What's the difference between grackle and plumage?



  • (n.) One of several American blackbirds, of the family Icteridae; as, the rusty grackle (Scolecophagus Carolinus); the boat-tailed grackle (see Boat-tail); the purple grackle (Quiscalus quiscula, or Q. versicolor). See Crow blackbird, under Crow.
  • (n.) An Asiatic bird of the genus Gracula. See Myna.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A single specimen, a partially engorged female, of Ixodes brunneus was recovered from a common grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) in Butler County, near El Dorado, Kansas (USA).
  • (2) DCF detected antibody in most inoculated common grackles, mourning doves, and brown-headed cowbirds.
  • (3) It was unreliable, however, for great-tailed grackles and bronzed cowbirds inoculated intramuscularly.
  • (4) Among Common Grackles, Quiscalus quiscula, two characteristic activities of partners, following and vocal answering, develop during group activities and promote the individual specificity of pair bonds.
  • (5) Estimated normal bounds for each of the 18 variables measured by commonly used clinical procedures are presented for reproductively quiescent northern bobwhites, European starlings, red-winged blackbirds, and common grackles.
  • (6) Sporocysts of duck, cowbird, and grackle origin were structurally similar.
  • (7) Most communication among common grackles Quiscalus quiscula occurs at distances of less than a few metres in the noisy environment of a breeding colony.
  • (8) Chlamydiae were apparently transmitted to the uninoculated great-tailed and common grackles and mourning doves, for antibody was detected by all 3 methods in these species kept as uninoculated cagemates.
  • (9) Two female common grackles (Quiscalus quiscula) were inoculated intratracheally with 1.6 X 10(8) chick embryo lethal doses50 of a chlamydial organism isolated from turkeys.
  • (10) An extensive survey of birds for Leucocytozoon in South Carolina during the summer of 1972 revealed that Blue Jays, Purple Grackles and domestic chickens were commonly infected.
  • (11) Angiotensin converting enzyme activity was identified in brush-border membranes purified from the small intestinal epithelium of the common grackle, Quiscalus quiscula.
  • (12) It is concluded that: 1) grackles are potential reservoir hosts that could be important in the transmission cycle of C. psittaci in nature; and 2) epidemiologic studies of chlamydiosis in wild birds should include both serologic testing (preferably by the MDCF method) and attempts to isolate chlamydiae from cloacal swabs.
  • (13) Chlamydiae were isolated in mice from cloacal swabs taken 14 days postinoculation from the infected grackles.
  • (14) These results indicate contact transmission of chlamydiae from infected grackles to turkeys.
  • (15) Four wild bird species--great-tailed grackle (Cassidix mexicanus), common grackle (Quiscalus quiscula), brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater), and mourning dove (Zenaidura macroura)--were either inoculated intratracheally with Chlamydia psittaci or exposed indirectly as uninoculated cagemates.
  • (16) The birds species used were great-tailed grackles (Cassidix mexicanus), common grackles (Quiscalus quiscula), brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), bronzed cowbirds (Tangavius aeneus), and mourning doves (Zenaida macroura).
  • (17) Methiocarb (4-methylthio-3, 5-xylyl N-methyl carbamate, Mesurol, Bay (3744), a bird repellent, was fed in concentrations of 100 to 1,000 ppm to common grackles (Quiscalus quiscula), mourning doves (Zenaida macroura), and breeding pairs of coturnix quail (Coturnix coturnix) to investigate the possibility of cumulative intoxication.
  • (18) Sporadic shedding of chlamydiae was demonstrated in three species (great-tailed grackle, brown-headed cowbird, and mourning dove) that were inoculated, and also in uninoculated grackles of both species exposed to inoculated great-tailed grackles.
  • (19) AGP detected antibody in all inoculated brown-headed cowbirds and all mourning doves, 1 inoculated and 1 exposed great-tailed grackle, and none of the other 2 species.
  • (20) An index of similarity is presented to express the species importance relationships of the helminth faunas of the 7 species of birds: red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata), brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), common grackles (Quiscalus quiscula), house sparrows (Passer domesticus), starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), and robins (Turdus migratorius).



  • (n.) The entire clothing of a bird.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Body-plumage of hens moulted at 11 degrees C was 25% heavier than of hens moulted at 29 degrees C. 3.
  • (2) Distinctive for its embroidered yellow plumage, the honeyeater is considered a “flagship” species: the most marketable of a group of endangered animals that share a habitat.
  • (3) For all loci the genotype suppressing colour was associated with less plumage deterioration, this being highly significant for loci C and S. 5.
  • (4) The plumage represented 5-8% of the total body weight, and its iron content oscillated between 152-163 p.p.m.
  • (5) Recent studies have employed the plumage carotenoids to test hypotheses of genetic divergence, to relate plumage color to environmental process, and to demonstrate the influence of synthetic changes on color.
  • (6) Afterward, as the ducks began to acquire adult feathers, short-chain wax esters composed of 2- and 4-monomethyl fatty acids began to appear with 2-methylhexanoyl and 4-methylhexanoyl as the major acyl components; esters of short-chain monomethyl fatty acids (less than or equal to C12) constituted 90% of the lipids when the ducks were 2 months old and had acquired adult plumage.
  • (7) Back in early 2013, shortly after Cruz’s arrival in the Senate, McCain had deemed him and colleagues with similarly flamboyant conservative plumage “wacko birds”.
  • (8) The negative influences comprise disorders in social behaviour, loss of typical plumage functions and disabilities of normal mobility, as well as genetic defects and pathogenic predispositions.
  • (9) An investigation was conducted among the progeny from crosses between Exchequer Leghorn and Ancona bantams into the relationship between two plumage phenotypes, pied and mottled, both of which are arrangements of non-pigmentation expressed on a background of eumelanin.
  • (10) The genetic basis for plumage color of the Blue Andalusian breed was studied.
  • (11) Data are presented on the genetics of the plumage color of the Villafranquina, a breed of Spanish chicken representing a black-tailed red type of the columbian restriction pattern.
  • (12) Groups of 3-5 homing pigeons individually recognizable by different colours of their plumage were followed by helicopter on their way home.
  • (13) Changes in testicular size and plumage molt were monitored at regular intervals during the 12-week period.
  • (14) Heart weights, plasma corticosterone levels, durations of tonic immobility (TI), and plumage conditions were compared for top and bottom birds in the dominance ranks.
  • (15) The greater part of these plumage modifications is generally of interest for exhibition poultry fancy.
  • (16) Modifications of the plumage and specific feather malformations, as developed during the domestication process of different poultry species are described.
  • (17) Mercury exposure in Western Europe is not excessive, as shown by the relatively low levels in the summer plumage.
  • (18) Growth rate, egg number, egg and adult body weight, plumage condition, food intake and efficiency of laying hens were compared in birds differing in plumage colour genotype at five loci (C, I, S, Ig, B).
  • (19) All birds on long days moulted into adult plumage, whereas those on short days retained juvenile plumage.
  • (20) Some birds lack colored spots and show pure white plumage.

Words possibly related to "grackle"