What's the difference between goddess and mistress?



  • (n.) A female god; a divinity, or deity, of the female sex.
  • (n.) A woman of superior charms or excellence.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A pony-tailed local businessman, Hall rose to prominence during the referendum campaign when he used a reconditioned Green Goddess fire engine to distribute pro-independence literature.
  • (2) "We are not victims, we are adventurous sex goddesses!"
  • (3) The narrative drivers are pretty slack – improbable dialogue ("I'm a very wealthy man, Miss Steele, and I have expensive and absorbing hobbies"); lame characterisation; irritating tics (a constant war between Steele's "subconscious", which is always fainting or putting on half-moon glasses, and her "inner goddess", who is forever pouting and stamping); and an internal monologue that goes like this … "Holy hell, he's hot!
  • (4) The goddess Diana and her nymphs are bathing in a woodland pool when the hunter Actaeon chances by.
  • (5) Crowley, adds Breeze, “was many things and excelled at most: a record-setting mountaineer, a competition-level chess player, the best metrical poet of his generation in the estimation of some, a literary critic of international reputation, an innovative editor and book designer, a pioneer in the use of entheogens, and a lion of sexual liberation – he was above all a lover, of men, women, gods, goddesses and himself”.
  • (6) The temple itself was built in the 5th century BC by the city-state of Athens for Athena, its patron goddess, and it housed the tribute the Athenians received from the other city-states subject to them: hardly a symbol of Greek democracy or fellow-feeling.
  • (7) Such joie de vivre, coupled with such accomplishment, makes her a goddess.
  • (8) Placed in the foundation of the temple of the fertility goddess, its 21 lines call on those who find the temple to honor the king's name.
  • (9) "This is my England," Clifford said, vibrating with the bitch-goddess Success, as the gamekeeper tended his chicks.
  • (10) In the past three weeks alone she has performed on The Late Show With David Letterman , given a MOMA benefit, staged by Chanel and attended by David Bowie in honour of Tilda Swinton ("a real hero of mine," she tells me, " the woman is a goddess"), topped Time magazine's list of the world's most influential teenagers and signed a $2.5m publishing deal .
  • (11) I’m very proud of them.” Sitting in his chambers between a bust of Winston Churchill and a statuette of the Goddess of Democracy, the symbol of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, Lee remembers strolling through the umbrella movement’s main camp, a sprawl of tents and political debate, three days before police finally cleared it, in December 2015.
  • (12) The British public is accustomed to the sight of celebrity chefs competing for column inches, TV airtime and prime bookshelf space, but yesterday new battlelines were drawn as domestic goddess Nigella Lawson launched her iPhone app, putting her in direct competition with Jamie Oliver.
  • (13) As a priority it will deal with the deployment of army-staffed Green Goddess fire engines.
  • (14) Other photographers in the show include Eugene von Bruenchenhein, who was inspired by wartime images of Rita Hayworth and Betty Grable to take thousands of photographs of his wife in poses from domestic goddess to Hollywood pin-up; and Lee Godie, who lived homeless on the streets of Chicago and used photo booths to capture herself in almost endlessly different guises.
  • (15) There are chapters – when one of the Pleiades comes to earth or Mary Poppins is hailed as a goddess at the zoo – which sound as if they could have been written by the theosophist Madame Blavatsky on a particularly dotty day.
  • (16) The ceremony had a bogus feel but, dressed in that clinging material the Athenian sculptors rendered so miraculously in marble, the virgins of Vesta the goddess of fire really did look as though they had served as caryatids or just stepped from an ancient frieze.
  • (17) It offers a rare chance to see films from Shanghai's 1930s golden age: classics such as 1948's Spring In a Small Town , which has been compared with the works of Ozu and Antonioni, or the 1934 silent movie The Goddess , starring screen heroine Ruan Lingyu – both of which have recently been restored and received like long-lost relatives by Chinese audiences.
  • (18) After Tony and his shiny head did the dirty with Tracy Barlow, the goddess of pure evil, Liz went straight into a rebound fling with Dan, a man so slimy he glistens.
  • (19) His painting of a nude Hindu goddess, Saraswati, became the target of protests in 1996.
  • (20) All photos: City of Errors Athens got its name from Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, which is itself a contradiction.



