What's the difference between gregariously and sociably?



Example Sentences:



  • (adv.) In a sociable manner.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Its buildings, arranged around a sociable courtyard and a slice of towpath, also nourish a community of businesses that sustain between 250 and 300 jobs, all of which could go if the site’s new owner, Galliard Homes, has its way.
  • (2) The sociable friendly infants received higher scores on both cognitive tests than the less sociable babies did.
  • (3) Emotionality, activity, sociability and impulsivity (EASI) and components of each trait were studied in a sample of 137 pairs of young twins (two to six years of age) and their parents (548 individuals).
  • (4) But fear not - if you'd like to find companionship or love, sign up here to view profiles of the kind of erudite, sociable and friendly folk who would never normally dream of going out with you.
  • (5) But it was sociable, too – Roberto organised a barbecue (with steaks from his cattle-farmer friend) and a fish supper (with octopus stew from his fisherman friend).
  • (6) If you’re not sociable you don’t last long,” says Alex, “but if you can get along with people you make friends for life almost immediately, from all over the world.” She isn’t alone.
  • (7) Manifest in the preschool years, autism always affects sociability, communication, and the child's repertoire of activities and interests.
  • (8) The multiple motive hypothesis of physical attractiveness suggests that women are attracted to men whose appearances elicit their nurturant feelings, who appear to possess sexual maturity and dominance characteristics, who seem sociable, approacheable, and of high social status.
  • (9) Tests set up with isolated mice of two groups (aggressive and "fearful") evidenced that diazepam and medazepam weaken the behavioral manifestations of the partner's avoidance, increase sociability in "fearful" mice and help to regain the ability for elementary intraspecies contacts.
  • (10) The results have shown the improvement not only in movement possibilities of the patients, but also the improvement in majority of the psychological parameters (IQ, emotionality, sociability scale etc.
  • (11) I can understand why this blurring of boundaries has happened: TV is a very informal, sociable industry.
  • (12) She's sociable, she loves children - we've got four.
  • (13) Measures of the home environment were, however, correlated with measures of infant sociability (assessed inside and outside the test situation): sociable infants had sociable mothers.
  • (14) Their sociability is seen in their attraction to peers, their directing to peers of such distinctively social behaviors as vocalizations, smiles, and gestures, and the predominantly friendly nature of their behavior.
  • (15) Strong relationships were found between both measures of sociability and both measures of cognitive competence.
  • (16) Secure classification in the Strange Situation was associated with quality of secure-base behavior at home (i.e., higher Q-sort security scores) and with sociability, but not with dependency scores.
  • (17) Individual unfolding that depends on the sociable conditions is mainly discussed in two parts of interrogation: What form and idea of aged people does the society have?
  • (18) He's a very nice chap and very sociable, but I don't think at this stage he's of any use to the newspaper," he confesses.
  • (19) It also made them feel more alert, steady, sociable, and strong.
  • (20) ; millions of excess neurons = 8900, 8650, 8550; IQ = 107, 100, 85); maturational delay (age to walk alone, age of first intercourse, age of death); sexual restraint (ovulation rate, intercourse frequencies, sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS); quiescent temperament (aggressiveness, anxiety, sociability); and social organization (law abidingness, marital stability, mental health).

Words possibly related to "gregariously"

Words possibly related to "sociably"