(1) Chapman and the other "illegals" – sleeper agents without diplomatic cover – seem to have done little to harm American national security.
(2) Bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which are important components of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria, induce a number of host responses both beneficial and harmful.
(3) Robert Francis QC's official report in February on the Mid Staffordshire care scandal, in which an estimated 400 to 1,200 patients died unnecessarily at Stafford hospital between 2005 and 2008, called for the NHS to make "zero harm" its objective.
(4) I realise now that the drug is far less harmful then I believed at the time.
(5) Irrespective of method, the suicide attempt was predominantly a psychotic act of young single people with chronic, severe disorders and considerable past parasuicide, in a setting of escalating self-harm.
(6) Speaking to reporters at the Pentagon, People's Liberation Army's chief of the general staff Gen Fang Fenghui also warned that the US must be objective about tensions between China and Vietnam or risk harming relations between Washington and Beijing.
(7) Jails and prison populations are unique in the incidence of deliberate self-harm, but the phenomenon is not well understood.
(8) It’s been widely reported that black people are disproportionately harmed by the mortgage market.
(9) Repeat patients were more likely to threaten to harm others, have a diagnosis of adjustment disorder, conduct or oppositional disorder and be under the care of a child welfare agency.
(10) Considerations of different ways of obtaining informed consent, determining ways of minimizing harm, and justifications for violating the therapeutic obligation are discussed but found unsatisfactory in many respects.
(11) Judge John Burgess told the men that their intention was “to do great harm in a peaceful community”.
(12) Lack of transparency about the nature of the relationship between police and media also led to speculation and perceptions, whatever the facts, that caused "serious harm".
(13) The problem of the achondroplast arises when his surroundings, right from the start, reject his disorder, connoting it with destructive anxiety: this seriously harms the subject's physical image, making him an outcast.
(14) Religious efforts to address the issue have also been complicit in absolving men of their crimes, objectifying women and doing more harm than good with campaigns that blame women for the phenomenon.
(15) Both the observance of occupational limit-values for dusts and other harmful materials at the work place, which have effects on the respiration system, and the medical survey of workers with the use of special methods for examination of respiratory system are necessary.
(16) Changes in the fitness of harmful mutations may therefore impose a greater long-term disadvantage on asexual populations than those which are sexual.
(17) The possibility of being liable if an incompetent student becomes registered and causes harm is also discussed.
(18) Butler was convicted of grevious bodily harm and child cruelty, and sentenced to prison.
(19) Was the Dalkon Shield so harmful in the nulliparous woman?
(20) Education can increase compliance and sometimes modify harmful behavior.
(n.) Extreme pain; anguish of body or mind; pang; agony; torment; as, torture of mind.
(n.) Especially, severe pain inflicted judicially, either as punishment for a crime, or for the purpose of extorting a confession from an accused person, as by water or fire, by the boot or thumbkin, or by the rack or wheel.
(n.) The act or process of torturing.
(v. t.) To put to torture; to pain extremely; to harass; to vex.
(v. t.) To punish with torture; to put to the rack; as, to torture an accused person.
(v. t.) To wrest from the proper meaning; to distort.
(v. t.) To keep on the stretch, as a bow.
Example Sentences:
(1) The denial of justice to victims of British torture, some of which Britain admits, is set to continue.
(2) Hayden had argued that the harsher interrogation techniques had provided valuable information and said that the techniques did not amount to torture.
(3) The court hearing – in a case of the kind likely to be heard in secret if the government's justice and security bill is passed – was requested by the law firm Leigh Day and the legal charity Reprieve, acting for Serdar Mohammed, tortured by the Afghan security services after being transferred to their custody by UK forces.
(4) "Consider this, all six or so hours of his Champions League finals would have been torture."
(5) Lastly, sexually tortured women manifest greater psychological and sexual dysfunction.
(6) The government also faced considerable international political pressure, with the United Nations' special rapporteur on torture, Juan Méndez, calling publicly on the government to "provide full redress to the victims, including fair and adequate compensation", and writing privately to David Cameron, along with two former special rapporteurs, to warn that the government's position was undermining its moral authority across the world.
(7) And it means the Foreign Office dealing with those in the Middle East and North Africa who are on the side of democracy and human rights, not sitting down to tea with torturers.
(8) In a 2012 study submitted to the UN, the Petersburg-based centre alleged that Roma and migrants were routinely subjected to police torture .
(9) His torturous journey for a safer life has led to no life .
(10) The day it opened in the US, three senators – senate select committee on intelligence chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, Carl Levin and John McCain – released a letter of protest to Sony Pictures's CEO, citing their committee's 6,000-page classified report on interrogation tactics and calling on him "to state that the role of torture in the hunt for Osama bin Laden is not based on the facts, but rather part of the film's fictional narrative".
(11) But under his government the security forces killed more than 2,000 people, and an estimated 25,000 people were detained without trial and often tortured.
(12) Limits are a relief, because they concentrate the drama and free the writer from the torture of choice, as Aristotle knew when he advised playwrights to preserve "the unities" by telling one story in one place over a single day.
(13) Sometimes the way the MP [military policeman] holds the head chokes me, and with all the nerves in the nose the tube passing the nose is like torture,” Dhiab said in a legal filing.
(14) Diego Garcia guards its secrets even as the truth on CIA torture emerges Read more The long-awaited decision – expected to cause enormous disappointment – follows more than 40 years of campaigning, court cases and calls for the UK to right a wrong committed by Harold Wilson’s Labour government.
(15) In his letter Abd El Fattah highlights the arbitrary nature of many of their detentions, the torture to which thousands have probably been subjected – and the apathy towards, and often enthusiasm for, such malpractice among the public.
(16) The consequences for Syria have been multiple massacres, ethnic cleansing, torture, a humanitarian crisis and the risk of the country's breakup.
(17) While ruling that there had been improper use of Schedule 7 powers, the judge commented: "It was clear that the Security Service, for entirely understandable reasons, was anxious if possible to get information which could not be regarded as tainted by torture allegations or which might confirm the propriety of a control order."
(18) All the personality, dignity and humanity of a person are devastated by this torture.
(19) You had to let it crash over you.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest ‘Miles’s life was torture’ … Lu Spinney at home.
(20) Davis said he would be surprised if an incoming Conservative government did not set up an immediate inquiry into this case and others where Britain is alleged to have been involved in the secret rendering by the US of detainees to prison where they were likely to be tortured.