(a.) Belonging to, or proceeding from, the original stock; native; hence, not counterfeit, spurious, false, or adulterated; authentic; real; natural; true; pure; as, a genuine text; a genuine production; genuine materials.
Example Sentences:
(1) "The Republic genuinely wishes Northern Ireland well and that includes the 12.5% corporate tax rate," he said.
(2) The need here is to promote the development of genuinely participative models – citizens panels and juries, patient and community leaders, participatory budgeting, and harnessing the power of digital engagement.
(3) A case study of a patient with both documented genuine and hysterical pseudo-seizures demonstrates use of the model.
(4) "Their prioritising of pensioner spending over unemployment benefits fits with a picture seen across this generational work: they care about groups they see as being in genuine need and they put particular emphasis on helping those who have contributed."
(5) O rdinary hard-working people have genuine concerns about immigration, and to ignore immigration is to undemocratically ignore their needs.” Other than the resurgent importance of jam , this is the clearest message we are supposed to take out of Brexit.
(6) And in terms of genuine defence needs (as opposed to state militarism), what greater known threat is there to human security than the prospect of runaway climate change?
(7) They can genuinely believe their partner provoked them to commit the abuse, just so they could get them in trouble.
(8) These issues all need to be addressed before people feel like the economy is genuinely starting to recover.
(9) It's a genuine fear, to be terrified of being labelled a racist.
(10) If you're sincere and smart and genuine and lovable that's what's going to come across in your videos and tweets."
(11) 17 genuine tumors were found (39%): 8 germ-cell tumors, 7 cystomas respectively cystadenomas and 2 tumors of the gonadal stroma.
(12) A placebo effect could not definitely be ruled out, but the startling changes seen in patients who had been followed for years with other forms of therapy suggest strongly that this improvement was genuine.
(13) The present research focuses on indirect memory tests as a potential means of discriminating between those who genuinely suffer from amnesia and those who are simulating.
(14) Speed's mother said she had watched again some television footage of her son before his death and realised his smile didn't seem genuine as "it didn't extend to his eyes".
(15) Was Snare genuine, was the painting stolen, was he making it up?
(16) Much criticism, though, is based on genuine misunderstanding or a wild misrepresentation of reality – even in the pages of prestigious newspapers.
(17) There were no significant differences between the effects of genuine and sham acupuncture either on exercise test variables or on subjective variables.
(18) The training effect represents a genuine adaptation to repeated exercise but is short lived.
(19) Furthermore, when compared with our recent findings with mouse bone marrow cells, the effects, their magnitude and concentration dependence imply genuine species differences in the responses of mice and rats to these hormones.
(20) "Those shows are genuinely moving us forward as an industry, they are dragging the rest of us behind," he says.
(a.) Possessed of genius, or the faculty of invention; skillful or promp to invent; having an aptitude to contrive, or to form new combinations; as, an ingenious author, mechanic.
(a.) Proseeding from, pertaining to, or characterized by, genius or ingenuity; of curious design, structure, or mechanism; as, an ingenious model, or machine; an ingenious scheme, contrivance, etc.
(a.) Witty; shrewd; adroit; keen; sagacious; as, an ingenious reply.
(a.) Mental; intellectual.
Example Sentences:
(1) Committees too often rubber stamp these ingenious schemes with little real scrutiny.
(2) The 700-strong trade mission to Emperor Qianlong sailed in a man-of-war equipped with 66 guns, compromising diplomats, businessmen and soldiers, but it ended in an impasse with the emperor refusing to meet them, saying: "We the celestial empire have never valued ingenious articles, nor do we have the slightest need of your country's manufactures."
(3) Few measures have elicited more anger – or ingenious forms of revolt – than the property tax announced by Greek ministers to plug a budget black hole that might have gone unnoticed had Greece's plight not threatened the entire eurozone.
(4) Gardner has plentiful contacts, a 22-strong network of local churches and ingenious ways of attracting food donations from all parts of the local community.
(5) The future is defined by the same old atavistic carnage as ever – which is, as Rosenbaum says, “an ingenious form of doublethink echoed in the very premise of a fantasy of the future beginning with “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ...” Star Wars cast feel the Force after watching new trailer Read more I don’t hate Star Wars – I love the puppetry, just for starters, and all those beautifully dirty, scum-caked robots.
(6) But arguably neither is scrapping them, since – even if you could somehow get a political mandate to scrap every private and grammar school in Britain tomorrow – parents would always find a way to game the system; we’d still have selection by house price, or by willingness to feign religious conviction, or some other ingenious new wheeze.
(7) The film was backed by an ingenious advertising campaign in which each Python recruited either a relative or friend (Gilliam's mum, Michael Palin's dentist) to present their own radio spot.
(8) To deal with this, she adopted an ingenious strategy.
(9) Bung enough money at a sufficiently ingenious lawyer and you’re in the club.
(10) Then he ingeniously got his bank to give him a loan to open up a fitness club (he advertised in the local paper saying he was opening a club, and membership was free, he got a huge response, then told the bank manager he already had 500 members).
(11) The predilection of such lesions to rupture, with resultant hemorrhage, thrombosis, and distal ischemia, has led to constant attempts at surgical management, including ligation and incision, wrapping, wiring, plasticizing, packing, obliterative and reconstructive endoaneurysmorrhaphy, and a wide variety of procedures both ingenious and ingenuous.
(12) His style plays to Peter Mandelson's ingenious line (which I don't think Lord Mandelson believes in for a moment) that Cameron is plastic to Gordon Brown's granite .
(13) The bombs were so ingenious that they would have evaded airport security.
(14) The rich find ingenious ways to avoid paying taxes.
(15) That might be the case in the Premier League, though the theory was made to look as shaky as some of the United defending by the superbly mobile and bewitchingly ingenious Barcelona attack.
(16) By this shape of holidays the partical sphere of the process of training and education, namely the qualification of those oligophren ones in spending an ingenious leisure, should be noticed and contributed to educating those imbecile boys and girls, who are participating their holidays in a camp for their "relative independence*.
(17) What this means is that a truly fascinating picture by Rubens – his fantastical, ingenious portrait of Marchesa aria Grimaldi, and her Dwarf (c 1606) in which a ruff collar takes on the proportions and complexity of the Milky Way and the beautiful Grimaldi is closely accompanied by her jowly retainer – is shown among a host of lesser works.
(18) The bladderwort ( utricularia ), incognito like a snapdragon, has an ingenious underground lair, vacuum-sucking insects to chambers where they are acidified; pitchers are outwardly passive, but inside their cavernous depths float a mass of drowned flies.
(19) The description of the dependences of consumption coefficients by thermodynamics of irreversible processes allows an ingenious statement of calorimetric measurements of the fermentation process to confirm and to make precise the knowledge deduced from thermodynamics.
(20) Regardless of cause, the treatment of an edentulous patient with microstomia is difficult and often ingenious.