What's the difference between groundberry and wintergreen?



Example Sentences:



  • (n.) A plant which keeps its leaves green through the winter.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Fluorescent antibody (FA) was prepared for a methanogenic bacterium isolated from Wintergreen Lake pelagic sediment.
  • (2) FA direct counts of the specific methanogen in Wintergreen Lake sediments were made on four different sampling dates and compared with five-tube most-probable-number estimates of the total methanogenic population that was present in the same samples.
  • (3) The ability of female mice to return to oestrus following exposure to males perfumed either with oil of wintergreen or with the commercial perfume, "Kanta" was evaluated.
  • (4) Strict anaerobic culture techniques were used to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria present at the sediment-water interface of hyperutrophic Wintergreen Lake (Augusta, Mich.).
  • (5) These results are considered strong presumptive evidence that clostridia are actively metabolizing in the sediments of Wintergreen Lake.
  • (6) Methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen) in the form of candy flavoring was ingested by a 21-month-old male infant who subsequently developed vomiting, lethargy, and hyperpnea.
  • (7) wintergreen, was presented, but not followed by any event.
  • (8) wintergreen) on other days which was never followed by food.
  • (9) The FA did not cross-react with 9 other methanogens, including M. formicicum strains, or 24 heterotrophs, 18 of which had been isolated from Wintergreen Lake sediment.

Words possibly related to "groundberry"