

  • (adv.) To this place; -- used with verbs signifying motion, and implying motion toward the speaker; correlate of hence and thither; as, to come or bring hither.
  • (adv.) To this point, source, conclusion, design, etc.; -- in a sense not physical.
  • (a.) Being on the side next or toward the person speaking; nearer; -- correlate of thither and farther; as, on the hither side of a hill.
  • (a.) Applied to time: On the hither side of, younger than; of fewer years than.

Compare hither with other words:

hither vs. hitter

hithe vs. hither

hither vs. tither

hither vs. wither

hither vs. lither

either vs. hither

hither vs. zither

hence vs. hither

hither vs. hithermost

dodge vs. hither

hither vs. whither

hither vs. thither

hither vs. hitherward

hither vs. hitherto

hither vs. over

here vs. hither