What's the difference between gumma and gummous?



  • (n.) A kind of soft tumor, usually of syphilitic origin.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A case is presented outlining the surgical correction of a palatal defect resulting from a gumma using a tongue flap.
  • (2) Case 1 The patient, a 9-year-old boy, had been suffering from headache and vomiting for 3 months prior to admission to the Neurosurgical Clinic, Gumma University Hospital.
  • (3) Roughly one third of patients with untreated syphilis develop severe late manifestations: 10.4% show cardiovascular involvement, 6.5% get neurosyphilis and 15.8% have a gumma.
  • (4) A case of focal cerebral syphilitic gumma of the right temporal lobe is reported.
  • (5) The differential diagnoses included duct ectasia, a foreign-body giant-cell reaction with fat necrosis, foreign material or an abscess, granulomatous mastitis, fungal mastitis, sarcoidosis and a syphilitic gumma.
  • (6) All other examined liver lesions (metastases, haemangiomas, lymphatic infiltrates, echinococcus cysts, FNH, gummae) showed greater signal intensity than the remaining organ at small angle excitation.
  • (7) We describe two human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients with syphilitic cerebral gummas.
  • (8) Surgery was performed and the histopathological study revealed a tuberculoid, granuloma-forming gumma.
  • (9) A case is presented of tabes dorsalis with spinal gumma producing collapse of the L5 vertebra followed by paraplegia.
  • (10) Because of the radiological findings a malignant lymphoma was diagnosed and biopsy was performed, however, histological investigation confirmed the diagnosis of cerebral gumma.
  • (11) The clinical features, radiographic appearance, and response to therapy suggest that this lesion was a focal syphilitic inflammatory process, or gumma.
  • (12) For a patient in good general condition with a suspected gumma, medical treatment can be given initially, with follow-up by CT, neurosurgery being indicated only in case of failure of medical therapy.
  • (13) Gummas are the expression of localized meningovascular forms of neurosyphilis and their clinical symptoms and signs are similar to those of any other space-occupying intracranial lesion.
  • (14) Among his articles dealing with neurology are those dealing with luetic gumma of the brain, tabes cervicodorsalis, Aran-Duchenne muscular atrophy, bulbar paralysis, etc.
  • (15) A case of cerebral gumma in the left trigonal region is reported.
  • (16) In some cases a positive diagnosis can be made only by pathological examination after surgical ablation of the gumma.
  • (17) Cerebral gumma has been reported only rarely during the last few decades, and there are only a few descriptions of the neuroradiological characteristics of this disease.
  • (18) On the basis of brain biopsy, a convexity mass was diagnosed in the patient with syphilitic gumma.
  • (19) Surgical exploration by dorsal laminectomy showed a syphilitic gumma attached to the spinal cord.
  • (20) The patient reported here had multiple infections including one due to cytomegalovirus after ablation of the gumma, highly suggesting an immunity disorder.



  • (a.) Gumlike, or composed of gum; gummy.
  • (a.) Of or pertaining to a gumma.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "gumma"

Words possibly related to "gummous"