(v. t.) The criminality and consequent exposure to punishment resulting from willful disobedience of law, or from morally wrong action; the state of one who has broken a moral or political law; crime; criminality; offense against right.
(v. t.) Exposure to any legal penalty or forfeiture.
Example Sentences:
(1) The tinsel coiled around a jug of squash and bauble in the strip lighting made a golf-ball size knot of guilt burn in my throat.
(2) Godiya Usman, an 18-year-old finalist who jumped off the back of the truck, said she feels trapped by survivor's guilt.
(3) Kate Connolly , Ian Traynor and Siobhán Dowling cover the "guilt and resentment" Germany's savers feel over pressure to do more to end the euro crisis.
(4) The irony of this type of self-manipulation is that ultimately the child, or adult, finds himself again burdened by impotence, though it is the impotence of guilt rather than that of shame.
(5) Mother's guilt Fifty years on, the scars have not properly healed for Bach, now 68.
(6) Not only did it make every grocery-store run a guilt trip; it made me feel selfish for caring more about birds in the present than about people in the future.
(7) But Ruby Tweedie, another local resident, said: "There have been so many doubts about his guilt that it's only fair that the man, who has only a few months to live, should be shown mercy."
(8) Still others may feel pain, anger, and guilt for years after the death.
(9) A request for a pardon would require an admission of guilt, which the women have said they will not give.
(10) The pseudo-memories coupled with influence from authority figures convinced him of his guilt for 6 months.
(11) Brighter children had a higher ideal self-image, greater self-image disparity, and marginally more guilt than children of average intellectual abilities.
(12) To a generation of young Germans, raised under the crushing, introspective guilt of postwar Germany , the sight of such facile antics was simply incomprehensible.
(13) Perceived high amounts of calories or fat triggered stronger feelings of guilt and danger for restrained control subjects and patients (especially bulimic patients) as compared with unrestrained control subjects.
(14) Libya agreed to pay billions of dollars in compensation to families of the victims because of demands from the UN, not because it admitted guilt over the worst act of terrorism in British history.
(15) This study was designed to determine whether normal control subjects (n = 17) and depressed outpatients (n = 72) differed with respect to the extent and conditions under which they reported dysfunctional guilt.
(16) Feelings of guilt were related significantly to disaffected patterns such as dogmatism (p less than .001), hostility (p less than .001), and aggression (p less than .05), which suggests a turning inward of feelings of anger and disappointment in addition to their outward expression.
(17) Stories poured in, full of anger, guilt, powerlessness and loss, ones of encouragement, optimism and advice, and they are still coming.
(18) I’m worried this could create a culture of fear and guilt.
(19) ; psychotherapy for anxiety, depression, guilt, anger, hostility, frustration, isolation, and a diminished sense of self-esteem; visualization for health improvement; and, dealing with death anxiety and other related issues.
(20) Symptoms of guilt, loss of concentration and memory were significantly more in urban patients whereas gastrointestinal somatic symptoms were significantly higher in rural subjects.
(n.) Evil or wicked behavior or action.
Example Sentences:
(1) On 18 March 1996, the force agreed, without admitting any wrongdoing by any officer, to pay Tomkins £40,000 compensation, and £70,000 for his legal costs.
(2) On the one hand, putting past wrongdoing behind it helps a company to move on.
(3) The FSA, which was going to be given oversight of hedge funds, will instead be able to demand cooperation from them and from other financial firms it does not regulation during investigations into wrongdoing.
(4) Those wrongdoings taint a whole industry beyond the handful of people and that makes it a huge problem."
(5) Sarkozy, who lost his immunity from prosecution when he failed to secure a second term in office in May, has denied any wrongdoing.
(6) Yentob was eventually cleared of any wrongdoing in October 2004, following an investigation by then BBC chief operating office John Smith.
(7) FBI director: new Hillary Clinton emails show no criminal wrongdoing Read more “Here in Minnesota, you’ve seen first-hand the problems caused with faulty refugee vetting, with very large numbers of Somali refugees coming into your state without your knowledge, without your support or approval,” the Republican nominee told a rally in the solidly Democratic state, two days before the presidential election.
(8) the charge, saying that the Bank simply had "no evidence of wrongdoing" in 2008.
(9) Brandis said nothing in the bill would stop Asio whistleblowers from reporting suspected wrongdoing to the inspector general of intelligence and security.
(10) • Crone and the former NoW editor Colin Myler "misled the committee by answering questions falsely about their knowledge of evidence that other News of the World employees had been involved in phone-hacking and other wrongdoing".
(11) There are allegations of very, very serious dereliction of duty and of wrongdoing by people in the police at the time who were investigating – it is alleged – some of the most grotesque crimes imaginable.” According to Newsnight, the officers involved said they did not know the senior figure who threatened them.
(12) To have a blanket rule of pre-notification really concerns me in terms of the crucial importance for journalists to go out there and investigate wrongdoing," he said.
(13) The standards committee report by a cross-party group of MPs said it "deplored" stings but would "not hesitate to act in such cases if wrongdoing had occurred".
(14) The Senate’s economic references committee accused Asic of missing or ignoring persistent signs of wrongdoing , characterising it as a “timid, hesitant regulator” that was too ready to uncritically accept assurances of a large institution that there were no grounds for intervention.
(15) We encourage people to speak up if they have concerns" #gsk July 24, 2013 12.29pm BST Witty says this investigation is "quite different" to the whistleblower claims the company recently investigated and found no evidence of wrongdoing.
(16) He told the chair, Alexis Jay: “We will never be able to undo the wrongdoing to these children.
(17) As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable.
(18) After international pressure, Sri Lanka conducted its own review of the war that essentially cleared government forces of wrongdoing although it did highlight evidence of possible military abuses that warranted further investigation.
(19) Hastie has been cleared of any wrongdoing in that incident by the ADF.
(20) Moreover, the state-controlled Chinese media have in a series of broadcasts denounced a number of detained “suspects” as members of a crime syndicate engaging in “rights-defence-style troublemaking”, and paraded some of those detained “confessing” to wrongdoing before they have even been publicly indicted.