(n.) A small, unendowed college in Oxford or Cambridge.
Example Sentences:
(1) He said: “Almost daily we hear from parents desperate to escape the single cramped room of a B&B or hostel that they find themselves struggling to raise their children in.
(2) Moontain Hostel is a new pad for skiers on a budget, with dorm beds from just €20 and private rooms from €60.
(3) Newham council said some of the women in the hostel might qualify for the 15 units it makes available each year for hostel leavers.
(4) At the end of your journey is the Idwal Cottage youth hostel, and Cwm Idwal nature reserve.
(5) Under a partnership that dates back at least a decade, the Greater Manchester West NHS trust posts two community psychiatric nurses (CPNs), plus a support worker, at the probation service-run hostel.
(6) Staff from Hostel B displayed higher levels of EE, and were more critical, and these attitudes generalised easily into hostility and rejection.
(7) Tomlinson had been an alcoholic for some years and was living in a homeless hostel.
(8) Tweedle added that the ban has meant that it was now less common in hostels, but peoplewere still getting hold of it.
(9) The mothers and mothers-to-be – all under 25, many of them teenagers – have been served with eviction notices by the housing association that runs the hostel.
(10) Hostels are having to care for long term severely affected psychiatric patients discharged into the community.
(11) We recommend the development of a peripatetic service as outlined in this study, offering health care at hostels, day centres and other places where the homeless are to be found.
(12) We hear a lot about homes, and rightly so, yet we hear next to nothing about homelessness, about the people forced to sleep on the streets, in hostels and squats or on the sofas of friends and family.
(13) It’s operated by a young, talented photographer called Bheki Dube and his influence is everywhere – the hostel decor is fantastic – think industrial-chic warehouse apartment with lots of quirky touches.
(14) 73 Kloof Street, +27 21 424 6169, onceincapetown.co.za The Backpack Facebook Twitter Pinterest Founder-owners Toni Shina and Lee Harris have created a homely hostel spread across four adjoining houses with cool courtyards and flowery gardens, a chillout lounge, communal kitchen, health-food cafe and terrace bar.
(15) Data were gathered from 175 residents of 150 living units--mental handicap hospital wards, voluntary and private homes, local authority hostels and parental homes.
(16) The aim was to test the assumption that mass miniature x ray screening of the single homeless (hostel residents) is a cost-effective means of controlling pulmonary tuberculosis.
(17) She was just 17 and she had moved to a hostel in Victoria.
(18) About two thirds of the total time in the two institutions was spent in the hostel.
(19) A decision for hostel care instead of home care was associated with a low level of informal support and the absence of a carer who was a spouse or daughter.
(20) The friend's walls were covered in cheap porn, and every person I speak to in the hostel has ferocious love-bites on their necks.
(n.) An inn; a lodging house.
Example Sentences:
(1) You will find them in former dog grooming parlours, bakeries, butcher shops: tiny little hostelries have been springing up all across eastern Kent.
(2) Farquhar himself suffered 38 shrapnel wounds, and proudly told anyone who would listen that this had been the exact number of hostelries in Stromness before it had been declared a dry parish in 1922.
(3) Founded in 1757, this snug and steamy hostelry is the city’s oldest chop house and all its meals (mains from £5.75) are served with a complimentary sausage.
(4) So, for the record, from today about 320 Independent employees will go up the central elevator into the atrium that once acted as a meeting point for Associated hacks and is now the closest we have to one of Fleet Street's hostelries - a place where staff on the Mail, the Evening Standard, the Independent and others can meet and complain about the boss class.
(5) "The pope's master of ceremonies at the time said the painting was a work only fit to be hung in public baths and hostelrie – and he was spot on," said Lazzarini.
(6) The Plockton Inn is a cosy old hostelry with 14 comfy rooms split between the inn and an old cottage across the street.