What's the difference between harm and ruin?



  • (n.) Injury; hurt; damage; detriment; misfortune.
  • (n.) That which causes injury, damage, or loss.
  • (n.) To hurt; to injure; to damage; to wrong.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Chapman and the other "illegals" – sleeper agents without diplomatic cover – seem to have done little to harm American national security.
  • (2) Bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which are important components of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria, induce a number of host responses both beneficial and harmful.
  • (3) Robert Francis QC's official report in February on the Mid Staffordshire care scandal, in which an estimated 400 to 1,200 patients died unnecessarily at Stafford hospital between 2005 and 2008, called for the NHS to make "zero harm" its objective.
  • (4) I realise now that the drug is far less harmful then I believed at the time.
  • (5) Irrespective of method, the suicide attempt was predominantly a psychotic act of young single people with chronic, severe disorders and considerable past parasuicide, in a setting of escalating self-harm.
  • (6) Speaking to reporters at the Pentagon, People's Liberation Army's chief of the general staff Gen Fang Fenghui also warned that the US must be objective about tensions between China and Vietnam or risk harming relations between Washington and Beijing.
  • (7) Jails and prison populations are unique in the incidence of deliberate self-harm, but the phenomenon is not well understood.
  • (8) It’s been widely reported that black people are disproportionately harmed by the mortgage market.
  • (9) Repeat patients were more likely to threaten to harm others, have a diagnosis of adjustment disorder, conduct or oppositional disorder and be under the care of a child welfare agency.
  • (10) Considerations of different ways of obtaining informed consent, determining ways of minimizing harm, and justifications for violating the therapeutic obligation are discussed but found unsatisfactory in many respects.
  • (11) Judge John Burgess told the men that their intention was “to do great harm in a peaceful community”.
  • (12) Lack of transparency about the nature of the relationship between police and media also led to speculation and perceptions, whatever the facts, that caused "serious harm".
  • (13) The problem of the achondroplast arises when his surroundings, right from the start, reject his disorder, connoting it with destructive anxiety: this seriously harms the subject's physical image, making him an outcast.
  • (14) Religious efforts to address the issue have also been complicit in absolving men of their crimes, objectifying women and doing more harm than good with campaigns that blame women for the phenomenon.
  • (15) Both the observance of occupational limit-values for dusts and other harmful materials at the work place, which have effects on the respiration system, and the medical survey of workers with the use of special methods for examination of respiratory system are necessary.
  • (16) Changes in the fitness of harmful mutations may therefore impose a greater long-term disadvantage on asexual populations than those which are sexual.
  • (17) The possibility of being liable if an incompetent student becomes registered and causes harm is also discussed.
  • (18) Butler was convicted of grevious bodily harm and child cruelty, and sentenced to prison.
  • (19) Was the Dalkon Shield so harmful in the nulliparous woman?
  • (20) Education can increase compliance and sometimes modify harmful behavior.



  • (n.) The act of falling or tumbling down; fall.
  • (n.) Such a change of anything as destroys it, or entirely defeats its object, or unfits it for use; destruction; overthrow; as, the ruin of a ship or an army; the ruin of a constitution or a government; the ruin of health or hopes.
  • (n.) That which is fallen down and become worthless from injury or decay; as, his mind is a ruin; especially, in the plural, the remains of a destroyed, dilapidated, or desolate house, fortress, city, or the like.
  • (n.) The state of being dcayed, or of having become ruined or worthless; as, to be in ruins; to go to ruin.
  • (n.) That which promotes injury, decay, or destruction.
  • (n.) To bring to ruin; to cause to fall to pieces and decay; to make to perish; to bring to destruction; to bring to poverty or bankruptcy; to impair seriously; to damage essentially; to overthrow.
  • (v. i.) To fall to ruins; to go to ruin; to become decayed or dilapidated; to perish.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Because they generally have to be positioned on hills to get the maximum benefits of the wind, some complain that they ruin the landscape.
  • (2) Even regional allies disagree with American priorities about Isis, Biddle noted, which is why Turkey continues to bomb Kurds and Saudi Arabia and the UAE arm groups around the region , most notably in Syria but also in the ruins of Yemen .
  • (3) It trickled back to me somehow that, ‘Goddammit, Johnny Depp’s ruining the film!
  • (4) A procedure is described for the rapid determination of putrascine, spermine and spermidine in ruine and whole blood.
  • (5) Hitchcock's attempts to keep Hedren in a gilded cage arguably ruined her career.
  • (6) Conference, five years ago this motion would have ruined my life.
  • (7) But illegal action will only ruin any chance of dialogue with Tehran.
  • (8) The lid is fiddly to fit on to the cup, and smells so strongly of silicone it almost entirely ruins the taste of the coffee if you don’t remove it.
  • (9) In Niki Savva’s book The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government, Credlin has even been compared to Wallis Simpson, a deeply weird analogy.
  • (10) "While the country is sunk in misery, families are ruined and children are growing up in poverty, this guy turns up and we pay €91m for him.
  • (11) Anuraj Sivarajah, online editor of the newspaper, said he was very clear who was to blame for the attacks and arson that has brought the newspaper near financial ruin.
  • (12) In 1995 8,000 people whose lives were ruined by the Montserrat volcano settled in Britain.
  • (13) They belong to the people who built Choquequirao, one of the most remote Inca settlements in the Andes, and were stashed here by the archaeologists who, over the past 20 years, have been slowly freeing the ruins from the cloud forest.
  • (14) Even the avuncular governor of the Irish central bank, Professor Patrick Honohan, was forced to admit that pumping up to €70bn of taxpayers' money into the ruined banks "doesn't score highly on fairness" when he announced the fifth bailout on Thursday.
  • (15) Three thousand cheers for Will Self ( Has English Heritage ruined Stonehenge?
  • (16) But Denton’s attempts to apply extreme openness to others could cost the ruin of his company.
  • (17) His torturers accused him of passing on to British officials information about previous beatings at the hands of state officials and other human rights abuses, to ruin diplomatic relations between the two countries, he said.
  • (18) As Google states, it is definitely in the company’s best interest to get its first smartglass customers to behave, as “breaking the rules or being rude will not get businesses excited about Glass and will ruin it for other Explorers”.
  • (19) The notion that Gleeson has lurched from one disaster to another, ruining everything from the Coen brothers' remake of True Grit to Richard Curtis's romcom About Time , seems a pretty unique interpretation of his burgeoning career as a versatile character actor.
  • (20) But there was scepticism over whether the more radical elements on either side would obey the ceasefire, and concern in Kiev and western capitals that the truce would effectively "freeze" the conflict and give Moscow de facto control over the disputed chunk of eastern Ukraine that has been ruined by war this summer.