(1) In attempts to correlate GLUT-1 and GLUT-2 expression to beta-cell function glucose uptake and glucose-stimulated insulin release in fresh and cultured islets were measured.
(2) Supermarkets are slashing the price of cauliflower because a relatively warm start to the year has produced a glut of florets.
(3) Thus, pretranslational suppression of GLUT 4 transporter gene expression may be an important mechanism that produces and maintains cellular insulin resistance in NIDDM.
(4) Following micropressure application of glutamate (500 microM) in stratum lacunosum-moleculare (L-M), inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (glut-IPSPs) were recorded in CA1 pyramidal cells.
(5) The GLUT 7 sequence is six amino acids longer than rat liver GLUT 2, and the extra six amino acids at the C-terminal end contain a consensus motif for retention of membrane-spanning proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum.
(6) The results indicate that the embryonic heart is rich in GLUT-1 mRNA; whereas the adult heart contains predominantly GLUT-4 mRNA.
(7) In the ZDF rat, a model of NIDDM that closely resembles the human syndrome, we have previously reported profound underexpression of GLUT-2, the high-Km facilitative glucose transporter expressed by beta cells of normal animals.
(8) GLUT 2 occurred in all hepatocytes as a basolateral membrane protein with a gradient of high expression in the periportal area and a lower one in the perivenous part.
(9) In heart, GLUT-4 mRNA decreased to a greater extent than GLUT-4 protein in response to diabetes and fasting.
(10) Both GLUT-1 and GLUT-4 isoform content were greater in red than white muscle.
(11) No change in the level of GLUT-4 mRNA was detected in the plantaris muscle although increases were observed in the soleus muscle from the obese rats.
(12) AspT mRNA is widely distributed in the brain, but is present at high levels in GABAergic neuronal populations, some that may be glutamatergic, and in a subset of neurons which do not contain significant levels of either GAD or GluT mRNA.
(13) At higher doses (0.1-0.4 M), Glut induced hypotension with bradycardia in 23 out of 40 injections in both pons and MMRF.
(14) Western blot assay of GLUT-4 (a major isoform of glucose transporter in adipocytes) indicated that FITC (a) partially blocked insulin-dependent translocation of GLUT-4 from the intracellular site to the plasma membrane while it (b) induced a mild "insulin-like" effect.
(15) The increase of the GLUT-4 mRNA and the decrease in the GLUT-4 protein correlated with the rate of glucose uptake [correlation coefficient (r) = -0.55, P less than 0.01, and r = -0.44, P less than 0.05, respectively].
(16) In addition, both D-galactose and D-mannose are transported by GLUTs 1-3 at significant rates; furthermore, GLUT 2 is capable of transporting D-fructose.
(17) The amount or activity and the mRNA concentrations of Glut 4, fatty acid synthase (FAS) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) were measured before and after weaning in white adipose tissue of obese and lean Zucker rats.
(18) In contrast, chronic insulin infusion into nondiabetic rats does not affect the number of hepatocytes expressing GLUT-1.
(19) Local application of glutamate (GLUT) reliably excited cells of the supraoptic nucleus.
(20) ASP and GLUT depolarized reversibly the cell membrane and increased its conductance.
(a.) Too full; filled to overflowing; excessively full; surfeited.
Example Sentences:
(1) Care must be taken to ensure that the segments are not overfull, otherwise the seams may burst upon freezing.
(2) Milk yield was measured in 12 of the normal mothers, and all mothers were asked to note the time of milk "coming in" (the feeling of overfullness of the breasts).
(3) The day I left there were two dead bodies in the street and our isolation unit was overfull.
(4) The reduction in vein overfullness using an external constrictive sleeve prevents structural parietal changes in the vein and allows reducing atherogenesis of the arterialized vein graft.