What's the difference between hench and tench?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Pantano, and L. L. Hench, "Auger spectroscopic analysis of bioglass corrosion films," J.
  • (2) It was then that he returned to the character of Simon Hench from Otherwise Engaged for a new play, Simply Disconnected.
  • (3) The granules consisted of Hench's Bioglass and another glass with the same chemical composition made in Italy.
  • (4) Simon Hench, the publisher in Otherwise Engaged, simply wants to be left alone and fends off the world by acting as if it doesn't exist.
  • (5) More than 20 years later, in 1996, Gray successfully returned to the character of Hench in Simply Disconnected.
  • (6) Granules of a glass (A) prepared according to Hench's formula and a new vitreous material for biological applications (AKRA 15) were used for repair of bone defects in the dental field.
  • (7) The announcement in 1949, by Hench at the Mayo Clinic, that cortisone had a dramatic beneficial effect on bed-ridden patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis ushered in the cortisone era.
  • (8) This report deals with comparative results obtained with unloaded intra-osseous implants of bioglass (L. L. Hench), Al2O3-ceramic and Al2O3-ceramic coated with a mod.
  • (9) The objectives of the present article are to confirm the bone bonding phenomenon of Bioglass (BG) developed by Hench et al., and to observe the singularity of tissue reaction to it.



  • (n.) A European fresh-water fish (Tinca tinca, or T. vulgaris) allied to the carp. It is noted for its tenacity of life.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Cutaneous oxygen consumption and oxygen uptake from the external medium were investigated in three species of freshwater teleosts:eel(Anguilla anguilla L.)(silvered stage), trout (Salmo gairdnerii R.) and tench (Tinca tinca L.).
  • (2) These coincident pH decreases conformed to the in vitro pHi-pHe relationship for tench blood in the oxygenated state.
  • (3) Bithynia tentaculata, being the only snail species that was very numerous in the lake, was the first as well as the main second intermediate host; adult trematodes were found exclusively in the tench, Tinca tinca.
  • (4) Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (C), peroxidase (P) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were estimated in the erythrocytes and liver of the carp, the tench and the crucian carp during a two-years period, 1983-1984 (autumn).
  • (5) Characteristics of the action potential in different parts of the tench heart are presented.
  • (6) Mechanical power of tench isolated heart is obtained from values of stroke volume at constant hydrodynamic pressure.
  • (7) At an extracellular pH of 7.9 the red cell pH in tench blood exhibits a nonlinear, strongly inverse relationship with Hb-O2 saturation, both when investigated in vitro and in vivo (in fish exposed to acid water with and without aluminium).
  • (8) The hepatic biotransformation activity of four cultivated freshwater fish, Amur carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), carp (Cyprinus carpio), rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and tench (Tinca tinca) were studied one day after catching the fish from ponds and a river in the south of GDR and in fish kept for two weeks in clean filtrated and deacidified water.
  • (9) Double cones of tench and goldfish retina are characterized by extensive subsurface cisternae underlying the plasma membranes at the appositional area between the principal and accessory cone.
  • (10) This results correlate with mATP-ase activity in the tench musculature and did not correlate in the pond loach with respect to mATP-ase alkali stable red muscle fibres in the fish.
  • (11) Natural anti-DNP antibodies were isolated by affinity chromatography from individual sera of three Cyprinid fish species (carp, goldfish and tench) and their electrofocusing (IEF) spectra were analysed in reducing conditions.
  • (12) It consists of drawings and photographs at several levels throughout the main divisions of the tench brain.
  • (13) These observations (on the tench Tinca) are contrary to the conclusions of Svaetichin & McNichol (on Gerridae) that the action spectrum is unaltered in shape by adaptation to coloured lights.
  • (14) We don’t think that this case meets the court’s standards required for it to be heard, which is why we are appealing it.” Dan Tench, the Olswang partner who represents the claimants, said: “We are very pleased that the information commissioner has intervened in this case.
  • (15) ), mutton bird (Puffinus tenuirostris), Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii), Tasmanian raven (Corvus mellori), tench (Tinca tinca), and quail (Coturnix sp.)
  • (16) A gamma-guanidobutyrate ureahydrolase isolated from tench liver has been characterized.
  • (17) the insect gut, the oesophagus of carp, and the oesophagus, stomach and the midgut of tench) also receives a synaptic input.
  • (18) A structural, ultrastructural, and morphometric study was made of the liver parenchyma of 12 adult tench (Tinca tinca, L.) subjected to acute experimental copper sulfate poisoning.
  • (19) These processes developed in the course of the experiment, leading to the death of tench after 12 to 15 days of exposure to 75 ppm lead nitrate, at which point the concentrations of lead in the gills had reached their maximum.
  • (20) The distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-like immunoreactivity in the olfactory bulb was studied in three species of teleosts, the tench Tinca tinca, the Mediterranean barbel Barbus meridionalis and the rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri, by using an indirect immunoperoxidase method.

Words possibly related to "tench"