What's the difference between gowl and yowl?



  • (v. i.) To howl.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A survey of American executives by law firm Gowling WLG indicates almost 40% of them are considering moving their British office to the EU, and two-thirds of the 533 US companies surveyed say the Brexit referendum was already having an effect on investment choices.
  • (2) Antibodies were associated with immunoglobulin classes by density gradient centrifugation and utilization of specific antisera to gowl immunoglobulins in indirect immunofluorescence.



  • (v. i.) To utter a loud, long, and mournful cry, as a dog; to howl; to yell.
  • (n.) A loud, protracted, and mournful cry, as that of a dog; a howl.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) He was the frontman, but she swiftly became the band's most celebrated member, exuding a nonchalant, cigarette-smoking cool onstage, her calm, measured voice the perfect foil to Francis's yowling and screaming: in the 2006 Pixies documentary, loudquietloud , Deal is pursued by her own coterie of fans, who hyperventilate when they meet her and hold up signs during gigs proclaiming her to be God.
  • (2) Repeating the old line about the crisis starting in the US mortgage market gets another yowl of contempt.
  • (3) A small group of worshippers sat under an ancient bodhi tree, their chanting mingling with the yowl of peacocks and the swish of a brush sweeping leaves from the sandy ground.
  • (4) Whatever Trump appeared to promise, and whatever he may yowl into Twitter’s great maw, he doesn’t appear to have anyone around him who is able to translate his instincts into something that may one day resemble a legislative program.
  • (5) Every yelp and yowl shows a 50p rise in top tax hits the right spot.
  • (6) We tiptoed around, spoke in hushed tones and jumped on the cats every time they yowled.

Words possibly related to "gowl"

Words possibly related to "yowl"