What's the difference between humble and jumble?



  • (superl.) Near the ground; not high or lofty; not pretentious or magnificent; unpretending; unassuming; as, a humble cottage.
  • (superl.) Thinking lowly of one's self; claiming little for one's self; not proud, arrogant, or assuming; thinking one's self ill-deserving or unworthy, when judged by the demands of God; lowly; waek; modest.
  • (a.) Hornless. See Hummel.
  • (v. t.) To bring low; to reduce the power, independence, or exaltation of; to lower; to abase; to humilate.
  • (v. t.) To make humble or lowly in mind; to abase the pride or arrogance of; to reduce the self-sufficiently of; to make meek and submissive; -- often used rexlexively.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) You get like three days where you have to show up?” But the younger rival managed to turn difficult questions into an opportunity to boast of his humble background and promise of change.
  • (2) Chelsea, racism and the Premier League’s role | Letters Read more Mighty Manchester United had just been humbled by lowly Leicester City, battered 5-3.
  • (3) The classic Jedi response to subservience can be seen in the contrast between Luke’s first meeting with C-3PO – “I see, Sir”; “You can call me Luke”; “I see, Sir Luke,”; “No, just Luke” – and Qui-Gon Jinn meeting Jar Jar Binks: “Mesa your humble servant”; “That won’t be necessary”.
  • (4) In line with his modest and humble public image, Francis exhibits a strong taste for Italian neorealist cinema, which eschewed Hollywood razzle-dazzle and told morally powerful stories set among the working class.
  • (5) As it has elevated "hygge" (cosiness) into a way of life, Copenhagen has elevated the humble bicycle into a cultural icon, a pillar of its image.
  • (6) Recalling the triumphant welcome into Jerusalem, Francis said Jesus "awakened so many hopes in the heart, above all among humble, simple, poor, forgotten people, those who don't matter in the eyes of the world".
  • (7) Celebrity and success came to him in the George Clooney tradition: when he was older and wiser and better at handling it, when a decade of scraping by in Hollywood, in every sense, had made him humble and more human.
  • (8) Beginning as a humble meat processor in 1955, Farmfoods opened its first experimental shop in Aberdeen in the early 1970s.
  • (9) And you have humbled me with your commitment to our country.
  • (10) Three precious points appeared to be theirs and they stood not only to crown a fightback that had hardly been trailed, but to soothe the pain of the 6-0 humbling at Chelsea from last Saturday.
  • (11) ?” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Boris Johnson ‘humbled’ to be appointed foreign secretary – video There was also bewilderment at Johnson’s appointment in Beijing’s diplomatic circles.
  • (12) Qatar’s royal family may have snapped up Canary Wharf for £2.6bn this week, adding to its London portfolio of Harrods and the Shard skyscraper, but the Gulf billionaires’ property spree has finally run into a dead end – a humble town hall bureaucrat.
  • (13) We honour Otis and his complete and humbling fascination with all things outdoors, big and small, near and far.
  • (14) Koroma said he was “humbled by the dedication” of 35,000 Ebola response workers “whose heroism is without parallel in the history of our country”.
  • (15) From humble roots in Philadelphia, he has more than once gained, lost and regained sway in LA showbusiness.
  • (16) Thus humbled, consider Goethe's admonition as a call to further scrutiny and investigation, "Theory and experience are opposed to each other in constant conflict.
  • (17) Tony Selznick , taught Bowie to roller-skate for the Day-In Day-Out video David came across as very humble and in between careers, almost.
  • (18) But Malala, who has interviewed her and followed her on the campaign trail, found Madikizela-Mandela less than humble.
  • (19) Siti’s mother, Benah, said the Indonesian attacker came from a humble village background.
  • (20) In return for the biggest bailout in global financial history – rescue funds from the EU and IMF amounting to €240bn (£188bn) – it was hoped that old mentalities would change and a nation humbled by near-bankruptcy would finally dump its culture of deceit.



  • (v. t.) To mix in a confused mass; to put or throw together without order; -- often followed by together or up.
  • (v. i.) To meet or unite in a confused way; to mix confusedly.
  • (n.) A confused mixture; a mass or collection without order; as, a jumble of words.
  • (n.) A small, thin, sugared cake, usually ring-shaped.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) British students now occupy fourth place in the ethnic jumble in Maastricht and their numbers are rising relatively fast.
  • (2) The surprise move came after Tuesday's much-noticed stumble, when the US supreme court chief justice, John Roberts, jumbled the words, prompting Obama to follow suit.
  • (3) Spectators were so closely packed that emergency services had to gather up a macabre jumble of body parts, and the final toll was never confirmed.
  • (4) Surely we could manage clothes banks as well, even if they do put jumble sales and charity shops out of business, which in turn are putting ordinary shops out of business.
  • (5) Within a year, however, its jumble of metal shops would be making bombs, the first generation of largely nationalist and tribal insurgents already being replaced by a more dangerous group of jihadi fighters.
  • (6) This statement is a jumble of buzzwords that makes no sense.
  • (7) He compounded the error by offering up a jumbled reply whereas Bill Clinton moved across the stage towards the questioner and spoke about the impact he had witnessed on people in Arkansas, where he was governor.
  • (8) Cascades of golden light overpower the sun, rising from a jumble of massive titanium forms piled on top of each other, part train crash and part explosion in a bullion vault.
  • (9) Promoted as a new way to make art accessible by removing the barriers between exhibition and mass consumption, it was criticised for turning art into a "jumble sale".
  • (10) Why keep daytime TV churning through the wastes of the day on both BBC1 and BBC2 when one channel could do the threadbare run of Angela Lansbury series and jumble-sale reality without anyone missing or caring?
  • (11) In experiment 3, significant effects of familiarity were also observed when the task was to distinguish intact faces from jumbled faces.
  • (12) The hall where it was held is only a stone’s throw from Jaywick , the jumble of former holiday chalets and potholed streets that is reckoned to be the poorest council ward in England: on the face of it, a symbol of the kind of deep social problems that tend to be synonymous with political apathy.
  • (13) We're going to fob you off with some old jumble from the attic."
  • (14) The route that is laid anew each year through the icefall, one of the most dangerous passages though low down the peak, has been largely destroyed and local Sherpa guides who specialise in preparing a path through the jumble of ice blocks and crevasses are reported to have refused to repair it.
  • (15) In the living room beyond, a toilet, bathtub and sink are clustered among a jumble of tools and building materials.
  • (16) To the east, across a deep railway cutting and a jumble of industrial sheds, lie the terraced streets of Leyton and Stratford, home to some of London's most deprived wards, where over a third of children still live in poverty .
  • (17) Jumbling remained an effective variable even when the subject knew where to look and what to look for.
  • (18) The test is also useful in monitoring recovery from jumbling.
  • (19) Nothing of it shows above ground; 20ft down is a confused, inaccessible jumble of rooms, corridors and frescoes, buried beyond the reach of the public, an enormous Tut's tomb with nothing of value in it.
  • (20) But look beyond this thin crust of decent homes – a block-deep Potemkin facade of regeneration – and a sea of jumbled shacks continues to stretch endlessly into the distance.