(n.) A number of beasts assembled together; as, a herd of horses, oxen, cattle, camels, elephants, deer, or swine; a particular stock or family of cattle.
(n.) A crowd of low people; a rabble.
(n.) One who herds or assembles domestic animals; a herdsman; -- much used in composition; as, a shepherd; a goatherd, and the like.
(v. i.) To unite or associate in a herd; to feed or run together, or in company; as, sheep herd on many hills.
(v. i.) To associate; to ally one's self with, or place one's self among, a group or company.
(v. i.) To act as a herdsman or a shepherd.
(v. t.) To form or put into a herd.
Example Sentences:
(1) The Department of Herd Health and Ambulatory Clinic of the Veterinary Faculty (State University of Utrecht, The Netherlands) has developed the VAMPP package for swine breeding farms.
(2) In a control scheme for enzootic-pneumonia-free herds, 43 herds developed enzootic pneumonia, as judged by non-specific clinical and pathological criteria over 10 years.
(3) The relative effect of the intramammary infections and of different factors related to the cow (parity, stage of lactation, milk yield) on the individual cell counts, were studied for 30 months on the 62 black-and-white Holstein cows of an experimental herd.
(4) One hundred and ninety-six herd mates without RP served as controls.
(5) Serum copper concentration also was measured in dams and kids in a control herd that had no history of ataxia.
(6) There was considerable scatter of prevalence among both groups of herds.
(7) It is concluded that BEC is the major infectious cause of neonatal calf diarrhoea in the Ethiopian dairy herds studied with RV and K99 ETEC also contributing to morbidity, either alone or as mixed infections.
(8) In the 46 herds in which only the adult stock were slaughtered, 11 herds suffered breakdowns.
(9) Chlamydia psittaci was believed responsible for an episode of high perinatal death loss in a swine herd in which 8.5 pigs per litter normally were weaned.
(10) Weather data and breeding records for a Holstein herd of 1300 cows in Hawaii were evaluated to determine effects of climate on reproductive performance.
(11) The correlation coefficient between the number of exposures and the number of new cases was 0.85, and the coefficient of determination suggested that 73% of the variation in new cases could be explained by the number of exposures in strain 19-vaccinated herds.
(12) A further 26 herds (iiii) which did not employ iodine-containing teat-dips, were also studied.
(13) The milk response to use of bST is similar (10 to 15%) to that of three times a day (3x) milking and we expect that the management required to maintain the increased production through successive lactations with bST will be similar to that required for the 3x herd.
(14) After a test on all animals older than six months the herd was split into seronegative and seropositive groups.
(15) beta hydroxybutyrate (BHB) serum concentrations were measured at regular intervals throughout a lactation in groups of animals from three commercial dairy herds.
(16) Three cases of dairy herds affected by production disease (infertility, calf scours and low milk yield) were carried out.
(17) There was no significant difference in the occurrence or distribution of lesions on animals in all the three herds over a two month observation period except that a higher proportion of animals in one of the treated herds was affected at the end of the study.
(18) The data were analyzed to evaluate the potential role of these two agents as risk factors for the two conditions, using crude and multivariable techniques, as well as individual and herd data.
(19) Average daily gain was negatively correlated with mortality (r = -0.662, p = 0.010), suggesting that herds that achieved a high rate of gain also had lower mortality.
(20) Two animals from this herd were examined for responses to infection.
(n.) A mobcap.
(v. t.) To wrap up in, or cover with, a cowl.
(n.) The lower classes of a community; the populace, or the lowest part of it.
(n.) A throng; a rabble; esp., an unlawful or riotous assembly; a disorderly crowd.
(v. t.) To crowd about, as a mob, and attack or annoy; as, to mob a house or a person.
Example Sentences:
(1) Levinson's film, to be titled Black Mass, will be based on the New York Times bestseller Black Mass: The True Story of an Unholy Alliance Between the FBI and the Irish Mob , by Boston Globe reporters Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill.
(2) A s I watched Camila Batmanghelidjh being mobbed by the small crowd demonstrating about the closure of Kids Company outside Downing Street last week, it struck me that she was more like a character out of children’s book than a real person.
(3) Ellen Page is to make her directorial debut with Miss Stevens, starring Anna Faris as a teacher chaperoning a mob of high school students to a state drama competition.
(4) The Mob+ vector pME285 (10.6 kb) carries the aph gene and the Tn501-derived merRTCA genes coding for mercuric ion resistance, another good selective marker in Pseudomonas.
(5) The Ukrainian president, Oleksandr Turchynov, had given pro-Russian locals in eastern Ukraine until Monday morning to give up their arms and the buildings they had seized, but instead a pro-Russian mob took over yet another government building in Horlivka that day.
(6) Trump, embracing the spirit of the “lock her up” mob chants at his rallies, threatened: “If I win I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation – there has never been so many lies and so much deception,” he threatened.
(7) Numbness sets in.” Philip Hope-Wallace on Look Back in Anger “I must be the only playwright this century to have been pursued up a London street by an angry mob … There was an inescapable tension in the house.
(8) High among the range of issues was the media dominance of the Globo group (whose journalists were chased away from demonstrations by an irate mob), inefficient use of public funds, forced relocations linked to Olympic real estate developments, the treatment of indigenous groups, dire inequality and excessive use of force by police in favela communities.
(9) A conjugation mixture consisted of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, E. coli harboring pAY101, and E. coli carrying a helper plasmid with mob and tra.
(10) The justice minister Dominic Raab said the Labour leader had promised a “kinder politics” but was now “whipping up a mob mentality”.
(11) We suggest that the contralateral projection nuclei to the MOB of the hedgehog, unusual in other mammals, and the large number of cells with axonal collaterals projecting to both hemispheres, may be a strategy in these animals to bilaterally integrate brain functions at the expense of its reduced corpus callosum.
(12) Tn5-Mob was introduced into the E. coli R1 host replicon via conjugation on membrane filters.
(13) For NP rats, a single dominant frequency component (induced wave) was present in the MOB EEG at 4-6 days of age.
(14) There is no better symbol of London’s macho financialisation than the early 21st-century surge in skyscraper construction, the lanky delinquent mob of new towers that cluster around the City, and their gangmaster, the Shard.
(15) Tn5-Mob mobilization may be useful in the study of metal resistance in bacteria, especially in strains not studied for resistance mechanisms.
(16) Republicans have for months been claiming the White House was engaged in a cover-up, downplaying the role of an al-Qaida inspired group in the attack and suggesting instead the attack was mainly the result of a demonstration by a mob against an American-produced anti-Islam film.
(17) The pars externa (PE) system of the anterior olfactory nucleus (AON) in a primate, Callithrix jacchus, was defined by its architecture and by its connection patterns with the main olfactory bulb (MOB) as revealed by tracing techniques.
(18) Much of the focus has been on a memo of talking points drawn up by the State Department and the CIA for use by Rice in television interviews, in which she blamed a mob rather than terrorists.
(19) Kagame regards Rwanda as the victim of a diplomatic lynch mob and accuses the British government of laying the groundwork by sending the BBC and Channel 4 News to file reports critical of Rwanda.
(20) As in mammalian MOB, the majority of TH-LI neurons were clustered in the periglomerular region and appeared to send their dendritic branches into glomeruli, which as a whole make an intense TH-LI band in the glomerular layer (GML).