(1) Autopsy revealed a unique combination of neuropathological findings, namely 1) multiple neurilemmomas of the cauda equina with loss of nerve fibers in dorsal roots and Goll's tracts, 2) symmetric fiber loss in the lateral corticospinal tracts throughout the spinal cord, and 3) a cavernous hemangioma of the lower thoracic spinal cord.
(2) There was ascending degeneration of Goll's columns and descending degeneration of the lateral columns.
(3) The neurons of the Goll's and Burdach's nuclei have a richly ramified dendritic network.
(4) (Busch, W. A., Stromer, M. H., Goll, D. E., and Suzuki, A.
(5) In the spinal cord, there was myelin pallor in the posterior column predominant in Goll's fascicule and moderate atrophy of neurons in the anterior horn.
(6) Concerning Goll's tract in the lumbar area of the dorsal funiculus, faster maturation than in the thoracic and cervical areas can be seen.
(7) showed severe loss of Purkinje cells, sligth regressive changes in both dentate and olivary nuclei, nerve cells atrophy of anterior horn motoneurons, degeneration of Goll's and Burdach's spino-olivary and anterior spino-cerebellar tracts.
(8) A distinction is made between Goll's tract and Burdach's tract, and, furthermore, inside Goll's tract the cervical, thoracic and lumbar areas are compared.
(9) Thus the number of proteinase-sensitive regions in the myofibrils is greater than as previously reported by Dayton, Goll, Zeece, Robson & Reville [(1976) Biochemistry15, 2150-2158].
(10) Burdach's tract shows earlier and faster development of the myelin sheath than Goll's tract cervically, which leads to the conclusion that epicritical sensitivity matures earlier in the upper extremity.
(11) A comparison between Goll's and Burdach's tracts shows an earlier and faster growth of the axons in Burdach's tract.
(12) Pallor of Goll's tracts and axonal swelling in Goll's nuclei were also observed.
(13) In this case the spinocerebellar tracts were less involved than the lumbar spinal ganglia, as well as their distant axial continuation to Goll's tracts only at the cervical level and until the bulber nucleus gracilis.
(14) It has been found out that within Goll's tract a caudocranial maturation takes place.
(15) Highly purified alpha-actinin can be made by using the low ionic strength extraction procedure previously described (Arakawa N., Robson, R. M., and Goll, D. E. (1970) Biochim.
(v. t.) To deceive; to cheat; to mislead; to trick; to defraud.
(n.) A cheating or cheat; trick; fraud.
(n.) One easily cheated; a dupe.
(n.) One of many species of long-winged sea birds of the genus Larus and allied genera.
Example Sentences:
(1) The normal bacterial and fungal flora of the seagull was established and it is considered that the C. albicans in fresh gull droppings would not materially increase albicans infections in man.
(2) People who do not know the Bible well have been gulled into thinking it is a good guide to morality.
(3) Later that day, Collins, Perkins and Jones were observed meeting again at the Castle pub, moving on to the upmarket Bonnie Gull Seafood Bar in nearby Exmouth Market.
(4) Renal clearance experiments were performed on herring gull (Larus argentatus) and great black-backed gull chicks (L. marinus) to test the importance of parathyroid hormone (PTH), parathyroidectomy (PTX), and calcium loading on excretion patterns of sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphate.
(5) "It's the people who were persuaded to vote no who were misled, who were gulled, who were tricked effectively.
(6) The rate of isolation from gulls was 0.26% in the cold months and 3.0% in the warm months.
(7) Though waterbirds, including moorhens and gulls, live on the margins, and a thin scum of litter is visible at the shore, the reservoir is not intended as a home to wildlife, and any fish living here are accidental visitors.
(8) Nine of 16 gulls rigorously examined were found infected simultaneously with both species.
(10) In view of the endangered status of Audouin's gull, there is a need to observe closely the developing trend of contamination in this species.
(11) Clinical, necropsy, bacteriologic, parasitologic, histopathologic, toxicologic and animal inoculation studies suggest that organochlorine (PBC, dieldrin and DDE) poisoning was an important factor in causing deaths of free-flying ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) in southern Ontario in 1969 and 1973.
(12) Audouin's gull (Larus audouinii) is a very rare species endemic to the Mediterranean basin.
(13) The Northern Ireland secretary is making clear this work will accelerate and the existing Operation Gull to tackle illegal migration to Northern Ireland expanded to close any potential backdoor to Britain post-Brexit.
(14) The nature of the vascular alpha-adrenoceptors has been studied in the herring gull, Larus argentatus.
(15) Landfill disposal of a fertilizer manufacturing waste product was associated with a die-off of gulls in New Hanover County, North Carolina.
(16) About one-third of oxychlordane in herring gull eggs was lost in 1 year under these conditions, but none was lost after freeze-drying when the homogenate was stored at -18 degrees to -28 degrees C.
(17) The rate for C. jejuni and C. coli, respectively, was in gulls from regional garbage dumps 78% and 4%, from the coast 58% and 21%, and from islands 47% and 47% of the isolations in the corresponding area.
(18) those feeding on other birds (sparrow-hawk 33.00 mg.kg-1 in the dry matter of eggs, hawk 239.98 mg.kg-1 in fat) or those associated with water (great crested grebe 11.97 mg.kg-1, sea-gull 11.24 mg.kg-1 in the dry matter of eggs).
(19) In 1967, shell thickness in herring gull eggs from five states decreased with increases in chlorinated hydrocarbon residues.
(20) The brains of gulls dying with clinical signs of neurologic involvement, and dead gulls with no other apparent cause of death, contained organochlorine residues of significantly greater levels than those found in healthy gulls shot for comparison.