What's the difference between goa and poa?



  • (n.) A species of antelope (Procapra picticauda), inhabiting Thibet.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The kind of colours that you want to paint your house after a holiday in Goa or Brazil.
  • (2) I have stressed the influence of genetic factors, best exemplified as a single gene aberration in the occurrence of Heberden's nodes, while a polygenetic interplay may be involved in other forms of hand GOA.
  • (3) During the period 1982-86, a total of 657 Salmonella strains were isolated from various clinical samples processed in the Microbiology laboratory of Goa Medical College, Bambolim, Goa.
  • (4) The commission's reports on mining in Goa accused both the state and the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) of allowing illegal mining in the state and putting the region's environment and ecology at risk.
  • (5) What they’d really like is a lottery win so they can forget yuletide altogether and get on a plane to Goa or Istanbul.
  • (6) A marked difference in malaria incidence amongst labour imported for construction and local residents was observed in a study following the outbreak of malaria in Panaji (Goa) in 1986.
  • (7) Testosterone was slightly higher in GOA women aged under 53.
  • (8) Amid her grief and despair, MacKeown still feels anger at the Goa police for the first, botched autopsy.
  • (9) A destructive arthropathy is much more common when generalized osteoarthritis (GOA) and articular chondrocalcinosis (ACC) coexist than in GOA alone.
  • (10) The cDNAs encoding two forms of mammalian G(o) alpha were also isolated and designated GoA alpha and GoB alpha.
  • (11) Two local men, Placido Carvalho and Samson D'Souza, have been charged in connection with the murder, which was seen as a watershed for Goa's tourism industry.
  • (12) When age, weight and height were considered, no significant differences were observed between patients with GOA and normal controls.
  • (13) Patients with pseudoachondroplasia exhibited a grosser type of joint laxity than other subjects while those with GOA represented a relatively stiff group.
  • (14) This, after all, was meant to be the culmination of her efforts over the past two years to get justice for her daughter, whose bruised, semi-naked body was found on Anjuna beach in north Goa while on a family holiday in February 2008.
  • (15) While the parcel cleared customs (expected to take three days) the men insisted Bowles stay in their swanky apartment in Goa and she was accompanied at all times.
  • (16) I can only say that if international tourists come to Goa and are murdered, they have no hope that justice [will be done] in this system.
  • (17) They are either protecting the police officers or protecting the drug trade or the image of Goa."
  • (18) The producers did not obtain official permission to film in Goa, believing it would not be granted.
  • (19) How could she drag them all off to Goa, cries Middle England as her past is raked over and an attempted manslaughter conviction is added to the growing charge list.
  • (20) The model is subjected to sensitivity analysis with reference to data for Salcette Taluka, Goa, India.



  • (n.) A genus of grasses, including a great number of species, as the kinds called meadow grass, Kentucky blue grass, June grass, and spear grass (which see).

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Gonadectomy has no effect on POA aromatase in the female.
  • (2) In addition, the warm-responsive neurones in the VMH region exhibited larger thermal coefficients than those in the POA region.
  • (3) Activity of the aromatase system in the POA, which converts testosterone to 17 beta-estradiol (E2), is increased by systemic androgen.
  • (4) In contrast, in the preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (POA-AH) these antisera assayed amounts of LHRH that varied as a function of binding characteristics, although the quantities did not vary with the estradiol treatment schedule.
  • (5) Interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) are thought to be endogenous pyrogens, i.e., to mediate fever production; warm-sensitive (W) and cold-sensitive (C) neurons in the preoptic area (POA) are presumed to be the ultimate targets of endogenous pyrogens.
  • (6) One week after the placement of a lesion by radiofrequency or microinjection of kainic acid in the organum vasculosum of lamina terminalis (OVLT) but not in subfornical organ, ACTH response to intravenous IL-1 beta was enhanced, whereas both radiofrequency-induced lesion and kainic acid in the preoptic area (POA) suppressed the response.
  • (7) Pancreatic oncofetal antigen (POA) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were determined in plasma of 195 patients with breast cancer and 90 patients with colon carcinoma.
  • (8) These results show that damage to the AH or AH-POA junction in male marmosets causes a profound suppression of sexual 'arousal' and copulatory behaviour and that such affects are not due to androgen insufficiency or other, non-specific, side effects of neural damage.
  • (9) The threshold of AD and OD response in POA neurons declined during estrus and proestrus of the estrous cycle and in the Ovx-E group, but increased in the Ovx-P group and during diestrus.
  • (10) To determine if the median eminence itself could direct the growth of GnRH axons, co-grafts of POA and a fetal medial basal hypothalamic (MBH) block, which was predominantly median eminence, were made.
  • (11) These results indicate that the inductions of fever and plasma ceruloplasmin by IL6 are, like those of IL1, modulated in the POA, albeit the effective doses are much higher than those of IL1.
  • (12) Area POa in the lower bank is the recipient of a projection from the rostral inferior parietal lobule.
  • (13) Each neurotransmitter antagonist was administered via a chronically implanted steel guide tube into either the preoptic area (POA), retrochiasmatic area (RCh), or the median eminence region (ME).
  • (14) It is apparent from these studies that estrogen appears to activate the neurons of the POA receiving inhibitory synaptic input via the axonal collateral branches of the ARC neurons, and that progesterone seems to activate the neurons of the POA receiving excitatory synaptic input.
  • (15) In vitro estrogen formation was significantly lower in POA (p less than 0.05) and MBH (p less than 0.01) after castration.
  • (16) Custer I contained isolates from green healthy leaves of Agrostis tenuis, Festuca rubra, Holcus lanata, Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis, and clusters 2 and 3 consisted of isolates from Holcus lanata seeds and leaves of P. pratensis respectively.
  • (17) It was subsequently shown that males with a bilaterally lesioned SDN-POA still showed an increase in plasma testosterone.
  • (18) GnRH fibers projected from the medial POA to a dense fiber plexus in the median eminence (ME).
  • (19) The hypothalamic preoptic area (POA) was electrically stimulated through permanently implanted electrodes in 4 unanesthetized sheep.
  • (20) Coronal sections from midportions of the preoptic area (POA), suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and arcuate nucleus (ARC) were examined by quantitative light microscopy in young (5 month) and old (18-20 months) intact mice and in old mice which had been ovariectomized at 6 months of age.

Words possibly related to "goa"

Words possibly related to "poa"