(n.) A hollow-horned ruminant of the genus Capra, of several species and varieties, esp. the domestic goat (C. hircus), which is raised for its milk, flesh, and skin.
Example Sentences:
(1) 10D1 mAb induced a substantial proliferation of peripheral blood T cells when cross-linked with goat anti-mouse Ig antibody.
(2) When labelled long-chain fatty acids or glycerol were infused into the lactating goat, there was extensive transfer of radioactivity into milk in spite of the absence of net uptake of substrate by the mammary gland.
(3) Infectious virus was recovered 3 years after infection from selected tissues of 12 of 17 CAEV(63)-infected goats and 11 of 18 CAEV(Co)-infected goats.
(4) As evidence, they show no mediated semantic-phonological priming during picture naming: Retrieval of sheep primes goat, but the activation of goat is not transmitted to its phonological relative, goal.
(5) Voluntary intake and nutritive value of diets selected by goats grazing a shrubland at Marin county, N.L., Mexico were determined.
(6) In the second study, CFA, TiterMax, Adjuvax and RAS were compared in rabbits, mice and goats.
(7) Heart rates were obtained simultaneously from FM radio transmitters and heart rate monitors externally mounted on unanesthetized and unrestrained mixed-breed goats.
(8) In order to obtain baseline information about Lewis antigen expression in human urothelium in order that changes during malignant transformation can be evaluated, urothelium from eight individuals of known erythrocyte Lewis types were stained by a Tween-modified indirect immunoperoxidase staining technique using goat antibodies directed toward the Lewis a and Lewis b determinants and mouse monoclonal antibodies directed toward the Lewis a determinant in serial dilutions.
(9) The staining method consisted of sequential treatment of slides with crest serum, fluorosceinated goat-antihuman and swine-antigoat antibodies, and propidium iodide.
(10) The antigen bound antibody was separated from the free antigen by the double antibody method using goat anti-rabbit IgG serum.
(11) Twenty-eight pregnant goats in midgestation were exposed to a bovine pathogenic strain of Brucella abortus to determine the histologic changes associated with infection.
(12) Head chef Christopher Gould (a UK Masterchef quarter-finalist) puts his own stamp on traditional Spanish fare with the likes of mushroom-and-truffle croquettes and suckling Málaga goat with couscous.
(13) Mature Fasciola gigantica obtained from naturally infected cattle were surgically transferred into the gallbladders of six fluke-free goats.
(14) The Palestinian Bedouin family live in Az-Zayyem, inside Area C, farming goats and camels for milk.
(15) In the second experiment, 2 antisera to mouse NGF were given daily into the footpad for 11 or 12 d; control animals were given normal goat serum.
(16) Therefore, the hypothesis of a fetal sensori-neural hearing loss due to oxygen lack was tested in the following animal models: a) Adult cats to which feline red blood cells were infused thus causing a polycythemia similar to fetal conditions; b) Adult rats acclimated to altitude in a hypobaric chamber, inducing erythropoiesis with elevated hematocrit and hemoglobin; c) Neonatal guinea pigs and goats studied when they were less than 12 hours old so that the fetal compensatory mechanisms were still present.
(17) The goat and rabbit mouse epsilon chain-specific antisera were adsorbed on normal mouse serum.
(18) The OMI averaged 2.2 and 2.1% of body weight for sheep and goats, respectively (P = .08).
(19) The goat isolates were obtained from animals with various disease conditions including respiratory tract disorders, vulvovaginitis, and wart-like lesions on the eyelid.
(20) Cerebrocortical necrosis appears to be unusual in goats, compared to cattle and sheep, but it should be entertained in the differential diagnosis of caprine nervous diseases.
(n. sing. & pl.) Any one of several species of ruminants of the genus Ovis, native of the higher mountains of both hemispheres, but most numerous in Asia.
(n. sing. & pl.) A weak, bashful, silly fellow.
(n. sing. & pl.) Fig.: The people of God, as being under the government and protection of Christ, the great Shepherd.
Example Sentences:
(1) In each sheep there was a significant negative correlation between the glucose and corticosteroid concentrations in both maternal and fetal plasma, and there were positive correlations between the maternal and fetal plasma concentrations of glucose, and between the glucose and fructose concentrations of fetal plasma.
(2) Anesthetized sheep (n = 6) previously prepared with a lung lymph fistula underwent 2 hr of tourniquet ischemia of both lower limbs.
(3) The mechanism by which pertussis toxin (PT) breaks the unresponsiveness of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) was examined in B10 mice.
(4) Blood flow was measured in leg and torso skin of conscious or anesthetized sheep by using 15-micron radioactive microspheres (Qm) and the 133Xe washout method (QXe).
(5) Base-line HPV was determined by measuring the change in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) while sheep breathed 12% O2 for 7 min.
(6) of about 330 000 for the elementary peptide chains of pig and sheep thyroglobulin.
(7) However, in GF rats and in rats monoassociated with viable P. acnes, parenteral injection of killed P. acnes antigen inhibited the plaque-forming cell response to sheep erythrocytes.
(8) The plasma, urine, and tissue sulfathiazole concentrations were determined at various times following intravenous administration to 12 sheep.
(9) As evidence, they show no mediated semantic-phonological priming during picture naming: Retrieval of sheep primes goat, but the activation of goat is not transmitted to its phonological relative, goal.
(10) It is suggested that contractile responses to electrical stimulation in isolated sheep urethral smooth muscle are mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, mainly through release of noradrenaline stimulating postjunctional alpha 1-adrenoceptors.
(11) The dumplings could also be served pan-fried in browned butter and tossed with a bitter leaf salad and fresh sheep's cheese for a lighter, but equally delicious option.
(12) We measured the steady-state volumes of distribution for radioactive chloride, sucrose, and albumin in the lung of six anesthetized, spen-thorax sheep.
(13) Haematological and blood biochemical changes in the sheep, as well as fecundity of gastrointestinal nematodes, suggested the hosts were immunosuppressed.
(14) Periods of spontaneously occurring hypoxia have been observed in fetal sheep.
(15) The efficacy of other anthelmintics which have been used against paramphistomes in sheep is reviewed.
(16) A minimum of 4 sheeps' heads, obtained weekly over 24 months from the Pretoria Municipal Abattoir, was examined for infestation.
(17) The intravenous administration of ovine placental lactogen to pregnant and non-pregnant sheep produced significant acute decreases in plasma free fatty acid, glucose and amino nitrogen concentrations.
(18) In this ewe, and in 4 of 7 other sheep diagnosed as having abomasal emptying defects, aspartate transaminase and sorbitol dehydrogenase activities were high, and histopathologic evidence of hepatic congestion and ischemia was found.
(19) Also, Gs failed to hemolyze sheep erythrocytes when there was hemolysis by virions or an amino-terminal peptide of the VSV glycoprotein.
(20) It contained approximately 1% HP+cells and approximately 3% of all lymphocytes forming rosettes which sheep erythrocytes (E+ cells) present before fractionation.