What's the difference between hit and lob?



  • (pron.) It.
  • () 3d pers. sing. pres. of Hide, contracted from hideth.
  • (imp. & p. p.) of Hit
  • (v. t.) To reach with a stroke or blow; to strike or touch, usually with force; especially, to reach or touch (an object aimed at).
  • (v. t.) To reach or attain exactly; to meet according to the occasion; to perform successfully; to attain to; to accord with; to be conformable to; to suit.
  • (v. t.) To guess; to light upon or discover.
  • (v. t.) To take up, or replace by a piece belonging to the opposing player; -- said of a single unprotected piece on a point.
  • (v. i.) To meet or come in contact; to strike; to clash; -- followed by against or on.
  • (v. i.) To meet or reach what was aimed at or desired; to succeed, -- often with implied chance, or luck.
  • (n.) A striking against; the collision of one body against another; the stroke that touches anything.
  • (n.) A stroke of success in an enterprise, as by a fortunate chance; as, he made a hit.
  • (n.) A peculiarly apt expression or turn of thought; a phrase which hits the mark; as, a happy hit.
  • (n.) A game won at backgammon after the adversary has removed some of his men. It counts less than a gammon.
  • (n.) A striking of the ball; as, a safe hit; a foul hit; -- sometimes used specifically for a base hit.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Philip Shaw, chief economist at broker Investec, expects CPI to hit 5.1%, just shy of the 5.2% reached in September 2008, as the utility hikes alone add 0.4% to inflation.
  • (2) Sierra Leone is one of the three West Africa nations hit hard by an Ebola epidemic this year.
  • (3) But the wounding charge in 2010 has become Brown's creation of a structural hole in the budget, more serious than the cyclical hit which the recession made in tax receipts, at least 4% of GDP.
  • (4) David Cameron last night hit out at his fellow world leaders after the G8 dropped the promise to meet the historic aid commitments made at Gleneagles in 2005 from this year's summit communique.
  • (5) Hanley Ramirez was hitting behind Michael Young and now he's injured.
  • (6) Botswana, Kenya, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have also been badly hit.
  • (7) We are better off in.” Out campaigners have claimed that the NHS could be badly hit by a decision to stay in the EU.
  • (8) What shouldn't get lost among the hits, home runs and the intentional and semi-intentional walks is that Ortiz finally seems comfortable with having a leadership role with his team.
  • (9) Chris Pavlou, former vice chairman of Laiki, told Channel 4 news that Anastasiades was given little option by the troika but to accept the draconian terms, which force savers to take a hit for the first time in the fifth bailout of a eurozone country.
  • (10) Macron hit back on Twitter, saying her proposals to take France out of the EU would destroy France’s fishing industry.
  • (11) VAT increases don't just hit the poor more than the rich, they also hit small firms, threaten retail jobs and, by boosting inflation, could also lead to higher interest rates."
  • (12) And Norris Cole hits a "good night everybody" three-pointer.
  • (13) If you’ve escaped the impact of cuts so far , consider yourself lucky, but don’t think that you won’t be affected after the next tranche hits.
  • (14) Government borrowing has hit a record high for a September.
  • (15) The weapon is 13 metres long, weighs 60 tonnes and can carry nuclear warheads with up to eight times the destructive capacity of the bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the second world war.
  • (16) The debate certainly hit upon a larger issue: the tendency for people in positions of social and cultural power to tell the stories of minorities for them, rather than allowing minority communities to speak for themselves.
  • (17) On the first anniversary of Peach's death I took part in my first ever demonstration where we chanted the names of the six SPG officers who were said to have been hitting people with batons on the street where Peach died.
  • (18) "Some of the shrapnel went into the arm of the Australian soldier that was hit, another part went into the foot [of the New Zealand soldier]," he told a news conference .
  • (19) Two short homologous sequences in the rat insulin I enhancer fragment used, IEB2 and IEB1, have been described as playing a dominant role in the regulation of HIT hamster insulinoma cell-specific transcription of the insulin gene (1).
  • (20) Women on the beat: how to get more female police officers around the world Read more Mortars were, for instance, used on 5 June when Afghan national army soldiers accidentally hit a wedding party on the outskirts of Ghazni, killing eight children.



  • (n.) A dull, heavy person.
  • (n.) Something thick and heavy.
  • (v. t.) To let fall heavily or lazily.
  • (v. t.) See Cob, v. t.
  • (n.) The European pollock.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But Real are not giving them a chink to exploit so, eventually, Neymar lobs a ball into the box.
  • (2) There was still time for Saborio to try an audacious lob from distance to steal the game, but Nielsen, who'd looked ponderous in his movements all game, was able to watch this one safely over.
  • (3) He dictates the next rally and when Murray decides to go for another lob, Dimitrov is on to the ruse and swats a contemptuous smash away to seal the first set that flashed by in the blink of an eye!
  • (4) But Murray drags it back to deuce, a lob from him and a missed slice from Federer making it so.
  • (5) Before placing further questions on the notice paper, he lobs this at Bill Shorten.
  • (6) Italy crashed out, though Fabio Quagliarella’s valedictory lob from distance deep into injury time ensured they at least departed South Africa with a flourish.
  • (7) "I think his genius is to make people feel comfortable, and then lob in the incendiary."
  • (8) Before he left, Peter had one more grenade to lob at both of us.
  • (9) Stoke's Glenn Whelan was sent off for a very silly second yellow card, Hughes found himself banished from the bench for protesting – lobbing his managerial anorak over the dugout roof in disgust en route – and Marc Wilson was also dismissed after conceding a penalty.
  • (10) First, Álvaro Negredo, once of this parish, came close to lobbing Bravo as the goalkeeper back-pedalled to tip over.
  • (11) No wonder that Ed Miliband has found it so easy to lob verbal grenades.
  • (12) He’s not in power yet, so he still gets to blunder around lobbing out daft policies willy-nilly in the hope that one of them will scan.
  • (13) The assistants – old garage heads who clearly loathed this racket the kids were making – dismissively lobbed a pile of white labels on to the counter.
  • (14) "So is that hairdo," he lobs back, "but I figure that's your business."
  • (15) So the idea of a benevolent dictator is not my cup of tea Rand Paul Paul said polls became part of “a self-reinforcing news cycle because of the celebrity nature that goes on, on and on”, though he accepted that voters might “at a superficial level be attracted to bombast, insults, junior high sort of lobbing of verbal bombs that kind of stuff”.
  • (16) An officer suggested tear gas would quieten them down and a gas canister was lobbed into the transport.
  • (17) Those guys played some unbelievable lobs and angles.
  • (18) In another largely Muslim neighbourhood, PK12, families camp out in grass and mud with buckets, carpets, mattresses, discarded rubbish, cooking pots over charcoal fires and a constant fear of lobbed grenades.
  • (19) She agreed to this interview to discuss Labour's plans to draft landmark legislation on women's safety , but that was before the inquiry into child abuse was announced, and before deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman lobbed a bomb into the party hierarchy, insisting that the Gordon Brown era was marked by sexism and inequality.
  • (20) Leicester had nothing in response and United had the chances to put a more emphatic slant on the scoreline, with Rashford testing Schmeichel and Mata blowing a one-on-one with a fluffed attempted lob.

Words possibly related to "hit"

Words possibly related to "lob"