What's the difference between geometrid and proleg?
(a.) Pertaining or belonging to the Geometridae.
(n.) One of numerous genera and species of moths, of the family Geometridae; -- so called because their larvae (called loopers, measuring worms, spanworms, and inchworms) creep in a looping manner, as if measuring. Many of the species are injurious to agriculture, as the cankerworms.
Example Sentences:
(1) The British comma butterfly has moved 137 miles northward in the past two decades, while geometrid moths on Mount Kinabalu in Borneo have shifted uphill by 59 metres in 42 years.
(2) This is one of the first examples where a definite chemical substance is active for a geometrid species.
(3) By testing this compound in woods and orchards, we have found that it was also selectively attractive for males of a geometrid moth; Sterrha biselata.
(4) Telenomus alsophilae, a parasite of the eggs of the geometrid Alsophila pometaria in North America, was introduced into Columbia, South America, for the biological control of a pest host in another genus, Oxydia trychiata.
(n.) One of the fleshy legs found on the abdominal segments of the larvae of Lepidoptera, sawflies, and some other insects. Those of Lepidoptera have a circle of hooks. Called also proped, propleg, and falseleg.
Example Sentences:
(1) Other proleg motoneurons regress but do not die, indicating that dendritic regression is programmed separately from neuronal death.
(2) The principal locomotory appendages of the Manduca sexta caterpillar, the prolegs, are present on the third through sixth abdominal segments (anal prolegs located on the terminal segment were not included in this study).
(3) In this study we examined activity-dependent changes in the amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) evoked in a proleg motoneuron by stimulation of individual planta hair sensory neurons.
(4) The larval-pupal transformation of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, involves the loss of many larval-specific behaviors, including a simple withdrawal reflex of the abdominal prolegs.
(5) At pupation the prolegs are lost, their muscles degenerate, and some of their motoneurons regress structurally.
(6) Two other differently fated abdominal muscles not associated with the proleg were also studied.
(7) In the present study we identified additional proleg motoneurons and their putative homologs in the non-proleg-bearing segments.
(8) An important technical innovation was the development of an isolated proleg and desheathed ganglion preparation that permits rapid and reversible ionic manipulations and drug applications.
(9) The prolegs bear numerous mechanosensory bristle sensilla, each innervated by an afferent neuron that arborizes within the central nervous system (CNS).
(10) In the mosaic hemisegments, electrical stimulation of PH afferents evoked only a small synaptic depolarization of the proleg motoneurons, similar in amplitude to that recorded in normally developing pupae; thus, the developmental status of the afferents was irrelevant to the loss of the reflex.
(11) As a first step toward investigating the process of functional respecification at the synaptic level, we searched for larval interneurons that affected the activity of proleg motoneurons, and followed these interneurons into the pupal stage.
(12) Interneurons were judged to be individually identifiable based on their effects on proleg motoneuron activity and their anatomical features.
(13) The abdominal prolegs, which are the principal locomotory appendages of the caterpillar, are lost during the larval-pupal transformation.
(14) Cobalt-staining of the proleg MNs and planta hair afferents shows that the afferents terminate in ventral neuropil, and the proleg MNs have an unusual ventral projection into this region.
(15) Following adult emergence all but one of the respecified proleg motoneurons dies.
(16) We have followed the fates of a proleg retractor muscle, PPRM, and its single motoneuron, PPR.
(17) Previously, we found that PH afferents produce monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in proleg retractor muscle motoneurons, the size of which depends on the position of the hair in the PH array.
(18) In the tobacco hornworm caterpillar, tactile stimulation of sensory hairs located on the tip of a proleg (the planta) evokes ipsilateral or bilateral retraction of the prolegs in that segment.
(19) These activity-dependent changes in sensory transmission may contribute to the behavioral plasticity of the proleg withdrawal reflex observed in intact insects.
(20) We have used electrophysiological and anatomical methods to investigate the excitatory neural pathways linking the planta hair afferents and the proleg retractor motoneurons (MNs).