(n.) Any large web-footen bird of the subfamily Anserinae, and belonging to Anser, Branta, Chen, and several allied genera. See Anseres.
(n.) Any large bird of other related families, resembling the common goose.
(n.) A tailor's smoothing iron, so called from its handle, which resembles the neck of a goose.
(n.) A silly creature; a simpleton.
(n.) A game played with counters on a board divided into compartments, in some of which a goose was depicted.
Example Sentences:
(1) Experiments were conducted comparing the relative contribution of internal and external cold stimuli in the initiation of horripilation (cutis anserina or "goose flesh") in men and women.
(2) The molecular structure of the goose-type lysozyme has been determined at a resolution of a 2.8 A by X-ray crystallographic analysis.
(3) In 2000 the comic strip Mother Goose and Grimm showed an owl in a tree calling "Whom" and a raccoon on the ground replying "Show-off!"
(4) Erythrocytes from pigeons and 1-day-old chicks gave similar antigen and antibody titers, but goose erythrocytes gave lower titers.
(5) Aminopyrine demethylase activity was significantly lower in liver slices from the duck (Aylesbury X Pekin, Khaki-Campbell) than from the rat (Wistar), and in the Aylesbury X Pekin duck lower than in the turkey (Triple 6 FLX), chicken (Brown Leghorn, Rhode Island Red X Light Sussex) and goose (Emden X Doulouse).
(6) In contrast to those obtained from duck, goose and caiman, delta-crystallin isolated from the pigeon lens possessed very little argininosuccinate lyase activity.
(7) Salt-gland blood flow in the domestic goose has been measured using a combination of Sapirstein's indicator fractionation technique for organ blood flow and Fegler's thermodilution method for cardiac output.2.
(8) At the end of this awful Soviet-style display we had to watch the Chinese soldiers goose step on to the stage”.
(9) It is concluded that the epithelial cell of the goose, as of other animals, may function beyond crypts without the regulating influence of the nucleus.
(10) Evidence was presented that a single copy of the decarboxylase gene present in the goose genome codes for both the mitochondrial form found in extremely low amounts in the liver and the cytosolic form found in large amounts in uropygial glands.
(11) After scarfing platefuls of seafood on the terrace, we wandered down to the harbour where two fishermen, kitted out in wetsuits, were setting out by boat across the clear turquoise water to collect goose barnacles.
(12) Flagellates from the caeca of a diseased hen and a diseased goose were transmitted to 35 specific pathogen-free (SPF) chickens.
(13) 2 mycoplasma strains were isolated, one from the phallic lymph of a gander and the other from a cloacal swab of a laying goose.
(14) The W chromosome possessed large amounts of CMA3-bright material on the short arm in both the turkey and the goose.
(15) The RIA will measure PRL in several avian species including the chicken, duck, goose, pheasant, pheasant X chicken F1 hybrid, pigeon, quail and rock.
(16) A molecular weight value of 547 000 was determined for the goose fatty acid synthetase by sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation.
(17) When it was her turn in front of Mengele [the murderous Auschwitz doctor who notoriously experimented on inmates], my mother told him that she was pregnant, hoping he would be compassionate ... Mengele snapped “ Du dumme gans ” [you stupid goose] and ordered her to the right.” That meant she had been chosen for forced labour, rather than the gas chamber.
(18) To test this possibility the levels of the decarboxylase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and fatty acid synthase in the gland of the embryonic and neonatal goose were measured by immunodiffusion and immunoblot assays for the proteins as well as the enzyme assays for the catalytic activities.
(19) Proline uptake averaged higher in the proximal portion of the cecum than in any region of the small intestine for all species but the goose.
(20) In the flesh, though, you'd think Wasikowska wouldn't say boo to a goose, let alone a camel.
(n.) A running knot, or loop, which binds the closer the more it is drawn.
(v. t.) To tie in a noose; to catch in a noose; to entrap; to insnare.
Example Sentences:
(1) Soft tissue forming a noose, or interposed in the joint, is implicated.
(2) And he said yes, and I was so happy – I would have felt bad if he’d said no.” With the noose tightening around Aleppo, Masri says: “Aleppo is the final revenge against the city that was the cradle of the peaceful revolution - a genocide against everyone that does not flee all they have, and the graves of their families.
(3) Rachel Dolezal's deception: her 'black' identity doesn't make sense – or make her black Read more Dolezal has been a regular face at local demonstrations and on TV channels, and has made the news on numerous occasions for the graphic hate mail she has received, including nooses left at her home.
(4) I would prefer a fair trial, under the shadow of the noose.” From a Times article calling for the return of capital punishment.
(5) The noose and the stake sent the worst offenders to hell.
(6) The previous week, campaigners carried a mock gallows with a noose labelled for Merkel.
(7) Police will probably continue to tighten the noose on more black markets.
(8) She accused the three states of putting a “noose” around civilians in the city, asking: “Are you incapable of shame?
(9) The noose tightens around Libya as competing ideological and territorial claims are staked on it.
(10) Graham also called for the missile shield to be revived, and advocated the creation of “a democratic noose around Putin’s Russia” through aid to neighbouring countries such as Georgia.
(11) It is also about publicly remembering the many people who died alone on dark highways or on the banks of the Alabama River at night, with nooses around their necks or guns at their heads, thinking that they would be lost forever.
(12) To many liberals these are turkeys voting for Christmas or lemmings off for a leap; the condemned tying the noose for their own execution.
(13) In advance of an eventual assault on Mosul , peshmerga fighters are tightening the noose around the city with the US-led coalition’s role on the ground becoming more visible.
(14) The US and Europe are seeking to tighten the noose on Moscow with sanctions, while maintaining top-level discussions and insisting there is a way in which Putin can change course.
(15) Fifty years on, the debate over the penalty for murder – what replaces the hangman’s noose – rumbles on.
(16) Noose occlusion of a coronary artery produced detectable NADH fluorescence in 15 seconds in the subtended ischemic epicardium.
(17) Fear of another fatal confrontation was clear in the phone calls that were broadcast live on the internet earlier on Wednesday after the FBI effectively squeezed the noose around the remaining members of the militia.
(18) Efforts to persuade the European Central Bank to tear up its own rulebook and loosen the noose – by easing limits on cash flows to Greek banks – have fallen on stony ground.
(19) A part of the internal leaf forms with three cords this noose and builds so a sphincter-like closure mechanism, which reduces the size of the deep inguinal ring by a local erection of the transversalis fascia.
(20) And, inevitably, these nooses overlapped: journalism lost interest because it felt the show was over which, in turn, hastened the end.