(n.) The female of the domestic fowl; also, the female of grouse, pheasants, or any kind of birds; as, the heath hen; the gray hen.
Example Sentences:
(1) Whether hen's egg yolk can be used as a sperm motility stimulant in the treatment of such conditions as asthenospermia and oligospermia is subjected for further study.
(2) Studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of acute (24 h) thermal stress on anterior pituitary function in hens.
(3) Lead levels in contents and shells of eggs laid by hens dosed with all-lead shot were about twice those in eggs laid by hens dosed with lead-iron shot.
(4) Unlike most birds of prey, which are territorial and fight each other over nesting and hunting grounds, the hen harrier nests close to other harriers.
(5) In Experiment 1 (summer), hens regained body weight more rapidly, returned to production faster, and had larger egg weights (Weeks 1 to 4) when fed the 16 or 13% CP molt diets than when fed the 10% CP molt diet.
(6) Studies have been made on the activity of glycosidases from eye tissues of developing chick embryos and adult hens.
(7) The results suggest that a cytoplasmic progesterone receptor is present in the pituitary and hypothalamic tissue, as well as in the oviduct magnum, of the hen.
(8) Each diet was fed to five or six individually caged hens for 42 days.
(9) Mortality was less in the N-XL as compared to DB, but NB hens showed 11.7% more mortality than dwarfs.
(10) Raw Target RSM was force fed to 12 hens which were killed after varying time intervals (15 min., 30 min., 60 min.)
(11) A reduction in tibial breaking strength was also found in caged hens, when compared to deep-litter hens.
(12) To investigate the physical state of water in hydrating biological macro-molecules, the dielectric properties of water in hen egg lysozyme pellets with various moisture contents were studied using the thermally stimulated depolarisation currents technique.
(13) The TOCP-treated hens developed clinical signs of neuropathy.
(14) Posterior pituitary extract (0.01-0.5 equivalent) from hens in each of the various stages of the reproductive cycle induced a concentration dependent PRL release.
(15) Is he not going to talk to them for four or eight years?” Henning said.
(16) Data were obtained on hen-day egg production, egg weight, egg mass, egg specific gravity, Haugh units, feed consumption, and feed efficiency.
(17) Hens of the same breed and age reared together on deep litter showed no differences in nest site selection and nesting behaviour regardless of whether they had previously been housed in a deep litter house or in cages.
(18) Though Henning lived in Eccles, Salford, he had many friends in Bolton.
(19) The present study determined the amount and types of glycosaminoglycans and collagen concentrations in follicles of the domestic hen.
(20) Brown layer hens (BC and HC strains) and white layer hens (WL strain) orally infected with the H-162 strain of the egg-drop syndrome 1976 virus developed few clinical signs except for abnormal egg production.
(n.) One who, or that which, lays.
(n.) That which is laid; a stratum; a bed; one thickness, course, or fold laid over another; as, a layer of clay or of sand in the earth; a layer of bricks, or of plaster; the layers of an onion.
(n.) A shoot or twig of a plant, not detached from the stock, laid under ground for growth or propagation.
(n.) An artificial oyster bed.
Example Sentences:
(1) By 24 hr, rough endoplasmic reticulum in thecal cells increased from 4.2 to 7% of cell volume, while the amount in granulosa cells increased from less than 3.5% to more than 10%; the quantity remained relatively constant in the theca but declined to prestimulation values in the granulosa layer.
(2) These cells contained organelles characteristic of the maturation stage ameloblast and often extended to the enamel surface, suggesting a possible origin from the ameloblast layer.
(3) None of the other soft tissue layers-ameloblasts, stratum intermedium or dental follicle--immunostain for TGF-beta 1.
(4) Adding a layer of private pensions, it was thought, does not involve Government mechanisms and keeps the money in the private sector.
(5) Intraepidermal clefting starts at the junction between the basal and epidermal layers, and later involves all of the levels of the stratum spinosum.
(6) These data suggest that basophilic cell function in the superficial mucous layer in the nose is of greater significance in the development of nasal symptoms in response to nasal allergy than either mucociliary activity or nasal mucosal hypersensitivity to histamine.
(7) Likewise, they had little or no effects on the fluorescence anisotropy of TMA-DPH, which is also thought to be located in the interfacial region of the lipid bilayer, either when the probe was located in the outer layer of the plasma membrane or when the probe was located in the inner membrane compartment.
(8) While the heaviest anterogradely labeled ascending projections were observed to the contralateral ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, pars oralis (VPLo), efferent projections were also observed to the contralateral ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLc) and central lateral (CL) nucleus of the thalamic intralaminar complex, magnocellular (and to a lesser extent parvicellular) red nucleus, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, zona incerta, nucleus of the posterior commissure, lateral intermediate layer and deep layer of the superior colliculus, dorsolateral periaqueductal gray, contralateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basilar pontine nuclei (especially dorsal and peduncular), and dorsal (DAO) and medial (MAO) accessory olivary nuclei, ipsilateral lateral (external) cuneate nucleus (LCN) and lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), and to a lesser extent the caudal medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and caudal nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), and dorsal medullary raphe.
(9) Separation of PL by thin-layer chromatography revealed a prevalence of phosphatidylcholine followed by phosphatidylethanolamine.
(10) Thin layers of carbon (20 microns) and vacuoles (30 microns) suggested a large temperature gradient along the tissue ablation front.
(11) In cat, DARPP-32-immunoreactive cell bodies identified as Müller cells were demonstrated in the inner nuclear layer (INL) with processes closely surrounding the cell soma of photoreceptors in the outer nuclear layer.
(12) Suspensions of isolated insect flight muscle thick filaments were embedded in layers of vitreous ice and visualized in the electron microscope under liquid nitrogen conditions.
(13) We demonstrated that while the protein was incorporated into the cell layer at 6, 24, 48, and 72 hr, a far greater amount was secreted into the media.
(14) From this proliferating layer, precursor cells migrate outwards to reach the developing neostriatum in a sequential fashion according to two gradients of histogenesis.
(15) In many areas there are additional indications of thalamic terminations in deeper layers.
(16) Their narrowed processes pass at a common site through the muscle layer and above this layer again slightly widen and project above the neighbouring tegument.
(17) One month after unilateral transection of the fimbria-fornix an almost complete lack of cholinergic fibers persists in all layers of the dorsal hippocampus and fascia dentata ipsilateral to the lesion when compared to the contralateral hippocampus or to unlesioned control rats.
(18) After methylene blue, the gradient in resting potential across the circular layer was greatly reduced or abolished.
(19) In contrast, boundary layer diffusion is operative in the release from the matrixes prepared by compression of physical mixtures.
(20) This hydrostatic pressure may well be the driving force for creating channels for acid and pepsin to cross the mucus layer covering the mucosal surface.