(n.) A chisel, with a hollow or semicylindrical blade, for scooping or cutting holes, channels, or grooves, in wood, stone, etc.; a similar instrument, with curved edge, for turning wood.
(n.) A bookbinder's tool for blind tooling or gilding, having a face which forms a curve.
(n.) An incising tool which cuts forms or blanks for gloves, envelopes, etc. from leather, paper, etc.
(n.) Soft material lying between the wall of a vein aud the solid vein.
(n.) The act of scooping out with a gouge, or as with a gouge; a groove or cavity scooped out, as with a gouge.
(n.) Imposition; cheat; fraud; also, an impostor; a cheat; a trickish person.
Example Sentences:
(1) John, who has just been released from prison on licence after serving four years for gouging a man’s eye out , admits: “I used to see Tyson on the television.
(2) Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have accused Turing of price-gouging.
(3) There was a deep gouge across the back of his head and blood was welling through his copper- coloured hair.
(4) Make a hole in the radius with a small gouge with insertion of the pin to the fracture site and then drive it into the proximal fragment.
(5) How it gouges money from those who don’t own only to put it in the pockets of those who do.
(6) The following technical devices have been adopted: -- curved unilateral incision into deep fascia --interlaminar space widening by chisels and gouges, avoiding the use of rongeurs -- sodium succinate methylprednisolone injection into dural sac.
(7) "I bought her, and I still can't believe this, I might as well have gouged out my own eyeballs with a rusty spoon, but I bought her a personalised number plate which was M155 LTD. Miss Living The Dream.
(8) The crumpled metal cockpit floor featured large gouges.
(9) Olympe de Gouges, born in 1748, led in Paris, the brilliant and dissolute life of a rather mediocre writer and a passionate feminist, demanding for women the right to go into politics.
(10) Their white tents stood near the brown earth gouged by the armoured trucks that had carried them there – the closest point to Mosul they had reached before an assault on Iraq’s second largest city.
(11) Topology favoring attachment was inherent in 0.45-mum filters and was produced in plastic by gouging irregular excavations 10 to 15 micrometer deep.
(12) Karen McVeigh Governor Christie (@GovChristie) We have activated temporary hotlines to report price gouging.
(13) Greedy, gouging bastards, depriving students of their last few pennies in a relentless quest for profit.
(14) Yemen's humanitarian crisis leaves a million people in dire straits – in pictures Read more Maurer, who recently visited Yemen and Iran to negotiate broader humanitarian access, said air raids had gouged craters in the streets of the Yemeni capital Sana’a.
(15) Crash patterns-such as cut and damaged vegetation, gouges, debris scatter, burn areas, etc.,-and their spatial relations can be very effectively evaluated by the analysis of stereo aerial photographs.
(16) He has people eating their sons in pies, men with their eyes gouged out, and merciless sexual jealousy.
(17) With a chisel or a gouge, cuts are made in the cortical surface of the bone on both sides of the fracture line, and numerous scales are lifted but remain attached at the base, like the petals of a flower.
(18) In what will come as welcome news to defenders across the land, chippy Chelsea striker Diego Costa may also be leaving these shores to gouge, elbow, snarl and kick his way around his old La Liga stamping ground.
(19) The worst of the episodes involved Mousa Dembélé, who gouged at Diego Costa’s eyes during a wider mêlée sparked by a confrontation between Danny Rose and Willian.
(20) ); (2) exploitation of bark surface insects and the use of trunks as a platform to locate terrestrial prey (Saguinus fuscicollis, S. nigricollis, and Callimico); (3) manipulative foraging and bark stripping to locate concealed insects and small vertebrates (Leontopithecus); and (4) tree gouging and year-round exudate feeding (many Callithrix).
(n.) The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, tanned, tawed, or otherwise dressed for use; also, dressed hides, collectively.
(n.) The skin.
(v. t.) To beat, as with a thong of leather.
Example Sentences:
(1) Wearing a brown leather fedora and dark sunglasses, the 69-year-old was ushered into a waiting van shortly after dawn and taken to the western port city of Kobe, the headquarters of the Yamaguchi-gumi.
(2) Results of the determinations indicated that protective leather gloves contained considerable content of chromium, and chromium-free machine oils and lubricants were polluted with chromium's minute quantities as the oils and lubrications were being used.
(3) The coke sailed up my nasal passage, leaving behind the delicious smell of a hot leather car seat on the way back from the beach.
(4) The results of the study evidence that vitamin B1 and B6 are especially necessary for workers whose activity is associated with manifest nervous-emotional stress, while the workers engaged in the synthetic leather industry being exposed to dimethyl formamide are in need of vitamin B2.
(5) Also in the Lords amongst the phalanx of red leather benches is a solitary seat curbed by an armrest provided for a perpetually drunken Lord (hence the saying?)
(6) Leather, who celebrated his seventh consecutive week at the top of the Amazon chart with his novella The Basement , about a serial killer in New York, also occupies fourth place with Hard Landing , another thriller, and 11th place with Once Bitten , a vampire novel.
(7) Wearing a white dress, black jacket and patent leather sandals, and clutching her mobile phone and keys, she could be on her way to an office in one of the capital's new skyscrapers, instead of walking past a patchwork of bean and sweet potato fields en route to the village's tin-roofed administration offices.
(8) In Great Britain and other countries there have been reports of an increased frequency of adenocarcinoma of the nose and paranasal sinuses, mimicking histologically mucinous colonic carcinoma, among workers exposed to wood dust and workers in the leather industry.
(9) Sometimes he puts on a leather bomber jacket and talks tough, but it doesn't become him.
(10) It's been a wonderful game of football, with both sides going hell-for-leather and it couldn't be more even as things stand: all square on the scoreboard, with each aside having scored an away goal.
(11) When four leather strips were tied to the back tyre of the bicycle before laying the track, the one dog tested took the correct direction significantly more often than predicted by random choice.
(12) Scores of archaeologists working in a waterlogged trench through the wettest summer and coldest winter in living memory have recovered more than 10,000 objects from Roman London , including writing tablets, amber, a well with ritual deposits of pewter, coins and cow skulls, thousands of pieces of pottery, a unique piece of padded and stitched leather – and the largest collection of lucky charms in the shape of phalluses ever found on a single site.
(13) The candidate was crushed with just 4.9% of the vote and was forced to dodge Sydney Leathers, a woman who said she had received sexual messages from him, while giving his concession speech.
(14) The insertions of the superficial and deep portions of the masseter muscle, the temporalis muscle, the medial pterygoid muscle and the temporalis fascia were simulated with leather bonded to the appropriate areas.
(15) In the first image , his brother looks like a cool New Yorker in a leather jacket, cigarette dangling from his mouth.
(16) Adrian Clark, style director of Shortlist , is throwing a trailer-trash curveball: "a pair of vintage black leather Versace jeans with zips – wrong in all the right ways – Gucci biker boots and bespoke tailoring by Gieves & Hawkes , Richard James and Mr Start".
(17) Toksvig rides a motorbike, and recently revealed to Radio Times that she had been “taking lessons from a large man in leathers”.
(18) Farron made clear that his party would contest both, particularly Stoke, where he said the Lib Dems would go “hell for leather”: “There’s a really massive issue, where we’re the only people taking what I consider to be the right side.
(19) Here, at number 441, a new Detroit brand called Shinola has its flagship store (there's another in New York) for high-end watches, leather goods and bicycles.
(20) Excess risks were confirmed among men and women employed in the manufacture of footwear and other leather products and of wooden furniture.