  • (n.) A woman having power, authority, or ownership; a woman who exercises authority, is chief, etc.; the female head of a family, a school, etc.
  • (n.) A woman well skilled in anything, or having the mastery over it.
  • (n.) A woman regarded with love and devotion; she who has command over one's heart; a beloved object; a sweetheart.
  • (n.) A woman filling the place, but without the rights, of a wife; a concubine; a loose woman with whom one consorts habitually.
  • (n.) A title of courtesy formerly prefixed to the name of a woman, married or unmarried, but now superseded by the contracted forms, Mrs., for a married, and Miss, for an unmarried, woman.
  • (n.) A married woman; a wife.
  • (n.) The old name of the jack at bowls.
  • (v. i.) To wait upon a mistress; to be courting.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Saudi Arabia As one might imagine, Saudi television rather wants for the bounty we enjoy here - reality shows in which footballers' mistresses administer handjobs to barnyard animals, and all those other things which make living in the godless west such a pleasure.
  • (2) My art mistress at school was a wonderful woman called Jean Stevenson.
  • (3) Mussolini and his mistress hung upside down in Milan by Italian partisans.
  • (4) In Russia they do the same thing, it’s just there they call it having a mistress.
  • (5) They must be Masters - or Mistresses - of the Arts.
  • (6) Nor do I care if he got off on any activity with Mistress Pain.
  • (7) Violence was nothing unusual among 17th-century artists – Bernini once hired a hitman to slash the face of an unfaithful mistress, while Giovanni Castiglione attempted to throw his own sister off a roof – but Caravaggio was a repeat offender.
  • (8) "This is mainly by reason of her involvement with Mr Huhne, both professionally as his press agent and personally as his secret mistress, in circumstances where he campaigned with a leaflet to the electorate of Eastleigh about how much he valued his family."
  • (9) Earvin “Magic” Johnson, the former NBA star who was the subject of some of Sterling’s remarks, said on Twitter: “Commissioner Silver showed great leadership in banning LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling for life.” The real estate mogul’s punishment was announced almost four days after he was heard on a recording released by TMZ telling his mistress, V Stiviano, to stop bringing black guests to Clippers games.
  • (10) The first was delivered by Tim Hands , the headmaster of Magdalen College school since 2008, and given to mark Hands's elevation to chairmanship of the Headmasters and Mistresses Conference , which represents the prosperous elite of Britain's independent schools, including Eton and Roedean.
  • (11) Guy Claxton Teachers as we know from many decades are past masters and mistresses at subverting things that they are told to do, but they don't buy.
  • (12) The track has since been dissected by fans and critics as his final outpouring of turmoil after facing an impossible choice between his wife and his mistress.
  • (13) Two years later, the production and arrangement entirely in Bush's hands, came her wholly unfettered mistress-piece: The Dreaming .
  • (14) In 12 Years a Slave, however, this reassuring cliche is overthrown, and the relationship between Mistress Epps (Sarah Paulson) and Patsey (Lupita Nyong'o) makes a mockery of the one between Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) and Prissy (Butterfly McQueen).
  • (15) Mistress Epps is humiliated by her husband's sexual obsession with Patsey, and, unable to punish her husband, she brutalises the young woman with a savagery that made me jump out of my seat.
  • (16) Washington has long been a fan of the petro-dollar and Obama is proving another fickle enthusiast, flirting with the industry one moment, even as he snaps at it the next – like the coquettish mistress of an oil tycoon.
  • (17) Silver had promised quick resolutions, and he was not kidding, especially since it was only Friday when the gossip site TMZ released the audio recordings of an emotionally abusive Sterling attempting to badger his mistress into not attending games with African-American men , in this particular case NBA basketball legend and Los Angeles Dodgers partial owner Magic Johnson.
  • (18) In Cover Her Face , the victim is an unmarried mother, charitably employed by the mistress of the manor (the house is still in family hands) as a parlourmaid, on the commendation of the warden of a refuge for "delinquent" girls.
  • (19) Facebook Twitter Pinterest On watching Mistress America, I filed it as a riff on Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s , with Brooke in the role of a 21st-century Holly Golightly.
  • (20) Most of the employed drivers in Saudi Arabia have no say over where they go, they merely do their mistresses' bidding.