What's the difference between hexene and isomer?



  • (n.) Same as Hexylene.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Sexual differences in detoxication rate of hexenal persist also in old animals.
  • (2) Hexenal decreases TE blood plasma level and simultaneously increases their erythrocyte concentration.
  • (3) Light hexenal anesthesia was found not to affect the mean values of hemodynamics and O2 tension in the blood but increased the CO2 tension in arterial blood and decreased the oxyhemoglobin content and pH of the blood in dogs.
  • (4) Patterns of hemoproteins turnover were studied in microsomal and mitochondrial fractions of liver tissue of guinea pigs with various duration of hexenal sleep; these patterns were calculated by means of modified procedure involving incorporation of 14C-aminolevulinic acid.
  • (5) Additional experiments dealt with the perceived intensity of pyridine and cis-3-hexen-1-ol over time in the realistic setting of an environmental chamber.
  • (6) Opposed to this course, the reaction of 1b with 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-heptafluoro-6-(2-thienyl)-4,6-hexanedione (4) fails to lead to ring closure but rather yields 4,4,5,5,6,6,6-heptafluoro-3-(2-methyl-1-thioureido)-1-(2-thienyl)-1-hexen-1,3-diol (5).
  • (7) The trauma of the cervical spine was simulated under hexenal anesthesia in non in bred albino rats (100-150 g of weight).
  • (8) This would suggest similarities in the mechanisms of action of the PAs and alkenals, lending support to the proposed role of trans-4-OH-2-hexenal as an important toxic metabolite of the PAs.
  • (9) The influence of ecgonine, tropine, tropinon, and some of their derivatives, propan, N-methylpyrrholidine, N-methylpiperidine on impulse summation in the central nervous system, conditioned reflex of avoidance, antagonism to hexenal, synergisim to cocaine and also their toxicity (LD50) have been studied under experimental conditions.
  • (10) The studies of hexenal concentration have demonstrated the absence of negative effect on the newborn delivered by cesarean section.
  • (11) All the three preparations suppressed the motor activity, decreased the muscle tone and the body temperature, potentiated the action of hexenal, possessed the antispasmodic and hypnotic activity.
  • (12) For initial anesthesia, sombrevin, kalipsol, hexenal were applied, basal anesthesia was performed with neuroleptic analgetics and combined electric anesthesia.
  • (13) Detection thresholds for pyridine and cis-3-hexen-1-ol in argon were 106 ppb and 19 ppb, respectively.
  • (14) The intensity of metabolism of hexenal, amidopyrine, phenacetin, promedol, acetone, hydrocortisone, testosterone and prostaglandin E2 by the isolated microsomes of the liver, kidneys, small intestinal mucosa and lungs was studied polarographically by the rate of oxygen absorption in experiments on 20 male rabbits four days following partial hepatectomy and liver ischemia.
  • (15) The duration of action and the pharmacological activity of hexenal, phentanyl, meprobamate, corazole and sodium barbital were studied in male rats with acute intestinal ileus (AII) 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after its reproduction and 24 hours after surgical treatment.
  • (16) On the other hand, cyclodecene oxide was a substrate of cEH, but no diol formation was detected when cyclopentene, -hexene and -dodecene oxides were incubated with cytosolic enzyme.
  • (17) cis-3-hexen-1-ol, trans-2-hexenal, cis-3-hexenyl acetate, trans-2-hexen-1-ol and 1-hexanol, were recorded extracellularly.
  • (18) Soporific effect of hexenal was distinctly increased in the burns, which correlated to the severity of thermic impairment.
  • (19) Recently our laboratory isolated trans-4-OH-2-hexenal from the hepatic microsomal metabolism of the macrocyclic pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) senecionine and demonstrated in vivo that hepatic necrosis occurred following injection into the hepatic portal vein.
  • (20) Differences in hexenal detoxication rate and its induction with small doses of phenobarbital in mongrel female rats, depending upon the stage of the sex cycle, were investigated.



  • (n.) A body or compound which is isomeric with another body or compound; a member of an isomeric series.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) An unsaturated fatty acid auxotroph of Escherichia coli was grown with a series of cis-octadecenoate isomers in which the location of the double bond varied from positions 3 to 17.
  • (2) Fluorination with [18F]acetylhypofluorite yields 6-[18F]fluoro-L-dopa with 95% radiochemical purity; fluorination of the same substrate with [18F]F2 yields a mixture of all three structural isomers in a ratio of 70:16:14 for 6-, 5-, and 2-fluoro compounds.
  • (3) The cis isomer was retained longer in liver, particularly in mitochondria, but had low retention in that portion of the endoplasmic reticulum isolated as the rough membrane fraction.
  • (4) The purity and configuration of each isomer of the free acid and N-chloroacetylated derivative were ascertained by: (a) paper chromatography in five solvent systems, (b) elemental analysis, (c) Van Slyke nitrous acid determination of alpha-carbonyl carbon, and (d) Van Slyke ninhydrin determination of alpha-carbonyl carbon, and (e) optical rotation.
  • (5) The stronger negative potentials may weaken electrostatic receptor interactions and, thereby, cause the trans(E)-isomers to be less active than cis(Z)-isomers.
  • (6) The identity of each of the three forms was determined by carboxymethylation of the free cysteines in each isomer with [3H]iodoacetic acid followed by determination of the labelled cysteines by tryptic peptide mapping.
  • (7) In contrast to the enantiomeric discrimination observed with racemic amine, the individual isomers were metabolized at approximately the same rate.
  • (8) To further assess different binding behavior of these two isomers, association rate was measured.
  • (9) None of the 3 beta- or 5 beta-isomers had any effect.
  • (10) Isomers and epimers of glucose influence insulin and cAMP in a parallel fashion as do sulfonylurea compounds (tolbutamide and glibenclamide).
  • (11) Bioaccumulation experiments were performed on the hexachlorocyclohexane isomers alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH and delta-HCH, testing them simultaneously.
  • (12) Although serum total LDH activity was not altered, the LD5 isoenzyme was proportionately higher in the HCH isomers treated animals.
  • (13) Racemic verapamil and the L- and D-isomer increased cellular vincristine accumulation to the same extent.
  • (14) The hypothesis that opiate agonism requires an N substituent in the axial position does not appear to be consistent with the increased potency of beta isomers in which axial N substituents are thermodynamically more unstable.
  • (15) In the case of adducts with the diol-epoxides of benzo[c]phenanthrene, the energetically most favored structures are isomers with significant biological activity.
  • (16) Liver regeneration was stimulated in male rats with two-thirds of the liver removed by feeding a basal diet supplemented with acetaminophen (0.35-1.5%; weight basis), 2-acetamidophenol (1.0%) and acetophenetidin (1.0%) over a period of 10 days po, but was in the control range with the m-isomer, 3-acetamidophenol (1.0%), N-butyryl-p-aminophenol (1.0%), o-, m- and p-aminophenols (0.50%) and 4-acetamidothiophenol.
  • (17) However, exposure of the cells to either of the two isomers of azoxy-procarbazine led to significant DNA damage and cytotoxicity.
  • (18) 1"-Oxobufuralol (3) was reduced with a complex of (2S)-(-)-2-amino-3-methyl-1,1-diphenylbutan-1-ol and borane, yielding 2, which had a 95:5 ratio of the possible 1"R and 1"S isomers as determined by HPLC.
  • (19) As the two signals had the same intensities, it was suggested that equivalent amounts of cis and trans isomers of the alkenylmether were formed.
  • (20) The most important recent work has concerned the different anticoagulant potencies and metabolic pathways of the optical isomers of some of these drugs.

Words possibly related to "hexene"