What's the difference between green and greenback?



  • (superl.) Having the color of grass when fresh and growing; resembling that color of the solar spectrum which is between the yellow and the blue; verdant; emerald.
  • (superl.) Having a sickly color; wan.
  • (superl.) Full of life aud vigor; fresh and vigorous; new; recent; as, a green manhood; a green wound.
  • (superl.) Not ripe; immature; not fully grown or ripened; as, green fruit, corn, vegetables, etc.
  • (superl.) Not roasted; half raw.
  • (superl.) Immature in age or experience; young; raw; not trained; awkward; as, green in years or judgment.
  • (superl.) Not seasoned; not dry; containing its natural juices; as, green wood, timber, etc.
  • (n.) The color of growing plants; the color of the solar spectrum intermediate between the yellow and the blue.
  • (n.) A grassy plain or plat; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage; as, the village green.
  • (n.) Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths; -- usually in the plural.
  • (n.) pl. Leaves and stems of young plants, as spinach, beets, etc., which in their green state are boiled for food.
  • (n.) Any substance or pigment of a green color.
  • (v. t.) To make green.
  • (v. i.) To become or grow green.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Vertical gratings are tinged with green and horizontal gratings with pink.
  • (2) A spokesman for the Greens said that the party was “disappointed” with the decision and would be making representations to both the BBC and BBC Trust .
  • (3) Seven males have been observed carrying both inherited tritan and red-green defects.
  • (4) It contains 10,000 apartments so far, in blocks that might appear Soviet but for shades of blue, green and yellow.
  • (5) The birds were maintained at a constant temperature in, dim green light.
  • (6) Since 1887, winter green is claimed to have caused dermatitis and to have been responsible for "idiosyncrasy".
  • (7) Cameron famously broke with the past, and highlighted his green credentials, by posing with huskies on a visit to Svalbard in the Norwegian Arctic in 2006.
  • (8) The deep green people who have an issue with the language of natural capital are actually making the same jump from value to commodification that they state that they don’t want ... They’ve equated one with the other,” he says.
  • (9) James Cameron, vice-chairman of Climate Change Capital , an environmental investment group, and a member of the prime minister's Business Advisory Group , says: "I think the UK has, in essence, become a better place for green investors.
  • (10) Calves were tagged in the right ear with the green certified preconditioned for health (CPH) tag of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners.
  • (11) Ukip and the Greens are beneficiaries of this new political reality – as, arguably, is the SNP as it prepares to invade Labour’s heartland in Scotland next May.
  • (12) "She was a beautiful woman, she had beautiful, deep green eyes.
  • (13) In Humbo in Ethiopia , FMNR has re-greened 2,800 hectares: springs, dry for 30 years, are flowing again.
  • (14) Subjects with high ocular-dominance scores (right- or left-dominant subjects) showed for the green stimulus asymmetric behavior, while subjects with low ocular-dominance scores showed a tendency toward symmetry in perception.
  • (15) "We have concerns that a potential buyer looking at a property may not value the improvements carried out under Green Deal and may not want to pay for them," a mortgage industry source told the Observer .
  • (16) The move was confirmed by a Lib Dem aide, who said Tory claims to be green were "already a lame duck and are now dead in the water".
  • (17) One is the right not to be impeded when they are going to the House of Commons to vote, which may partly explain why the police decided to arrest Green and raid his offices last week on Thursday, when the Commons was not sitting.
  • (18) The green fund contributions already announced (which include a $3bn pledge by the US and a $1.5bn pledge by Japan revealed during the G20 summit) “show very clearly that if we want the emerging countries and the more fragile countries to participate in this global growth, we have to ... support them,” Hollande said.
  • (19) The supporters – many of them wearing Hamas green headbands and carrying Hamas flags – packed the open-air venue in rain and strong winds to celebrate the Islamist organisation's 25th anniversary and what it regards as a victory in last month's eight-day war with Israel.
  • (20) But in the rush to design it, Girardet wonders if the finer details of waste disposal and green power were lost.



  • (n.) One of the legal tender notes of the United States; -- first issued in 1862, and having the devices on the back printed with green ink, to prevent alterations and counterfeits.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Those green shoots in the wider economy may still be hard to spot, but the greenbacks are certainly raining down on a chosen few.
  • (2) Deutsche Bank’s Australian chief economist, Adam Boyton, said continued soft demand for resources and slower growth in China were among the factors that could force the Australian dollar below US60c to its lowest value against the greenback since at least early 2003.
  • (3) That could give the dollar another boost, and Kessens said the greenback’s strength has hit oil since it is dollar denominated.
  • (4) The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) on Tuesday announced a “one-time correction” of nearly 2% in the yuan’s value against the greenback as it changed the mechanism.
  • (5) Almost 90% of Russia's exports are traded in the greenback.
  • (6) China shares fall another 5%, Europe slips back as oil tumbles - as it happened Read more Oil is priced in US dollars and Morgan Stanley’s analyst, Adam Longson, said it had been the strength of the greenback rather than oversupply that had pushed crude down by $20 a barrel in the past two months.
  • (7) Simon Evenett, a trade expert at the University of St Gallen in Switzerland, believes China is trying to protect itself against the period of financial instability that can follow monetary tightening, by pre-emptively weakening the link between the yuan and the greenback.
  • (8) Economists at the International Monetary Fund, which urged the Fed to delay “lift-off”, have warned that companies in emerging economies have been borrowing heavily, largely in dollars, making them potentially vulnerable to a stronger greenback.
  • (9) Detroit’s billionaires began to flex their greenback muscles, too.
  • (10) When I first heard about Women on $20s , the unofficial contest to get a woman’s face on a $20 bill, I thought it sounded great: dudes have occupied greenbacks for centuries in the US.

Words possibly related to "greenback"