What's the difference between glib and prolix?



  • (superl.) Smooth; slippery; as, ice is glib.
  • (superl.) Speaking or spoken smoothly and with flippant rapidity; fluent; voluble; as, a glib tongue; a glib speech.
  • (v. t.) To make glib.
  • (n.) A thick lock of hair, hanging over the eyes.
  • (v. t.) To castrate; to geld; to emasculate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The phrase “self-inflicted blow” was one he used repeatedly, along with the word “glib” – applied to his Vote Leave opponents.
  • (2) Niven found himself disturbed by some glib answers from Salmond, but he’s still swithering.
  • (3) In excerpts of these videos I am shown making a series of glib, thoughtless and sometimes downright insulting comments”, Gruber told the committee.
  • (4) I no longer want to vote for glib promises that are abandoned the day after an election; I want to vote on specific issues.
  • (5) "Would all these girls," he asks, with a sorrow that defies any glib, one-should-be-so-lucky retort, "be fucking me if they weren't getting paid?"
  • (6) UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: “We must move beyond glib and superficial analysis of youth unemployment and its causes if we are to give the next generation a real chance in life.
  • (7) Rolling news and the internet favour glib commentary over serious journalism.
  • (8) Coleridge, denouncing “a contemptible democratical oligarchy of glib economists”, asked: “Is the increasing number of wealthy individuals that which ought to be understood by the wealth of the nation?” Dickens did much with Carlyle’s despairing insight into cash payment as the “sole nexus” between human beings.
  • (9) Above all, more must be done to make sure the destination after school is not into Neet status – now a rather glib term that hides a range of problems that stretch far into a young person's future, not least in future lost earnings.
  • (10) Salmond’s reminiscences about each were more than mere glib anecdotes of a statesman eager to convey something of the circles in which he moved.
  • (11) While I'm in no position to understand the genuine motives of thousands of women (Facebook memes do have a habit of indirectly bullying people into appearing worthy), the effect of such mass and glib support was not greeted with enthusiasm by all those more directly affected by cancer.
  • (12) I mean, I think in this world, the more communication we have, the more people tend to be glib, and arch, and Hank could never do that.
  • (13) Kezia Dugdale and Ken Macintosh ought to bear all this in mind as they resist moves to decouple from the Westminster party, save for the glib assertion that they will seek more autonomy (whatever that’s supposed to mean).
  • (14) There are glib and sometimes foolish comparisons with the 1930s.
  • (15) It’s as if she’s forgotten that the emotions that were galvanised were because everyone despised her for being so glib.
  • (16) "I have political issues with the idea of speaking about [art] in relation to the revolution in general," said Hassan Khan, who said it was glib to map artistic progression to the contours of a political event that was still very much in flux.
  • (17) And I think when you’re the kid in that situation, it’s really easy to be glib and just want your parents to catch up to who you’re turning yourself into.
  • (18) It is a glib analogy that bestows on Eritrea an aura of mystery that is neither desired nor deserved, and not only because the country poses no nuclear threat.
  • (19) Clegg was just glib and irrelevant, acting as if he’d been in opposition for the last five years rather than in government.
  • (20) Despite all that, we remain mostly ill-equipped to talk about the realities of the disease; our formulas seem paltry or glib.



  • (a.) Extending to a great length; unnecessarily long; minute in narration or argument; excessively particular in detail; -- rarely used except with reference to discourse written or spoken; as, a prolix oration; a prolix poem; a prolix sermon.
  • (a.) Indulging in protracted discourse; tedious; wearisome; -- applied to a speaker or writer.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But those who have not lost the power to examine themselves will probably find something basically true in the prolix, shapeless study of a futile frustrated wretch, even if they do not get as far as extending much sympathy to him.
  • (2) Even as they're running way past the climax of the sketch, they're mocking their own prolixity.
  • (3) Even more than most legislation it was prolix and repetitive, but its bold intention stood out: “to give ... the right to buy their homes ... to tenants of local authorities”.
  • (4) It has led some commentators to suggest that in this instance he overstretched himself, that he became prolix or, more charitably, that Beware of Pity is actually two novellas of unequal length stitched together.
  • (5) The plague agent is adapted to the existence on the territory occupied by aggregations of females that manifests itself in the delay of the beginning and prolixity of block-formation periods in fleas.
  • (6) The interpretation of the words in the detailed and prolix terminology by Andry conveys some of the essential contents of modern orthopaedics, but completely ignores another branch of orthopaedics in adults, particularly its most important source, namely, traumatology of the locomotor organs.
  • (7) A narrator devoted to the prolix, the comprehensive.
  • (8) The scientists were unaware of my letter to Congress because they did not have the good sense or courtesy to contact me - or even to contact the vast majority of the scientists whose conclusions I had cited - before circulating to friendly news media their prolix, turgid, repetitive, erroneous and inadequate response to my testimony."
  • (9) Moreover, the current profusion of plausible theories is unmanageably prolix; it is true, however, that theory must account for the complexity of constant shifts of developmental levels in terms of currently used adaptive devices.
  • (10) Although its prolixity has caused comment, the name “Justice for men and boys (and the women who love them)”, acronym J4MB, does not begin to capture the surging passions due to add colour to the three campaigns planned by Mr Buchanan.