What's the difference between horseplay and roughhouse?



  • (n.) Rude, boisterous play.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Investigative reports indicated "horseplay" and questionable emergency medical team care.
  • (2) The majority of the accidents occurred during horseplay or while the children were running or fighting.
  • (3) Circumstances surrounding the injuries included sports (36%), fights (20%), self-inflicted injuries (13%), suicide attempts (9%), incidents related to vocational studies (8%), and horseplay (3%).



Example Sentences:

  • (1) The Tupamaros always had a keen marketing sense, and Mujica’s flashes of roughhouse wit made perfect soundbites.
  • (2) There is, as Van Gaal was saying beforehand, a place for physical aggression in football and it is up to the referee to draw the line, but Nicola Rizzoli was given little option as Holland greeted Spanish sophistication with roughhouse spoiling.
  • (3) Haye's camp had objected to the Chicago official beforehand, claiming that he allowed Klitschko too much leeway with this roughhouse stuff in the previous bouts he had officiated.
  • (4) Late'n'Live is a famous late-night Edinburgh bearpit: a roughhouse environment in which you cross Kitson at your peril.

Words possibly related to "horseplay"

Words possibly related to "roughhouse"