What's the difference between hanch and hench?



  • () See Hanse.
  • () A sudden fall or break, as the fall of the fife rail down to the gangway.

Example Sentences:



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Pantano, and L. L. Hench, "Auger spectroscopic analysis of bioglass corrosion films," J.
  • (2) It was then that he returned to the character of Simon Hench from Otherwise Engaged for a new play, Simply Disconnected.
  • (3) The granules consisted of Hench's Bioglass and another glass with the same chemical composition made in Italy.
  • (4) Simon Hench, the publisher in Otherwise Engaged, simply wants to be left alone and fends off the world by acting as if it doesn't exist.
  • (5) More than 20 years later, in 1996, Gray successfully returned to the character of Hench in Simply Disconnected.
  • (6) Granules of a glass (A) prepared according to Hench's formula and a new vitreous material for biological applications (AKRA 15) were used for repair of bone defects in the dental field.
  • (7) The announcement in 1949, by Hench at the Mayo Clinic, that cortisone had a dramatic beneficial effect on bed-ridden patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis ushered in the cortisone era.
  • (8) This report deals with comparative results obtained with unloaded intra-osseous implants of bioglass (L. L. Hench), Al2O3-ceramic and Al2O3-ceramic coated with a mod.
  • (9) The objectives of the present article are to confirm the bone bonding phenomenon of Bioglass (BG) developed by Hench et al., and to observe the singularity of tissue reaction to it.

Words possibly related to "hanch"