What's the difference between god and tyrant?



  • (a. & n.) Good.
  • (n.) A being conceived of as possessing supernatural power, and to be propitiated by sacrifice, worship, etc.; a divinity; a deity; an object of worship; an idol.
  • (n.) The Supreme Being; the eternal and infinite Spirit, the Creator, and the Sovereign of the universe; Jehovah.
  • (n.) A person or thing deified and honored as the chief good; an object of supreme regard.
  • (n.) Figuratively applied to one who wields great or despotic power.
  • (v. t.) To treat as a god; to idolize.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is my desperate hope that we close out of town.” In the book, God publishes his own 'It Getteth Better' video and clarifies his original writings on homosexuality: I remember dictating these lines to Moses; and afterward looking up to find him staring at me in wide-eyed astonishment, and saying, "Thou do knowest that when the Israelites read this, they're going to lose their fucking shit, right?"
  • (2) Crown prince Sultan Bin Abdel Aziz said yesterday that the state had "spared no effort" to avoid such disasters but added that "it cannot stop what God has preordained.
  • (3) Join a Twitter book club It all started last summer, when 12,000 people took to Twitter to discuss Neil Gaiman's American Gods .
  • (4) The author discusses marriages in which a basically insecure husband plays a god-like role and his wife, who initially worshipped him, matures and finds her situation depressing and degrading.
  • (5) If you can get through them, then you are considered a god in the world of cold calling.
  • (6) Last night, in a dramatic announcement that led some to accuse him of playing God, Venter said the dream had come true, saying he had created an organism with manmade DNA .
  • (7) The characters in the film realise that the “gods are not coming to save us”, he said.
  • (8) When I lived in New York, my local yoga centre would advocate veganism in terms I hadn't heard since I last went to synagogue ("godly") or spoke regularly to anorexics ("clean", "pure").
  • (9) In 1945 Aneurin Bevan said: ‘We have been the dreamers, we have been the sufferers, and now, we are the builders.’ And my God, how they built.
  • (10) From the moment God speaks to him until he leaves the ark and steps on to dry land, he never says a word.
  • (11) What the film does, though, is use these incidents to build an idiosyncratic but insightful picture of Lawrence, played indelibly by Peter O'Toole in his debut role: a complicated, egomaniacal and physically masochistic man, at once god-like and all too flawed, with a tenuous grip both on reality and on sanity.
  • (12) He was in Cruise of the Gods with Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon and David Walliams and, most famously, in the stage and screen version of The History Boys.
  • (13) And I believe that America holds within her the truth that regardless of race, religion, or station in life, all of us share common aspirations – to live in peace and security; to get an education and to work with dignity; to love our families, our communities, and our God.
  • (14) His "Oh God" prayer was actually written after the England team failed in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa but is likely to be useful in all future tournaments as well.
  • (15) OH MY GOD, I just looked it up online,” she wrote.
  • (16) There is a god who protects me, and I just don’t believe Hofer will send me to a concentration camp.” Like Marine Le Pen’s Front National, the Freedom party has actively tried to distance itself from its antisemitic past since at least 2010, when it joined a cross-party alliance in the European parliament with Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom and Italy’s Northern League.
  • (17) It's hard to imagine a more masculine character than Thor, who is based on the god of thunder of Norse myth: he's the strapping, hammer-wielding son of Odin who, more often than not, sports a beard and likes nothing better than smacking frost giants.
  • (18) In fact, it soon became clear that if there was anything designed to get Tony really riled, it was talk of God.
  • (19) Thank God the heroes of SWAT-team prevented the worst.
  • (20) Expressing the belief that it was important for Christians to engage in "a sincere and rigorous dialogue" with atheists, Francis recalled Scalfari had asked him whether God forgave those "who do not believe and do not seek to believe".



