retardation.
  • (2) During the second month, a variable spurt of growth occurs in the genu, followed by a similar period of rapid growth in the splenium between 4-6 months of age.
  • (3) The normal level is thus approximately -5 to +5 degrees, and there was thus no "physiological" genu-valgum in the population studied.
  • (4) Serial MRI studies showed damage to the genu and most of the body of the corpus callosum but not the splenium.
  • (5) Patients with gonarthrosis associated to varose deformity excrete, a day after intravenous administration of calcium, the relatively least amounts of phosphorus, as compared to the healthy controls and other degenerative joint diseases without genu varum.
  • (6) A non-neoplastic syndrome of inappropriate secretion of TSH (ITSHS) was diagnosed in a hemithyroidectomized and clinically euthyroid 44-yr-old man, who also exhibited limping (Perthes' disease), genu valgum, pes supinatus and lateral nystagmus.
  • (7) Some injections were made in normal cats and some in cats in which the middle segment of the internal facial genu had been cut.
  • (8) The syndrome is characterized by short stature; a broad, prominent forehead, hypertelorism, congenital ptosis, a broad, short nose with anteverted nostrils, a long, broad upper lip, low-set, abnormally shaped and posteriorly rotated ears; simian palmar creases; brachyclinodactyly; short fingers; ligamentous laxity allowing for hyperextensibility of the fingers, genu recurvatum, flat feet; and an anomalous penoscrotal configuration resulting in "saddle" deformity with scrotal folds incircling the base of the penis.
  • (9) Thin fibers are most dense in the anterior corpus callosum (genu), and decrease in density posteriorly towards the posterior midbody, where they reach a minimum.
  • (10) CT scan in these cases showed infarctions of the right uncus, amygdaloid nucleus, genu and posterior limb of the internal capsule, globus pallidus, lateral geniculate body and tail of the caudate nucleus.
  • (11) We divided the corpus callosum into three segments: rostrum and genu; anterior and posterior trunks; splenium.
  • (12) The VAmc gives rise to the superficial T-C projections onto the banks of the arcuate genu and adjacent region of area 8.
  • (13) This study analyzes mathematically the orientation of the superior tibial epiphysis in frontal and sagittal planes for knees with genu varum arthrosis.
  • (14) The CT showed a low density area in the genu of the left internal capsule.
  • (15) The question was whether pathological statics (genu varum) act significantly in the pathogenicity of the condition.
  • (16) In 9 of 11 specimens (81.8%), the ganglion cell bodies appeared to be aggregated at the apex of the genu close to the origin of the greater superficial petrosal nerve.
  • (17) Our two cases of trisomy 12p (ter leads to 12.1) were compared with eight cases of trisomy 12p described earlier, and the following common characteristics were found: severe mental and physical retardation; flat and round, broad face with prominent cheeks; flat and broad nasal bridge with short nose; anteverted nostrils and large philtrum; broad and prominent lower lip; low-set or slanting ears, poorly formed with folded helix, prominent antihelix and deep concha; short neck; short sternum; "spade"-shaped fingers, the fifth being short; bilateral genu valgum; bilateral pes planus and talus valgus; increased space between the first and second toes; generalized hypotonia; and certain dermatoglyphic characteristics.
  • (18) Measurements of myelin lamellae indicate similarities between anterior and posterior regions of the callosum, although development occurs earlier in the genu than in the splenium.
  • (19) Two months later, clinical examination was normal, but the CT showed cystic area in the genu and splenium.
  • (20) Large cyst-like structures were centered in the anterior limb bilaterally and extended caudally to the level of the genu.



  • (n.) One of two species of large South African antelopes of the genus Catoblephas, having a mane and bushy tail, and curved horns in both sexes.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We describe genetic interactions among png, plu, and the previously identified gene gnu that demonstrate these three genes regulate the same process.
  • (2) gnu uncouples nuclear division from many cytoplasmic events of mitosis in the Drosophila embryo.
  • (3) Partial conjugation of homologous chromatids, which is an evidence for cryptic polyteny in the gnu embryos nuclei, was shown.
  • (4) Drosophila melanogaster embryos, whose mothers are homozygous for the gnu (a recessive lethal mutation with maternal effect) undergo DNA synthesis but are defective in nuclear division.
  • (5) Embryos from females homozygous for the mutation gnu undergo rounds of DNA synthesis without nuclear division to produce giant nuclei, and at the same time show many cycles of centrosome replication (Freeman et al.
  • (6) Among the bovid ribonucleases (cow, bison, eland, sheep, goat and gnu), topi ribonuclease shows the closest resemblance with sheep and goat ribonucleases; except that the glutamic acid residue at position 103 in the ribonucleases from sheep and goat is substituted by a lysine residue in topi.
  • (7) We describe a recessive, maternal-effect lethal mutation of Drosophila, gnu.
  • (8) Placental lactogenic activity has been detected in primates (chimpanzee, orangutan), rodents (voles, Pinon mouse, guinea-pig, mara), and in numerous artiodactyls (llama, giraffe, several species of deer, antelope, gnu, gazelle, musk ox, cape buffalo, Barbary sheep, several sheep of the genus Ovis, goat, and cow).

Words possibly related to "genu"

Words possibly related to "gnu"