What's the difference between giraffe and wingnut?



  • (n.) An African ruminant (Camelopardalis giraffa) related to the deers and antelopes, but placed in a family by itself; the camelopard. It is the tallest of animals, being sometimes twenty feet from the hoofs to the top of the head. Its neck is very long, and its fore legs are much longer than its hind legs.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The retailer has put in thousands more staff to improve service and has been testing new ideas in existing stores, such as artisan bakeries run by Euphorium, a specialist baker based in Islington in London; and upmarket Harris + Hoole coffee shops and Giraffe restaurants – all businesses that Tesco has invested in over the past two years.
  • (2) The viral particles measured 38 nm and 40 nm in diameter in all tissue sections from the impala and giraffe respectively.
  • (3) A corollary to this suggestion is the fact that, in the giraffe, as in most other Artiodactyls, the vertebral blood does not participate in the supply of cephalic structures because it is confined to the cervical region by the pressure barrier in the carotid-vertebral anastomosis.
  • (4) These short films aren't always musical; Laser Cats is a deliberately retro-amateurish sci-fi series about mutant cats who shoot lasers from their eyes, while a student film about giraffes claims that they are from outer space and will destroy mankind.
  • (5) We report the distribution of sympathetic nerves in the hindlimb arterial system of the giraffe based on the histochemical demonstration of monoamines by the sucrose-potassium phosphate-glyoxylic acid method.
  • (6) The instrument consists of three elements, namely: The cecal foramen holder, the giraffe shaped connector and the pointer needle.
  • (7) One stock from a waterbuck and 1 from a giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) failed to infect mice after incubation in human serum for 30 min at 37 degrees C when first tested, but after 5 or 6 further serial passages in mice and even with serum incubation time increased to 5 h, they retained infectivity.
  • (8) Armillifer armillatus, Linguatula serrata and L. nuttalli have each been isolated from nine different mammalian species in the Kruger National Park: lion, Panthera Leo; Leopard, P. pardus; buffalo, Syncerus caffer: blue wildebeest, Connechaetes taurinus; giraffe, Girraffa camelopardalis; kudu, Tragelophus strepsiceros; waterbuck, Kobus ellipsyprymnus; tsessebe, Damaliscus iunatus and impala, Aepyceros melampus.
  • (9) Striking differences in complexity have been found, both between chains attached to the same site in different species (cow and giraffe), between chains attached to different sites of the same enzyme in one-species (pig) and even between chains attached to the same site in a single species (chinchilla).
  • (10) • Africa Budget Safaris has an eight-day Northern Kenya camping safari, including a visit to Lake Turkana, costing £609pp 6 Climb Kili's little brother: Mount Meru, Tanzania Giraffe at the slopes of Mount Meru, Tanzania.
  • (11) A sample of fibers from deep (close to the bone) and superficial (away from the bone) regions of the plantaris (PLT) and medial (MG) and lateral (LG) gastrocnemius muscles of a neonatal, a 17-day-old and an adult giraffe were typed qualitatively as dark or light based on alkaline preincubation myosin ATPase staining properties and then sized.
  • (12) We report the distribution of nerves in vascular tissue from giraffe extremities and neck based on immunofluorescence against specific antisera to dopamine-beta-hydroxylase, neuropeptide Y, neurofilament, and synapsin I.
  • (13) Further filarioid worms recovered from the subcutaneous tissue and the Ligamentum nuchae of the same giraffe were recognized a new species and were described as Pseudofilaria giraffae.
  • (14) Viral particles, typical of the papovavirus family, were demonstrated by electronmicroscopy in small papillomas found on the feet of an impala (Aepyceros melampus) and on the face of a giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) in Kenya.
  • (15) I have a seven-year-old son and have loved reading him stories that use rhyme such as Giraffes Can't Dance, The Snail and The Whale, The Perfect Nest and Mum In A Million.
  • (16) The ventilation, tidal volume and anatomical dead-space were measured in a living giraffe and compared with similar measurements in a camel, red deer, llama and man.
  • (17) You could chose between making a giraffe, elephant, snake or teddy, and patterns for all were provided.
  • (18) That man’s manners; you should have seen him eating his dinner at the table, like a giraffe.’ We don’t mention the sexual thing – it’s not appropriate.” Activism and her legal challenge is taking up more and more of her time.
  • (19) If he wants a seven-foot picture of a woman feeding a giraffe in the buff, he's probably going to get one.
  • (20) The histomorphology of formalin-fixed micro and macrosarcosporidian cysts of Grant's, Thomson's gazelle, impala, wildebeest, Bubal hartebeest, Cape eland, red duiker, Kirk's dik-dik, defassa waterbuck, Bohor reedbuck, African buffalo, giraffe, warthog, and giant forest hog is described.



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Or, as Wingnut put it rather succinctly: "GROW SOME BALLS.
  • (2) A DHS memo about right-wing extremism would set off the wingnut skree machine , and there would also be extensive Republican complaints about “border security” – not to mention howls of “Big Sis” .
  • (3) She welcomed “Pinktober” on Twitter with her signature mix of righteous outrage and poignant sarcasm: Xeni Jardin (@xeni) Oh, and on top of vital government services being held hostage by wingnuts it's FUCKING PINKTOBER October 1, 2013 Xeni Jardin (@xeni) I love most that we're able to take a horrible, disfiguring, lethal disease and turn it into shopping.
  • (4) One of the most exciting things in Congress is the right and the left – what I call the ‘wingnut coalition’ – is working together to improve justice in America,” said Labrador.
  • (5) (It’s vital to remember, too, that being able to tell my abortion story without feeling unsupported and unsafe – beyond the general unease of knowing my country is full of heavily armed, anti-intellectual GOP wingnuts – is a privilege.
  • (6) Not just for what it says but because what is being said sounds like it should come out of the mouth of a wingnut Republican senator in the US, not a pair of gay fashion designers in Milan.
  • (7) I’m depressed to think that if these wingnuts form a coalition I, as a comedian, will have to know the names of some real morons.
  • (8) Our politicos seem to still believe that the only people who vote in our state are white wingnuts and religious zealots who spread hate rather than love of their neighbors.