(1) 2010 2 May : In a move that signals the start of the eurozone crisis, Greece is bailed out for the first time , after eurozone finance ministers agree to grant the country rescue loans worth €110bn (£84bn).
(2) For months, more than 170,000 mainly Syrian refugees travelling north from Greece have used Hungary as a thoroughfare to the safety of northern and western Europe.
(3) In Europe, for example, the basket of goods tested has fallen 18% in Greece (Corfu) to £57.50, making prices a third cheaper than Italy (Sorrento) at £87.06, the most expensive of six eurozone destinations surveyed.
(4) Samaras said: A "Grexit", as it is called, would be devastating for Greece and detrimental to Europe.
(5) There are no more parties, there is only Greece," said Markos Bolaris, the new deputy health minister and close ally of the former prime minister George Papandreou .
(6) The industry wants the health ministry to bring in a new pricing system so that Greece uses a basket of eurozone countries to calculate prices.
(7) Sadly, the bullet will not only kill off Greece’s future in Europe.
(8) In addition, the UK government will provide further resources to the European Asylum Support Office to help Greece and Italy identify migrants, including children, who could be reunited with family members elsewhere in Europe.
(9) All of the parties have been trying to use Greece to their advantage.” On Monday, the governing People’s party pointed to the referendum to justify their decision to impose austerity measures during the height of the economic crisis.
(10) Greece sincerely had no intention of clashing with its partners, Varoufakis insisted, but the logic of austerity was such that policies conducted in its embrace could only fail.
(11) While Greece struggled to find a new leader, the spotlight turn dramatically to Italy.
(12) As Greece pleads with its eurozone creditors for more time in meeting its fiscal adjustment targets, Dombrovskis is a fierce champion of surgical austerity applied quickly and ruthlessly.
(13) We performed a study of this type in the small town of Lari (Pisa) with the objectives of estimating the prevalence of mental disorders, including "minor" disorders, and of comparing our estimates with similar studies carried out in UK and Greece using identical methods (PSE-IX and CATEGO).
(14) Greece standoff over €86bn bailout eases after Brussels deal Read more But while the bailout chiefs are poised to agree on a route map, the journey for the Greek people seems no less long and arduous.
(15) Edwards pointed to Greece, which he said simply does not have the capacity to cope with the number of arrivals it is receiving and needs massive international help.
(16) That’s precisely the point made by Jubilee Debt Campaign: the reckless lenders that poured speculative cash into the country in the runup to the crisis escaped largely unscathed (though they were forced to accept some reduction in the face value of their bonds – known as a haircut – in the 2012 restructuring that accompanied Greece’s second emergency bailout).
(17) Couldn't the rest of the eurozone just let Greece default on its debts?
(18) The last major international bank with branches nationwide, Citi announced it would close all of its network presence outside of Greece’s two major cities, Athens and Thessaloniki.
(19) Then Greece has another chance.” But the intervention by the IMF will undermine EU leaders who argue Greece must submit to a fresh round of austerity measures to release funds for debt repayments.
(20) But Erik Britton, of City consultancy Fathom, said: "The LTRO [long term refinancing operation] and all those things, all it's done is bought a bit of time, but it hasn't addressed the structural problems, even slightly, even for Greece."
(a.) Of or pertaining to Greece or the Greeks; Grecian.
(n.) A native, or one of the people, of Greece; a Grecian; also, the language of Greece.
(n.) A swindler; a knave; a cheat.
(n.) Something unintelligible; as, it was all Greek to me.
Example Sentences:
(1) In a separate exclusive interview , Alexis Tsipras, the increasingly powerful 37-year-old Greek politician now regarded by many as holding the future of the euro in his hands, told the Guardian that he was determined "to stop the experiment" with austerity policies imposed by Germany.
(2) Greek officials categorically denied the report with many describing it as a "joke".
(3) An unexpected result of the Greek crisis has been a flight of capital into British government bonds, which has seen gilt prices fall.
(4) Greek police have said the 45-year old man arrested over the attack has admitted being a member of the extremist Golden Dawn Party.
(5) Thus, the dental health and dietary habits of the Greek immigrant and the Swedish children were generally very similar, while the Greek rural children showed a less favourable cariological status.
(6) Portugal's slide towards a Greek-style second bailout accelerated after its principal private lenders indicated that they were growing weary of assurances from Lisbon that it could get on top of the country's debts.
(7) Far from securing the regime change they were seeking, the creditors now find that Syriza is being supported by all Greek political parties apart from the communists and the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn.
(8) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Columnist Jonathan Freedland and economics editor Larry Elliott discuss the late-night deal that the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras has agreed to When it comes to the now-abandoned Thessaloniki Programme, the radical manifesto on which Alexis Tsipras came to power, there is always talk of implementing it “from below”: that is, demanding so many workers’ rights inside the industries designated for privatisation that it becomes impossible; or implementing the minimum wage through wildcat strikes.
(9) Would the Greek crisis have been avoided if Europe had stuck to fiscal discipline?
(10) Greece standoff over €86bn bailout eases after Brussels deal Read more But while the bailout chiefs are poised to agree on a route map, the journey for the Greek people seems no less long and arduous.
(11) "But if public opposition to further austerity measures hardens, the Greek government could find it even tougher to put the public finances back on a sustainable footing."
(12) Financial experts aren't immediately sure what to make of the report, but one theory is that the figure includes the 'profits' the European Central Bank has made by buying Greek debt at distressed levels since the crisis began: econhedge (@econhedge) suggestion that this is planned EUR31.5b+ECB profits.
(13) The Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras welcomed the IMF’s intervention saying in a TV interview that what the IMF said was never put to him during negotiations.
(14) To leave the Euro, says Clarke, would be "disastrous" for the Greeks.
(15) The footballer, who plays for club side Gabala and the national team , had waved a Turkish flag during a Europa League match in Cyprus, and appeared to make an obscene gesture at a Greek journalist who asked why he had done so.
(16) In the context of a simplified diamond lattice model of a six-member, Greek key beta-barrel protein that is closely related in topology to plastocyanin, the nature of the folding and unfolding pathways have been investigated using dynamic Monte Carlo techniques.
(17) Greek debt crisis: What's in the proposals from Athens?
(18) The decision triggers a refusal by the EU and the IMF to forward new funds to pay interest on Greek debts.
(19) These include 250 pieces of Greek and Roman pottery and sculpture, and 1,500 Greek and Ottoman gold, silver and bronze coins.
(20) In Paris, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President François Hollande tried to plot a common strategy after Greeks returned a resounding no to five years of eurozone-scripted austerity.