(a.) Having a complete metamorphosis;-said of certain insects, as the butterflies and bees.
Example Sentences:
(1) Certain holometabolous species are sterilized, forced into diapause, or both.
(2) A differential, temporal and spatial expression of this epitope in metamorphosing nervous tissue was outlined, that apparently characterises homologous neuronal populations in two phylogenetically distinct holometabolous insects, i.e.
(3) Holometabolous orders are well defined by morphological characters, but relationships among orders are unclear.
(4) Inbred strains of P. regina are an excellent model system for studying gene expression in the developmental stages of such holometabolous dipteran parasites.
(5) The total and specific activities of the embryonic RNA polymerases are related to the patterns of embryonic RNA synthesis and to the nuclear and cellular events of holometabolous development.
(6) This neural set and the basic structure of the dendritic fields is similar in: (1) different segments (serial homology), (2) the larval stage and imago of the same species with or without a pronounced metamorphosis (ontogeny), and (3) the studied hemi- and holometabolous insects (phylogeny).
(7) This order of insects is among the most primitive of the higher or holometabolous insects, those with a life-history of complete metamorphoses--namely, from egg to larva to pupa to adult.
(8) That holometabolous insects undergo a number of post-emergent morphological, physiological, and biochemical maturational processes, termed metachemogenesis, is unquestionable.
(9) Learning was accompanied by a significant increase in RNA synthesis within the corpora pedunculata of both larval and adult stages of this holometabolous insect.
(10) Adult specific neurons in the central nervous system of holometabolous insects are generated by the postembryonic divisions of neuronal stem cells (neuroblasts).
(11) However, the later the isolation in this holometabolous insect--eggs, first instars, second instars, third instars, pupae, imagoes--the fewer the behavioral effects of this isolation.
(12) In contrast, the response induced by bacteria in holometabolous insects is non-specific and short term, generally losing activity after 72 hr.
(13) The commitment of cells to pupal development in the larvae of holometabolous insects can be prevented by treatment with juvenile hormone (JH) or a JH mimic during a critical period early in the last larval instar.
(14) When we excluded the long-branched taxa (Diptera, shrimp, and spider) from the analysis, the most parsimonious (minimum-length) trees placed the beetle basal to other holometabolous orders, and supported a morphologically monophyletic clade including the fleas+scorpionflies (96% bootstrap support).
(15) A restricted comparison to the embryonal potential in larval and pupal cells of invertebrates, such as in hemi- or holometabolic insects and to meristematic cells in vascular plants is justified.
(16) The procedure offers a rapid, easily adaptable alternative to the reduced silver procedures in holometabolous insects.
(17) We have used internally marked mosaics to determine the anatomical locations at which per expression is required for adult rhythmicity, and thus where the fly's circadian pacemaker is likely located in this holometabolous insect.
Example Sentences:
(1) Certain holometabolous species are sterilized, forced into diapause, or both.
(2) A differential, temporal and spatial expression of this epitope in metamorphosing nervous tissue was outlined, that apparently characterises homologous neuronal populations in two phylogenetically distinct holometabolous insects, i.e.
(3) Holometabolous orders are well defined by morphological characters, but relationships among orders are unclear.
(4) Inbred strains of P. regina are an excellent model system for studying gene expression in the developmental stages of such holometabolous dipteran parasites.
(5) The total and specific activities of the embryonic RNA polymerases are related to the patterns of embryonic RNA synthesis and to the nuclear and cellular events of holometabolous development.
(6) This neural set and the basic structure of the dendritic fields is similar in: (1) different segments (serial homology), (2) the larval stage and imago of the same species with or without a pronounced metamorphosis (ontogeny), and (3) the studied hemi- and holometabolous insects (phylogeny).
(7) This order of insects is among the most primitive of the higher or holometabolous insects, those with a life-history of complete metamorphoses--namely, from egg to larva to pupa to adult.
(8) That holometabolous insects undergo a number of post-emergent morphological, physiological, and biochemical maturational processes, termed metachemogenesis, is unquestionable.
(9) Learning was accompanied by a significant increase in RNA synthesis within the corpora pedunculata of both larval and adult stages of this holometabolous insect.
(10) Adult specific neurons in the central nervous system of holometabolous insects are generated by the postembryonic divisions of neuronal stem cells (neuroblasts).
(11) However, the later the isolation in this holometabolous insect--eggs, first instars, second instars, third instars, pupae, imagoes--the fewer the behavioral effects of this isolation.
(12) In contrast, the response induced by bacteria in holometabolous insects is non-specific and short term, generally losing activity after 72 hr.
(13) The commitment of cells to pupal development in the larvae of holometabolous insects can be prevented by treatment with juvenile hormone (JH) or a JH mimic during a critical period early in the last larval instar.
(14) When we excluded the long-branched taxa (Diptera, shrimp, and spider) from the analysis, the most parsimonious (minimum-length) trees placed the beetle basal to other holometabolous orders, and supported a morphologically monophyletic clade including the fleas+scorpionflies (96% bootstrap support).
(15) A restricted comparison to the embryonal potential in larval and pupal cells of invertebrates, such as in hemi- or holometabolic insects and to meristematic cells in vascular plants is justified.
(16) The procedure offers a rapid, easily adaptable alternative to the reduced silver procedures in holometabolous insects.
(17) We have used internally marked mosaics to determine the anatomical locations at which per expression is required for adult rhythmicity, and thus where the fly's circadian pacemaker is likely located in this holometabolous insect.