  • (n.) An absolute ruler; a sovereign unrestrained by law or constitution; a usurper of sovereignty.
  • (n.) Specifically, a monarch, or other ruler or master, who uses power to oppress his subjects; a person who exercises unlawful authority, or lawful authority in an unlawful manner; one who by taxation, injustice, or cruel punishment, or the demand of unreasonable services, imposes burdens and hardships on those under his control, which law and humanity do not authorize, or which the purposes of government do not require; a cruel master; an oppressor.
  • (n.) Any one of numerous species of American clamatorial birds belonging to the family Tyrannidae; -- called also tyrant bird.
  • (v. i.) To act like a tyrant; to play the tyrant; to tyrannical.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The fall of a tyrant is usually the cause of popular rejoicing followed by public vengeance.
  • (2) While the Spielberg of popular myth is Mr Nice Guy, Lean was known as an obsessive, cantankerous tyrant who didn't much like actors and was only truly happy locked away in the editing suite.
  • (3) "Sometimes a handshake is just a handshake, but when the leader of the free world shakes the bloody hand of a ruthless dictator like Raúl Castro , it becomes a propaganda coup for the tyrant," said Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the Republican Congress member in Florida, told the US secretary of state, John Kerry.
  • (4) One of the two last strongholds of Gaddafi loyalists, the town of Bani Walid, has finally been contained, Libya's interim government has claimed, leaving only parts of the ousted tyrant's birthplace out of rebel reach.
  • (5) So long as tyrants and terrorists chase innocents around the globe, we must offer them refuge.
  • (6) Thinking the fatwa was little more than the empty threat of a faraway tyrant, Theroux called out to Rushdie: "Next week we'll be back here for you!"
  • (7) The phrase "time to water the tree of liberty" - a reference to a famous quotation from Thomas Jefferson, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" - is also frequently used by a right wing group called Stormfront , motto White Pride World Wide.
  • (8) Its words are an attack on tyrants and despots, and a call for liberty.
  • (9) He is a tyrant and he needs to be expelled from the newspaper."
  • (10) Other tyrants, including, Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein, appeared equally unconcerned about the ICC.
  • (11) Fearful of an imminent military breakthrough by Iran, the agency passed on Iranian troop positions to the Iraqi tyrant, " fully aware that Hussein's military would attack with chemical weapons, including sarin ".
  • (12) "The Tyrant's In His Pants," said the Sun's headline, while the Post opted for "Butcher of Sagdad" against an image of Hussein wearing nothing more than a pair of white Y-fronts.
  • (13) A toy autocracy may easily invite a real one; it was recently revealed that nuclear war would have made the monarch a genuine tyrant with the power to appoint a prime minister without an election, although it is hard to imagine Elizabeth II – with her rugs bearing a knitted royal crest, and her tiny dogs – as Gaius Julius Caesar.
  • (14) On the face of it, algorithms – "step-by-step procedures for calculations" – seem unlikely candidates for the role of tyrant.
  • (15) He might, according to people who know him, be a nerdy academic, but he was also a tyrant, according to Blanchflower , a “my way or the highway” boss who ran the place with an iron fist.
  • (16) If we’re supposed to become nails in the coffin of a tyrant, I’d like to become one of those nails.
  • (17) Devout Muslims consider it a sacrilege for infidels to depose a Muslim tyrant and occupy Muslim lands — no matter how well intentioned the infidels or malevolent the tyrant.
  • (18) Mobutu Nzanga said he is proud of his father, despite the commonly held view that he was a kleptocratic tyrant.
  • (19) The letter says : “As rabbis and cantors we regularly read the story of a band of refugees who escaped from a tyrant with only the clothes on their backs and a bit of flat bread.
  • (20) In a video posted on social media on Sunday, a man purporting to be Shekau addresses the “tyrants of Nigeria in particular and the west of Africa in general,” saying: “You broadcast the news and published it in your media outlets that you injured me and killed me, and here I am.” The speaker says: “I will not be killed until my time comes.” Last month, Nigeria’s air force said it had killed senior members of Boko Haram and that Shekau had been injured .

Words possibly related to "god"